>be American
>turn a murderer into a celebrity
>tell everyone she dindu nuffin she a good gal because she's white and female
no wonder you have so many shootings and such a gangsta culture in your country
Be American
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No one here knows who that is or gives a flying fuck about it. That netflix documentary about it was just trying to ride on the success of Making a Murderer, but it failed miserably.
But yea she's pretty evil.
oh fuck you, you pastanigger
maybe in shitboot it's okay to convict someone for not seeming that upset over the death of some stuck up broad they met last week, but in civilized countries that is not verifiable evidence
seriously what happened eventually, the documentarys make her believable, i dont know what to think.
And when she tried to frame someone else by claiming she'd seen him do the murder?
Golly, it's almost like being interrogated for hours and hours in a foreign country by someone speaking a foreign tongue causes you to say whatever the fuck it is they want to hear so you can just go home
>Italian police
>understanding detective work and forensics
>too busy shoving pasta fazool in rectum to do actual police work
If you weren't such a retarded group of pasta monkey maybe you could've convicted. But alas, you are retarded pasta monkeys
>Be a retarded pasta nigger
>hate Bush and Americans
>American comes to enjoy your country
>Some paki Brit gets murdered
>find out she was raped
>turns out they found the semen of a "TANNED" (read nigger) German
>turns out he was arrested and charged with rape before
>pasta niggers actually decide to let him go
>pasta niggers hold her without proof because that's how laws work when you have eggplant DNA traveling through your veins
>retarded prosecutor claims American killed her because of a chinese cartoon book called BLOOD+ (shitty vampire manga)
>after holding her for years let her go because no real evidence
It's been 100 years and these stupid niggers are still mad.
This bitch is a total sociopath.
If you have any emotional intelligence, you can see it just from watching interviews with her.