Leave Sweden alone

Leave Sweden alone.

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åh nej här kommer alla chubby bombom jänkar


Sverige er dritt. Bare SJW retards der, feminazis og islamister. Starte å bygge en mur mot Sverige ASAP

Swedes are always alone.
Their wives left to talk with the immigrant Tyrone.

ska vi slåss

Vill du ha bråk?

Just fuck my shit up senpai.

stfu quisling

Can anyone translate Arabic for me?

Whenever i read a text in norwegian, my head keeps reading it with a norwegian accent, its fucking hilarious

English is a germanic language, we influenced your language a lot, not the other way around if you think that

sweden is too easy to pick on


Hva er galt med Quisling?

Kos deg med sharia ;)

episkt jagjag mann1 xD

t. 60%

>Can anyone translate Arabic for me?

He said Sweden has cleaner drinking water than America and he's shitposting from his cuckshed while Jalil suicide bombs his girlfriend's pussy.

Question is, do you really want to know what they are saying?

The joke went over your head. Probably Denial of the Rapefugees your country puts up with.


Okay now you have to translate that to ebonics so the burger actually understands it.

>its just a joke dude
I literally shaking rn. Im about to fist my fucking throat from anger you fat cheese drinking piece of shit

They keep doing it to themselves, I'm just sitting here shitposting and getting digits while they do.

ooga booga muhfugga bix nood weed

Men, at svine Sverige til er en national holdsport.

A Norge user wanting all anons to leave Sverija alone. That sun come up yet user?

No, Norway is master race of Scandinavia. Was in Bergen for work (oil) for a while a few years ago. Visited every countfy, Norway wins.

Sweden deserves everything it gets.
The destruction of Sweden and the Swedish people is fitting karmic justice for the sins they committed upon my people

Screw them, I will revel in watching them go extinct.

Två år till valet

rightful swedish clay

Kek, you'll surpass us in ten years. Your government already counts every shitskin born in Sweden as Swedeish and you have 20% of your population being foreign born (which doesn't count domestic born niggers).

unga chunga money fuck nigga

>justice for the sins they committed upon my people
lmao you should be grateful for the superior germanic seed we gifted your mongolian-rat race wombs

Gillar du invandäre kuk?
Den kuk ibland pulserar i din mamma och lillasystra.

Or something like that, havent used swedish in a long time

Too much swampland anyway.

They can come and try to get it.
Oh wait, their army is fucking clawless since they stopped mandatory service, and what remains of it is a hunk feminized mess directed by fucking women and nu males.

>chubby bombom
is this an insult or some gay compliment?

Finland has over a million men in reserves alone. I would like to see Sweden try

Keep being delusional.
>tfw Swedish language will die out utterly within the next 200 years, first in Sweden, and later in Finland, once the last fennoswedes die out.

And the world will be thankful, for finally, no one will have to hear your gay fucking tongue anymore.

He said here come all the overweight yanks

Well, wouldn't go as far as calling us a masterrace, unless you mean a masterrace of numales


Why would they need weapons when they will just pos up your neg hole

You are the best scandinavian for sure

>literally forced to learn swedish in school
>calls sweden cucks

>literally forced to learn swedish in school
>calls other countries cucks

>tfw more people speak swedish in finland than in sweden itself

Svenskjävlar BTFO

I wish we could kick out all the Sweden Democrats

Letar du efter gräl?

Vill du ha en påle upp i röven?

>Fast on the way of becoming a minority in your own homeland.
>thinks that "b-b-but you have to learn Swedish!" is an argument of any merit.

We have to learn English too m8. Knowing more than your mother tongue is quite useful, as you most certainly must know. After all, if you don't know arabic, how can you prep your bull?

you still hanging in there swebros?

Du låter som en förortsblatte Pekka.

Ja min vän

ur trying way too hard there we are the cucks of the swedes which sounds horrible but it's a reality

>t. Åke Peterson.

You Fennoswede traitors will all be dealt with in due time.

everyone I dont like is Cai Göran

Ja ja, jag ska ha en lite roliga timmar med din mormor, Sven-Eric

Är Norge /koseligt/?

Screw you guys.

En sterk grense mot Sverige vil være viktig i fremtiden, men etniske svenske bor få muligheten til å få status som flyktninger og bosettes i Norge om noen år

Sweden thread hell yeah!!!

Wow, must be the most idiotic thing i've read all day. And with all the shitposts on Sup Forums thats quite the achievement.

Here have a gold ribbon

Thanks brother, but we've got some shit to sort out over here.

Muckar du?

Maybe when they stop shitting up the place.

Lider men ja.

Sweden loves being abused Karl just shut up and join.

Honestly, why do you Swedes expect us Finns to have any sympathy towards you?
Do you think that we see you as our kin?
Because you'd be very disappointed if you do.

Tja.. Kun nasjonalistene.. Er alt for mange numales og feminister der. Norge er ille, men Sverige er jo rene fantasiland

Stop speaking jubberish, snow nigger.

Your language sounds like a goat choking on cock.

Murican is the only authorized language on Sup Forums.

Just nuke us already, I'll hold the bridge and make sure nobody gets out, we are beyond saving at this point.

sweden should leave us alone

bajs i huve

Jag önskar vi kunde sparka ut alla svartskallar och judar. Och avrätta varenda jävla vänstertomte.

You are a glorified (colon)y, nothing else
Remember that

Hey look I can speak snow nigger too:

Ahjhh gjihkf shgug Kiki shbdbsees shilu shilass


Muckar duva?

du också

To be honest, most swedes don't care about Finland. And that's if they even know you exist.

No, for years and years the eternal swede has been fuckin up my country, now it's time to sit back and laugh at their misery.

Knulla av. Jag pratar vilket språk jag vill, gå och knulla dig

skit på dig



>Bara kunna ett språk
Amerikansk utbildning allesammans

Finland unlike murica has an actual language, a culture
Had a religion too, until swedes decided it was time to cleanse heresy and genocide some savages



Thats literally your language in a few years, enjoying your BBC president and kike loving president?

Ska du ha stryk, negerjävel?

oh no here comes all the chubby boomboom yankees

tough guy

wanna fight? (latter's literal translation being do you want trouble)

heheh, where do you find all these posts? Man, sweslamists are something for themselfs..


""""""""""finsk kultur""""""""""

Your projection is showing Heino

>Leave Sweden alone

Literally have a target as a flag, wonder why everyone takes shots at you

skämtet var troligen att Sverige är fyllt av invandrare och att du därför skrev på arabiska. Päronverksamheten Sverige.

That's not true, you're just not allowed to say that a group of people are bad :^)

Sweden is cute. CUTE