>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>A Message from President Elect Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Trump ditches media to eat a well done steak
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Clinton landslide
>SJW Meltdowns 1
>SJW Meltdowns 2
>Trump Saltmining
>Liberal Tears and Rants
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Death of the Democratic Party Edition
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Blumpf BTFO
Anyone mind maga hatting this for me?
Pence/Prebius running the show , Trump = clown, nothing will change establishment already won
Is this intentionally the stupidest thing I've ever seen?
I always imagine the flannel as a jacket, then I see Momiji drinking canned beers and shooting her shotgun in the woods.
kek what a mess
is she a retard? why would she read a CNN article and believe it?
Low effort b8! SAD!
It's 2016 and Sup Forums still isn't memeing WHITE BABY BOOM
>A 2016 U.S. study found that church attendance during young adulthood was 41% among Generation Z, compared with 18 percent for Millennials at the same ages, 21 percent of Generation X, and 26 percent of baby boomers.
>yfw the next youth rebellion is to be a religious conservative towards their SJW green haired xir parents
At this rate, I will have to keep replacing my Nate Silver.jpg every other week
Keynesian theory in a nutshell is that the government should cut taxes and increase spending when the economy is in recession to restore growth. And when the economy is growing, the government should increase taxes and decrease spending to bring down the debt.
Sherri Papini, the White woman kidnapped by Mexicans in California, confirmed as Trump supporter (pro-White, anti-Muslim & pro-Amerindian-LARP too). Her pininterest with pro-Trump memes:
When you see the Left & lugenpresse attack her, that's why.
CNN did not fabricate the picks faggot, look em up,all Pence's guys
economic prosperity first
paid parental leave next
then the babies will flow
What a great Source user
Yeah I remember that part of the Constitution about building roads. Except not, because that was done by private turnpikes and local city governments back then.
You're retarded. Infrastructure for stimulus is Keynesian. Ditch digging is a strawman people use to argue against sane Keynesian policy.
Is this on purposely retarded?
Tim added an extra word there it should be "We're going to cease being a party."
This is what I'm counting on. Seeing my liberal sister and numale husband raising their sons and ingraining them with their SJW bullshit. They will rebel and lead the next generation to carry our flag.
What did he mean by this?
>next youth rebellion is to be a religious conservative towards their SJW green haired xir parents
Sounds about right...
Filter the Macedonian flag. He's been spamming Trump threads for weeks.
Enjoy your filter faggot
>Tfw there's still hope
What a smart... woman! (?)
Kek Merchant here, where's the option to purchase self-serve ads directly? Shit has changed in the past month. I have to email someone and I haven't gotten a response yet. Any ideas?
Joe Scarborough actually gave a reason for Romney that I hadn't thought of : After Bush, Shillary, and Obama, the State dept is so political and bloated that it basically needs to be broken and rebuilt. Romney just so happens to have that experience of breaking down large companies.
In other words, he's a snake, but he eats the other snakes. It's quite possible he's only going to be SecState for a couple of years like Shillary was.
Trump's emphasis on results pretty much ensures no one gets a free ride, so his cabinet appointments are not so strictly important as long as his priorities are in place.
wew lad
Gotta get rid of Soros first.
>all Pence's guys
And how would "Trump's guys" be different?
anybody have the link to any videos of tim ryan saying how the democratic party is basically rek'd ?
>black power sign being held by a white woman
God, I'm so glad these retards lost the election.
>muh safe space
I for one stopped pulling out with my gf. Gotta get to work on producing my 5 white children
Conservatism is punk rock
>coming home.
That is the key.
We need powerful subliminal messaging here. We need to recall people to their native duty and their real and actual interests. We need to hammer it into their brains and wake them the fuck up: This is OUR country. We have a right to make demands on others and new comers to respect it, to keep it safe and clean; to our own culture and to demand others and newcomers to accept its fundamental values and respect its outward manifestation and celebration, etc. If we don't demand this, then as Trump said about borders "you don't have a country anymore."
Our culture also has borders; for example, we celebrate Christmas here. Either accept it or leave.
We need this here in the USA but also in Canada, the UK, Australia and in EU countries; otherwise Westerners will not have nations and we will be gradually colonized with literally nowhere to go.
>implying whites didn't fuck during election night
expect a lot of kids to be burn during July or August
2016, the Golden Year of Sup Forums
All the happenings, Trump elected, the DNC will be dead and more. It has been a true joyful year, Big league.
I hope you and Joe are right, I still think that Tulsi would be a great choice, but if that's the case then Mittens might just prove everyone wrong
I hope Tulsi get's a job as ambassador or something, she's too reasonable and good to be associated with the dems
> met with the President of Mexico & Egypt
> stock market at 19000
> consumer confidence at it highest since 2008
> Carrier keeping their US factory open
> not even President yet
enjoy your niggers and fags and never winning another election ever again democohens
If you need to ask, you don't own a mirror. Otherwise that would be the stupidest thing
I'd rather Giuliani do it.
He cleaned io that shithole NYC. He can clean up State.
He campaigned on nationalist non interventionist center-right working class platoform, goverment so far is corporation shills and Israeli firsters (pompeo) and soon Romney who will not be buddy wiht Russia at all.
Coulter has panicked about Trump a couple of times already
I think it's because she's been getting betrayed by Republican politicians for 40 years so she has developed a confirmation bias for detecting future betrayals. She panicked over the so-called "softening" on illegal aliens back in July, for example, which turned out to be fucking nothing
Agreed, but the Zimmerman trial was something truly magical.
This is the true blowback of leftist policies. Not trump, not brexit. Liberals have turned an entire generation against them, and people don't get more liberal as they age.
My president
I couldnt be more proud
I don't fucking know!! I can't tell! Is this the liberal endgame? We all become genderless blobs of fat?
More like 2020
democrats in exile for 1000 years
I cunt hear you filtered fag
>forgetting Abe
Don't forget that we're best friends with the Brits again.
i've filtered Macedonia too senpai
>Liberal End Game
Almost user, close enough
Why do liberal cucks keep saying they are "terrified" of Trump. WTF is he going to do? He says he will make America great again for everyone. Do they think he's going to gas people in concentration camps or something? He also says he wants to get along with any country that is willing to, including Russia, which means that there probably won't be new wars. The only war will be an escalation in commitments to the war against ISIS to finish them off, and then probably leave Assad so that there won't be a power vacuum. I don't understand what they are "terrified" of. Trump doesn't really care about gay people like Pence does too.
ol horseface is just a little spooked is all
Their preferred term is wizards harry.
> white person wearing fuck white people all over themselves
If it wants to get laid so bad maybe it should loose some weight.
tfw the Republicans will be facing the Libertarians in the next decade
>He campaigned on nationalist non interventionist center-right working class platoform
And how do his cabinet picks differ from this?
>and soon Romney
Lmao, opinion discarded. 2/10 shill.
He's such a faggot and is wrong about everything
>Tfw the Obama kids are going to grow up during a Trump presidency
Apparently it's an edit of an anti Obama comic.
The next 8 years will be amazing
I really have to wonder, what will President Trump's biggest achievement be¿
>next youth rebellion is to be a religious conservative towards their SJW green haired xir parents
Why do you guys is guys believe that SJWs today will be SJW in 10 years?
This is how life works. When you are young and stupid you are liberal, when you grow up you are a conservative. My parents were communists in university, now they are both very conservative.
Oh no, I'm literaly shaking right now
just look at his fucking face
he's absolutely dumbstruck by what he's saying right now
he was sure he'd win
That was bound to happen. Obama is like Kaepernick. He thinks if he shits on the enemies of his daddy he'll come back into his life.
Is it bad if that sparkly drink looks more appealing to me than her?
>what will President Trump's biggest achievement be¿
The nuking of Mecca.
If they had there would be no country for them to loathe anymore
>Democrats completely removed from the political spectrum
>Two party system is now Nationalists vs Minarchists
How did everything go so right?
Don't be a libtard and deal in identity politics. A good argument is a good argument. And I never liked Romney, but at least I can understand some of the reasoning now.
Tulsi wouldn't be up to it. A first time congressman running the State dept? She'd get buried in bullshit. I hope she and Webb get something too, but let's not indulge in virtue signaling for it.
Giuliani is too hot. I'd much rather he get some national security job hunting Muslims or something.
Turning California Red
>I think it's because she's been getting betrayed by Republican politicians for 40 years
This, and I think Trump understands it. He knows there is a shit ton of legitimate and defensive cynicism out there. I have never seen him freak out over it ever, which is smart. He knows actions our louder than words, so he just steams on ahead actually accomplishing shit wherever he can to reaffirm and reassure people.
Fucking Trump is a Godsend but we're in such a desperate state that he's right - we really only have one shot to fix our fucking countries in the West and if we fuck it up it's likely game over. No pressure!
Uwazaj, Anonku
>Lmao, opinion discarded. 2/10 shill.
You retards are delusional with no understand of anything trapped in your little hugbox
I will come back with I told you so, after Romney is SOS
>Trump Wins the presidency
>EM "meme drive" Propulsion fucking works allowing sci-fi tier space travel
are we going to make the galaxy great?
as a Texan, all I gotta say is you better hope Mark Cuban doesn't run in 2020. Mark is a more witty, intelligent version of Trump, down here in Texas when Cuban talks, we listen, 2020 blue Texas??
lurk moar, i've seen it posted like 3 times this week
they're terrified of being wrong because they've lived their lives always thinking they were in the right. being wrong means their entire worldview gets challenged. being wrong they actually have to think about what they've been doing, and the more introspective ones capable of self-reflection will soon realize they've become the very thing they've claimed to hate while most will opt to dig themselves deeper into their ostrich holes
yep, i am kind of prepping myself for romney. i think it's gonna be him.
We need more of these conservative youth rebellion memes. Can't rest and just expect things to happen on their own. Millennials are lost but there's hope for the Pence Generation
>he campaigned on working class platform
Trump's only "pro-working" class reform was keeping jobs in the USA. Apart from that, he is the most libertarian - pro corporation president in decades.
Trump is a corporation shill himself. Everything in his policy platform (low taxes, low regulations) is pro business.
Colonizing the entire solar system.