Why are Slavs so different than other white people?
Why are Slavs so different than other white people?
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What makes them so autistic?
We're really diverse, for example in Russia there's been a lot of mixing with dozens of different ethnicities
Because us Western-Europeans are extremely individualistic and Slavs aren't, also thousands of years of living apart has created a similar but very different religion, culture and philosophy.
Our Western European way of doing things is currently destroying our countries, slavs don't have that problem.
I always wondered what made them so subhuman.
never met a slav
i live in the real world
More diverse than us Americans?
and we all know that race mixing creates unstable monsters.
Plus russia is really cold, so that means more testosterone. And in turn more violence. Probably, also something something alcohol.
Seeing that is a Dutch number plate I think those are Dutch guys playing sub-human simulator.
They're not. Russia has taken since Peter the Great lots of Western ideas. For instance his attitude towards the Russian Orthodoxy is similar to that of the Austrian Josephinism. If you read anything closely, you would fucking get that Russians are like a mirror to Westerners. They hate the Poles and think it's better to follow Westerners
they are sub human with deformed facial features and a genetic predisposition to sub servience and drug addictions
they pretend to be nationalists when really they can only function with gibs from other superior countries
they will just get gibs from Russia if not from the EU
fuck them all
Jesus no.
beacuse they were serfs for whole history and 100 years commies, it's a fucked beyond repair
Too much Aryan DNA
maybe, but just maybe because germs didn't fuck your country so bad, call us in 30 years, when shitskins do their job, we will see which part of Europe is better
They aren't really
its both a good thing as a bad thing really as you may have noticed.
If there are no shitskins, and no jews in your nation, then the natural behavior that you have now is the most superior one.
if there are shitskins, then of course the other one...if there is an extreme amount of violence in their blood, and there is a good source to take it out upon, like the lesser races, then it will be so.
this "no violence" "yes violence pls" switch is very hard. It plays an extremely large role in reasoning and behavior, even culture and hobbies. When a person is geared towards violence his lifestyle changes, his mind changes, his habits and free time things change. The way he approaches pic related changes.
its a tiny switch...
I think that in the future we will have grown further and actually move away from the switch, we will have ultra violence as the slavs do, but only against those which qualify for it. More targeted and better selective violence would probably happen.
Maybe they're not white?!?!?!?
because we are the niggers of the white race.
like you are one to talk
our golden age
> they were
> they
who are you? jew?
What's with the track suits? Seriously. Do they do it ironically or is it totally normal? Almost all of /fa/ were squatting slavs for Halloween.
nobody likes poles. stop swallowing american cum and demonizing russia.
> totally normal
This. It's cheap, massfactured and most slavs don't give a shit what to wear.
>t. Russian disinfo agent
these pictures are a 90's relic, don't see that often. maybe alkohol addicts who slowy but surly die off one by one, making it even more rare. (at least where I live).
>Plus russia is really cold, so that means more testosterone. And in turn more violence.
Yes, for sure, I mean just look at those monsters in Sweden and Norway, chimpout all day every day.
We aren't.
Pic related is more or less exclusive to Russia, Ukraine and a little bit less in Poland. Its different gene pool, generations of living in total shit and despair, communism, plus in some parts of Russia and in south Ukraine racemixing with finns and different asiatic tribes led to what you presented in op pic.
because a real man shouldn't care what they wear, you stupid retarded feminized nigger
oh hey hey
I always wanted to konow.
What is common opinion about my country?
Western white people have too much empathy, eastern white people have too little.
in finland it is kinda so though, "perkele" and with the additional stabbings and nationalistic things that they have there...
the swedes and the Norwegians are a special breed, perhaps they became so tame, started to move away so far from their natural testosterone, tried to suppress it so much that they became uber cucks.
When was the Soviet Union, the differences were smaller. We just had a different ideology, but we were white men. But poverty, banditry, drug addiction and the war made us what we are.
My people make fun of Poland for unknown to me reason, just to bully you i think. Very negative overall
Seriously though where did the squatting in tracksuits and smoking tradition come from?
>exclusive to Russia, Ukraine and a little bit less in Poland
Of course, unlike the Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Slovaks, Montenegrins, etc.
They do the same in Mongolia, that's probably where it came from.
doesn't look like anything to me
They're different because they're different, period.
They're a different race of people.
They exhibit behaviors that make no sense to any other race, like squatting in the middle of a road and on the sidewalks forcing people to literally step over them, and for cars to drive on the sidewalk to get past them.
These people are obviously not white and we should just get over it.
genghis khan
In here is mosty the same. But rather for historical reasons.
btw. i have actually ask guy from Belarus. I'm especially intrested, because i consider them historical lithuanians.
But thanks anyway russki.
If you want common opinion of belarusian people about something, take russian one and add "but in general we don't give a fuck".
In this case, cunning half-western country with cultural domination habits but not really bad guys and time from time even bros.
It exists in all of Eastern Europe, it is not Slavic meme.
This thread is about slavs, not turks.
I'm a slav in America tho
Slavs different because our lives are rougher so we don't have as many pussies and cucks.
"white people" are anyone who evolved north of x parallel on Earth, x parallel being whatever definition of whiteness you prefer according to pol. Asians look different structurally, but the northern ones are still white-colored, and the southern ones are still dark. The color gradient isn't the same because pigments evolved differently ("yellowness").
"White" isn't a biological concept. It depends on context.
Track suits were a sign of high income when they used to be imported (expensive). That's why.
>Shprot talking.
haha nice meme jew
proto-European here, go test yourself
thanks mate, it's nice to read that
I have no idea what that is even supposed to mean
they aren't white.
I live in a Slavic immigration area & all the Slavs here openly hate the country they're from & the ppl there & change their names to something Anglo as soon as possible.
That tells you all you need to know.
And there are more Slavs?
62% whites including Slavs talk about who is and who isn't white... only on Sup Forums....
Squatting is better for your back's alignment and it's common in developing or near developed countries. My Russian internet buddy squats on a cheap wooden chair and told me that even though he could buy a nice desk chair he can't stabilize a squat on it and it isn't as comfortable. Those tracksuits are commonly faked and cheap as hell to buy as a result nowadays, imports are as expensive or more so here so it used to be a status thing. Russians always dress for the situation and the trackwear is comfortable and casual enough to hang out with your friends in.
this is a road between Spain and Portugal you migrant fagot
Really mehmet?
So I kind of know this Russian dude in my neighborhood. He buys and resells vehicles, a lot.
He's a fucking genius in that way. He turns '70s $400 auction Mercedes' into $10K Harleys in a week. The neighborhood looks like a used car lot sometimes, but a nice clean one. The fucker works all the time, and moves vehicles.
Like every Russian I've ever met, he was initially cold and unfriendly, until I killed that shit with kindness, and assured him I wasn't a spy for the state.
Anyway, one time he was cleaning his gutters, in his usual flat cap and track suit, squatting 14ft in the air, as we talked about his new Electra-Glide. I wanted to take a pic so bad, but I would never.
I like Russians.
yeah, it tells you that you got worst kind of people, toilet cleaners, good luck with them
First two from the left are spyes.
Those subhuman facial aesthetics.
kys srs
Post your shitskin
I am a 10/10
hence the national Adidas tracksuit uniform
Post your litlle german rat face.
Not with our immigration laws. They've all got at least a master's degree in a science related field.
The truth is all the best ppl are bailing from your corrupt shitholes and you're left with nothing.
Don't be jelly cause you couldn't make it out if your hole.
>The truth is all the best ppl are bailing from your corrupt shitholes and you're left with nothing.
best people don't bail, we stand and fight to make it better, only retards look for easy way, we should stop with free education
>I live in a Slavic immigration area & all the Slavs here openly hate the country they're from & the ppl there & change their names to something Anglo as soon as possible.
I would also want to change my name as soon as possible if my name was Mыкoлa Пapacюк.
>Not with our immigration laws.
>Letting in shitloads of """"refugees""""" with no questions asked
Sorry self reply.
So what I dig about the guy, is that he's about my age, and old enough to live under real Communism. You can tell that as a kid in St Pete's, he dreamed of owning a Harley like the ones he saw on bootleg VHS tapes. Now he has two. You can tell he has a thing for 70s Broncos. He has two. He also maintains his possessions with great pride, like they have value beyond dollars.
The dude is living the dream, and I feel like a lazy Western newmale compared to him. All my things acquired too easily, neglected, broken and devaluating as I sit here and smoke weed and shitpost and think about the things I'm going to do when Kanye is free from the shackles of the Illuminated.
God has His ways
Actually, I do agree that's an issue. I don't see how the situation can improve if the most educated ppl bail to western countries.
I dated a PhD biology from Poland, she kept saying that poles are ignorant & have no ambitions, that she wouldn't even go back to visit her family.
I dated a PhD maths from Russia and she kept saying that nothing good can come out of Russia, that only failure can come from there; she avoided the subject and insisted it had nothing to do with her.
I guess we can thank slavland for educating our scientists for us.
Its Finnic genes that make people Autistic. Mongolic/Turkic Genes remove empathy.
Slav is a really broad term. The further east you go the more mixed we are.
Its the genetic mix, combined with generations of Soviet Socialism that crushed our spirit and individualism.
>been able to go to a college and finally get a phd for free amd without debts
>emmigrates to the western academia for a decent paying position and tells stories what a hellhole Russia is
We need to stop the brain drain or we will end up like Ireland. Devoid of all intelligence.
lots of cold weather forced them to sit inside and drink alcohol even when pregnant. also communism.
stop persecuting nationalists and allow jew hate, maybe we will return then.
Never trust a Russian.
still mad you got steamrolled
>sometimes asian admixture
>different selective pressures(hajnal line)
>commies killing off a lot of the intelligent class
You must be fucking stupid. Thousands of Slavs here in the USA, most are blonde haired, and you dont notice them because they blend in so well.
because they are not white people, duh
I've never met a Pole, that would admit it, here in America.
The Poles I suspected, were just awful people.
dude russia has the biggest amount of active neo nazis in the world what are you even talking about mr colgate
they were worn by the Russian athletes in the 1980 Moscow olympics because Adidas offered to make them. they were a symbol of status in the Soviet era due to the outlaw of western products and now it is the choice attire of gopniks(hoodlums:US,chavs:UK)
I didn't know that. Thanks.
prison for nationalists, too many mudslimes too, they liek jews too much as well.
Also, even a lower racial realism rate than europe, if thats even possible (probably because they were indoctrinated by marxism for two generations)
still a high rate of alcoholism, and cigarette use as well.
look in stores for people who buy sunflower seeds and cheap beer
overdosed on redpills
we know islam is incompatible with civilization and collectivism is shit
the west doesn't know, but will learn
>collectivism is shit
not in an identity and preserving homogeneity sense it isn't