Let's help welcome our Reddit Lefugees with open arms. I'll start:
Let's help welcome our Reddit Lefugees with open arms. I'll start:
/u/spez is the best admin ever.
This post has been edited by /u/spez.
Reddit > Sup Forums
Reddit refugee here, we should have a voting system to weed out the pathetic teenagers who think their opinions are important!
I think that [deleted]
(This message has been edited to make Reddit refugees feel welcome.)
what is the joke here
I'm cryinf so sad Hillary lost the election ): baka the system is riggd!
you only know if you go to reddit. OP and people like him should fuck off and die
Fuck off were full
Sage this faggot slide thread
Can't wait to share our love of BBC with the ledditors
Leddit went full sharia
Reddit must burn
>your turn user
back to r3ddit you go
That editing faggot spez admitted to his fuck up, played the victim card and quietly says "sorry sorry sorry oh yeah we're gonna censor /r/the_donald some more too btw sorry"
thngs i like
1 memes
2 donald trump
3 anime
4 hamburgers
5 freedom of speech
6 reddit sub forums
7 posting at night
8 hh uh4
9 gujwa
10 weo8ja
upvoted ;)
Fuck off, we're full.
So Reddit shot themselves in the foot even more after admitting he altered posts
You fuckers abused the system and aroused the ire of the admins. Now Sup Forums has to take on the burden.
At least it'll make Sup Forums worse.
The left is burning in Kek's holy fire.
You are welcome if you admit that the all powerful god of chaos Kek is the one true God and accept our customs. We will not let you in if you act like rapefugees trying to change our culture.
Pretty much.
Thanks for dinner...and my new car...and everything on eBay.
hello how do i quote?
>At least it'll make Sup Forums worse.
Yeah at least there's that.
>admin pokes the fire even higher by explicitly saying they're against the_donald and trying to get rid of it
>normie cucks obviously cheer for this, but at the same time a lot of other people think "if you remove a man's tongue, all you're doing is showing the rest of the world you're afraid of what he might say"
Could spez actually secretly be /our lad/ ?