Casey "Vote for Hillary because I said so stupid goyim" Neistat wants to know some "responsible" conservatives to...

Casey "Vote for Hillary because I said so stupid goyim" Neistat wants to know some "responsible" conservatives to follow.

This guy has 5.5 million millennial subscribers on Youtube, this could be our chance to red pill him.

Shall we help him Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

He may be willing to listen to Rand Paul and others with more crossover appeal.


Ben Shapiro? Molyneux?

Get him to follow Stefan Molyneaux

He says he follows Shapiro

General Ghostler

You cant redpill a jew. And by responsible conservative I assume he means cuckservatives like jeb bush or glenn beck

Ask him to do a video review on all wars are bankers war. E.g. how it was "fake". We might redpoll him in the process

since he's a kike he might like fellow kikes like Little Ben Kikepiro

at the very least I'm happy his idea of diversity is exposing himself to opposing ideologies and not the SJW definition of no white conservatives allowed

Jordan Peterson

Best professor ever. Was on the joe Rogan podcast. He absolutely destroys libs

They're both complete kikes thougjh. (although Molyneux is too albeit only like a 25% self-hating jew)

Paul Joseph Wattson

A jew lol. I think you're wasting your time, but have at it, if you think it'll help.

>the british faggot who works with alex jones

for anyone who sees these persons as anything as respectable: just kill yourself

Alex Jones

i'd tell him to keep it safe and family friendly because he's got a good thing going

Molyneux doesn't work with Infowars and is just a regular guest. Trump was on Infowars too and he president naow.


Did you get that opinion from the