I think Hillary would've done a good job. Fuck me right?
I think Hillary would've done a good job. Fuck me right?
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You've been lied to.
says the Sup Forumstard
Not sure why you're on Sup Forums if that's how you feel user.
yes, fuck you
to counteract the circlejerk
hahaha what a faggot!! get a life whiteknight, your bullshit is actually driving us.
>reddit meme
>not even explaining why
>just smug passive aggressive insults
wow, I love how democrats stil wonder why they lost when they contnue to insult literally half of america that doesn't act like a yes man to whatever Botoxed whore on the news when she drones on about why if you're a white man you need to fuck off and die for slavery and shieeet.
Yes, fuck every part of you cuccboi.
what a faggot
back to potato faggot
SJW at its best, hahahahaha you pathetic loser think that you can come to shill here. And the worse part is you didnt even did your homework. If I shill to lefties at least I am going to come prepared to actually debate, not like you who only come here to rattle the horns nest, without a clue of wtf you are talking about.
>Fuck me right?
Hillary actually had political experience.
you retard samefagging is if i was trying to have a discussing with myself, this was only to add to my first comment.
Bad bait
you know we have id's and flags right? I cant see you're saying the same thing
Hillary was a corrupt lawyer, didn't pass DC bar exam, first lady, 2 term senator 8 years ago, and a failed secrtary of state that had to step down because she fell and hit her head.
Not exactly valuable political experience.
And you have yet to make a non-meme argument.
Yeah, fucking up Libya, Benghazi, watergate and outsourcing labour to anyone not American.
Your argument is essentially
>Yes I would like to hire wreck-it-Ralph to build my house because he has experience working with buildings.
>yes I would like to hire Hitler to be my lawyer because he has experience working with Jews and I'm being accused of antisemtism
Sup Forums is not just retarded americunt /Reublican/
kys faggot
That's oddly racist of you. Maybe he doesn't speak english as well as you? On pol we don't accept racists like yourself.
Wow you really destroyed the circlejerk with your world class argument
>which angle will win! horizontal flag or vertical!?
>using a meme of a kike on Sup Forums
You have to go back to plebbit.
Go post on the cannibal pedo owned forums. Faggy kike lover.
yes you fucking moron i am not trying to hide the fact that i made 2 replies, because guess the fuck what? I thought of the second one after I posted the first!!! that is not samefagging, GTFO some will get tired of you and redpill you to suicide, seriously 99% are fags, but there is 1% of knowledgeable anons around here that would make your head burst.
I'm sure everything would have been fine. We go through this shit every election. [Candidate] is the devil blah blah connections with undesirable faction x, y, and/or z blah blah World War III. And then fucking nothing happens.