Is nofap a meme...

Is nofap a meme? I've been doing it for a couple days and it makes waking up a bit easier and I feel a tad more energetic. Is it just placebo?

I'm friends with a guy that has never masturbated once. He works diligently, but has never had any luck with girls.

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I have found that if I masturbate regularly it is very difficult to get it up when doing it with a gril.

So nofap if you are about to fuck someome or something.

It depends on a lot of different shit, I can say in my experience back when I fapped everyday or more, I felt terrible and would get anxious around women, now when I go 3 or 5 days without fapping I have the urge to fuck every chick I see

Seems worth it to me, build up sexual frustration and eventually get lucky and use all that energy to fuck some chick senseless

>I'm friends with a guy that has never masturbated once.

How the fuck you would know?

Month 5 on NoFap hardmode. Still see porn-related dreams. Guess Im not cured.

>fapped at least three times almost every single day since I was eight and still continues today
>now 27 and had my own home bought at 18 and paid for by 23
>go on at least two vacations, internationally, every year and spread a little bit of America into the wombs of the barbarian women of nonAmericans
>"Is nofap a meme?"

The only thing you list is that you feel a bit more chipper, what do you think? Go back to fapping and just run in the morning followed by a quick shower and some breakfast.

If masturbation is what you blame your past problems or shortcomings on, you weren't going anywhere to begin with.


>tfw too smart to fap.

I think no fap works for some people and not others, considering how much division there is on it's usefulness.

How nu male are you and do you have a wife

No, it`s not a meme. It has a base. I`ve experimented with it a couple of times and it has major advantages. I´m too lazy to talk about it now, but try it.

It's a meme, went months without and just got a smelly cock, some leakage and lots of boners

I love wamking doesn't impede me getting up in the morning, going to the gym or attracting women. The pseudo science is cringey.

If you're a porn addict it may help but really, you should seek actual help for that. I fap AT LEAST 3 times a day often more and I'm good.

Fappan takes too long for me to do erry day.
Generally I sleep longer if I fap...Which is a problem. I sleep a lot.

>No, it's not a meme, I'm just too lazy to explain it. Try it.
Not again Germany.

I fap once a week for quite long periods of time, great orgasms and sexual relief. It becomes a time wasting habit if you do it too often.


1) Science says fapping is 100% fine.

2) Countless cultures/philosophers (even up to Nietzsche) claim that there are benefits to "semen retention" (i.e. No fap)

I think the truth lies somewhere in between. Fapping doesn't harm your testosterone levels/etc. HOWEVER, as one of the few /fit/ Sup Forums posters, I do find my performance to be better if I only fap and/or have sex 2-3 times a week - I just feel stronger and generally more "with it", especially for big lifts. I think there's a reason Olympic coaches compel their athletes to not masturbate/have sex/etc prior to competing.

There is literally nothing wrong with masturbation. Porn is where the harm comes from.

key to SUCCess is nofap for 3-4 days then going all out m80, feels way better than everyday masturbation in my experience.

Nofap is literally a Reddit meme.

Fapping out of to nonsense on pornhub makes you feel empty. I'd rather have a loyal woman.

Usually I go a couple of months without fapping but then ahve a blow for a couple of days. Then I read pizzagate and it make me promise I will never take a hard on again.

>I'm friends with a guy that has never masturbated once.
I'm friends with a unicorn named Bobby.

I did it for 3 weeks this month, and it was fun. As a student, over the summer, I'd masturbate more than once a day. When I moved back into school with a roommate, that dropped to ~3 times a week. At the start of November, I decided to see how long I could go without getting off.

It felt good at first, but mostly because I was proud of myself for toning it down. Two weeks in, my sensitivity shot up and I'd start popping boners at the slightest friction. I'd catch myself rubbing my dick against the underside of my desk through my pants, even in class. At that point I decided my libido was getting too much to handle and I broke one night in the shower.

My recommendation from my own experience: Nofap if you can suppress your sex drive. If you're a fucking pervert like I am, jerk off ~twice a week to keep it special while not letting yourself get to the point where you're edging in public.

Not fapping makes me a lot more confident with girls. But I don't care about girls, fap every day.
I haven't tested enough to determine if it helps me in other areas. I can't test because I don't have the willpower to not fap. Too many new macedonian pornographic illustration releases to fap to, gotta keep up.

Fapping is healthy. Jewish porn (all porn) is what you should avoid.

> Science says fapping is 100% fine.
No, (((science))) says fapping is 100% fine.

If nofap works for you then great, but it's still a placebo

>a loyal woman
nice meme


All the supposed pros from no fap can be achieved by simply abstaining from porn.


holy mother of jesus

why is she replying to his comment 2 hours before he says it?

Yes its a meme. Why are you asking faggots on an anime website what you should do with your personal life?

If you like fapping, do it. If you don't like the side effects, don't do it. If you aren't sure go to a fucking doctor. Nobody here is qualified to tell you whether or not you should fap.

It's literally not a placebo. You really think that the urge to have sex is the same for someone who fapped yesterday compared to someone who hasn't fapped all week? (it's not) And you think that the urge to have sex makes no difference in their behavior? It does.


Stop tempting me satan.

jerking off too much is bad, jerking off too little is bad. forcing yourself to go weeks is stupid. once or twice a week should be enough. always do it at night before bed. When you orgasm, you lose some vital energy that takes time to replenish, but if you don't get rid of it periodically, it stagnates.

Total meme

Just eat right , exercise and sleep enough

All 3 will also help you wake up and have more energy

>I'm friends with a guy that has never masturbated once. He works diligently, but has never had any luck with girls.

>doesnt masturbate
>doesnt fuck girls
You are friends with a homosexual.

It's a tumblr comic about long distance relationships.

She's in a timezone two hours earlier than he is.

My doctor literally prescribed my to fap once a day. Can't do no fap, doctors orders

I used to fap daily and decided to do it less frequently. I now do it every 5-7 days or so. Erections are stronger, orgasms are better. More turned on by women I meet.

Nah, legit science says it's fine. And it is.

Realistically, wanking won't harm your health.

Think about it: it's exactly the same as fucking a girl, only with your hand. In ancient times, the strongest/most successful men would be fucking at least 5+ times a day - passing on their genes/etc.

Do you think evolution would punish the most successful reproducers? If anything, evolution would incentivize them to breed (cum) more, perhaps even with benefits.

It's a steam telephone so she needs to burn the coal first.

most doctors are jews

>urge to have sex
Is that always a good thing? Maybe I'd rather not have the urges since they bring only misery.

sometimes a meme can be truly beautiful

learn time cambonigga


kek, for real? Why?

>Maybe I'd rather not have the urges since they bring only misery.

You do not know how to fuck or to fap.

no they're mostly indian these days

What? Heh I only have the one option really desu.

Nofap is a meme, as long as you're not jacking it 3-4 times a day then it's fine (I do it every 2-3 days).

The problem comes from consuming huge amounts of "niche" porn which studies have shown kinda fucks with the brain a little bit. Having said that the amount of porn needed is legit like 6 hours worth

I hurt one of my testicles last year, and had to make several visits to see what was wrong with it. He basically told me it was permanent, but to ensure no infections ever take hold in the testicles, I need to clear the fluids from the tubes daily.

It has something to do with inflammation on the part that attaches the testicles to the little tubes

that's actually a pretty nice joke

not bad


OK. Heh sorry to hear that dude. Well, I guess you're fine.
kek I'd have asked to have that in writing and would have framed it or something.

I think I have the paperwork from the doctor visit somewhere. If I ever find it, I'll frame it.

Hey lads did nofap for like twenty days. but then a few days ago stopped and had the most amazing faps.

Its tough to start back again. My future children depend on me doing it.

This. nofap is a meme but limiting yourself to once a week is the correct way.

A literal meme

It's a meme. I fap 3 times a day and slurp my sperm down to compensate for the lost test and nutrients.

>When you thought Cambodia was Africa tier in terms of internet access and you only just now realized you were wrong.
Learn something new everyday.

I'll do an experiment. I'm 18 y/o been fapping every other day since I was 12. Going to stop fapping completely and post update threads weekly. Would anyone want to see this?

>once a week
No fucking way.

What I hate about it though is how it makes you a bit tired and unmotivated afterward. But I noticed that if I fap after doing exercise, it doesn't have that bad effect. I have a routine now and it's great.

It's really just about not letting it becoming too unhealthy.

And avoid (((porn))) as much as you can. If you're not a subhuman without imagination, you don't need porn (tfw when I still need porn though). You can develop your imagination. That's the thing when you just watch TV and films, not so good for your imagination and creativity. Read more. About both fictional characters and real people. That's what I'm working on. Ditch the porn jew Sup Forums. But fapping is fine.

>Nofap for a week
>Fuck your gf everyday for a week
>Fap everyday for a week
Really made me think

>fuck your gf everyday for a week
never had gf, I can either fap or nofap, but gf stuff is out of the question unless I kidnap someone

I have been on Nofap for 2weeks and I feel energetic, hardly slept, feel like fucking everything thats beautiful, if i need to pee its hard on pecker and its very hard not to edge. More depressed to be honest bu i do have a clearer mind though.

Reminder that pornography and permissive attitudes to male masturbation are universally associated with decreased incidence of sex crimes.

Reminder that women hate that because no rape = no grievances = no attention = no manipulation = no goodies.

Reminder that roasties will NEVER give up their privileges. Reminder that being anti-porn is simply being anti-male.

Most Jews are smart

>If I fap i'm stressed
>If I don't fap depressed

Anybody know this feel?

Fapping helps prevent cancer i once was told

That's good enough excuse for me

I have high testorine so i have to fao everyday sometimes 3 times a day otherwise i breakout or start losing hair,

>inb4 nice excuse400lbs redditor

Nah im actually chad mode n work out evryday since i was 15, that maybe why my testorine is so high plus genetics n no im not a nigger

I stopped fapping a month ago, but I still do anal stimulation and get anal orgasms. Does that count?
Yes I'm gay.

it does. It helps prevent testicular cancer and prostate cancer

>I'm friends with a guy that has never masturbated once.

Same, it's just not something I've ever wanted to do, I don't think I could if I wanted to, it's just a hand. No problems with women.

if i fap i'm depressed
if i don't fap i feel like i need to fap

idk my dude

>If I don't fap depressed
it's almost like it's an addiction eh pierre?

No, your experience is worth as much as any other post in this thread.

You should have spent less time in the gym and more time in the classroom

>taking peoples' word about their masturbation habits
Not too long ago it was just standard procedure to lie about it no matter what.


Seriously, read it. Google the pdf, it's short.

In your twenties, no more than one cum per four days to maintain optimum energy levels.

could be a myth folks.

Check em.


Honestly if you can get girls and you let porn and fapping strain your relationships in any way, then you're a fucking moron.

But for the rest of us, the alternatives aren't pretty. Drugs, hookers and possibly rape if you let it drive you to that. I mean geeze, just let us fap in peace. It's better to avoid porn though.

And don't let any of this shit become an excuse for not being in shape and keeping busy. It really doesn't matter whether you fap or get laid or whatever. It's stupid to fixate on this. That's not your life. You move on. Don't worry about it.


You are just a fag.

I rub one out 4-5 times per day and still get rock hard just in the presence of my gf. You just have a low sex drive or an ugly gf. Or both.

just a personal opinion but i don't think fapping is a problem really, porn is definitely a problem though.

i'm weening myself off porn at the moment, only using once a week. if i get horny and imagination isn't enough apart from that i've been using more tame stuff, cute girls doing asmr and other non descript things like that...

i used porn a lot for quite a few years though so it's taking a while, but i definitely feel more attracted to actual women i interact with.

Its Natural to do it but you'd be better off not doing it.

Those fucking statues though.

Im a mobile cuck i speeled it wrong once n now its save like tht

Underage fucking leaf.

Age a few years and try fapping daily, see what happens.

Also post gf or she's ugly

Been doing NoFap for like 2 weeks and multiple 1 week stints before. Ive noticed:
-More energy
-Girls looking at me
-Better school results
-Skin clearing up (Acne)
-More energy

>Being this much of a cuck

>i definitely feel more attracted to actual women
You sound like a faggot

You should watch porn like a real man

Too bad you can't anymore britbro

I fap every 4hours
Feels good.

>-Girls looking at me
You're just noticing this more and interpreting it in a different way.

Could be. Either way it makes me feel better.

I feel like me emotion are multiplied by 100 and because i feel mostly sadness...
I could cry while watching a movie for exemple if I didn't fap for a couple day.
Sometime I fap not because i feel an urge to do it but because i want to feel empty and scared again

I'm 28 faggot.

you fuck any.?