With the Pizza gate story blowing up its only a matter of time before some sort of disasterous event takes the spotlight to divert attention. Would pol/ agree?
Pizza Gate Attention Shift
Other urls found in this thread:
I predict another lgbt galse flag shooting will take place to divert mainstream attention
>Would pol/ agree?
I said this weeks ago.
>What is alien invasion
There is no way Trump doesn't know about this.
>Alien Invasion
>Turkey's escalation in Syria
>castro's death
seems they are throwing out tons of baitlines.
Don't get everybody's hopes up. That's bad for morale.
If you want more savage happenings though, you should really consider proposing Central Banking Reform ideas or the outright end of the Federal Reserve (USA's central bank.)
The Elite can handle their pedo faggot friends being take down a couple pegs. They can not handle a sound money system.
That is the one they will pull out all the stops to distract from.
There was another thread about a Craigslist ad in Jacksonville I think. Implying they were gonna be crisis actors
I don't think so, because they seem to be doing OK by ignoring it completely.
It really is up to law enforcement now, and they had better act under Trump. Indeed, they had better lie low until their bosses are replaced with patriots.
That place is just one outpost of a global network anyway
Got to get ALL the normies on board for this initiative to work. They're all a bit busy snapchatting and FB'ing with their iPhones.
Unplug the normies from the matrix and we can do this.
is James Alefantis really Johnny Gosch?
I watched this yesterday, all fucking 3 hours worth. I'd say, for any critical thinkers out there definitely worth a look.
Picture related ( literally )
does anything happen without he government planning it?
Like has a single celebrity ever died of natural causes?
Can't anybody post a craigslist ad?
How do you know its not fake
Kek confirms truth. If we meme how fucking retarded they are for letting these people laugh at us all while we all fight against eachother (left wing vs. right wing, and every other rendition of that facade).
Sup Forums has the power to utilise autism in ways the universe has never witnessed before.
>Johnny Gosch
Hopefully we'll have some anons infiltrate that gig.
We need to go through this, make a list of some locations around the world, and get some troops on the ground getting some intel.
) Search the e-mails for the following code words: cards, favors, extras, officers
2) “London Connection” to CF
3) Saudi Arabia and Qatar connections to CF
4) State Department officials who donated to the CF
5) The Bonner Group
6) Henry Paulson, TARP, major bank that went under as a result of TARP
8) CF investment deals in Africa, specifically countries that have poor records of births
9) Accounting firm who did the books for Haiti's earthquake relief
10) Majescor company
11) Muhammad Yunus (FBIAnon implied this one was very dangerous)
12) Scalia's murder, what he was looking into when he died, and it's relation to the CF.
13) Mark Lamont Hill
14) Barack Obama Foundation, and O'bummer's brother.
15) Projects funded by the CF, where the receiver was small, in a failing industry, and who had people owning/working for it that donated to the CF
16) A “certain Indian businessman” who has been “routinely accused of pedophilia”
17) Cheryl Mills (and where she worked before joining the CF)
18) The Cohen Group
19) Brookings Institute/2014 CHARGE projects
20) The company that put together the advertisement for HRC with all Avenger celebrities.
21) “What constitutes Mark Cuban's net worth?”
22) ALL members of the GOP who lead the “coup” against Trump.
23) Dirty money funneling to CF via 501(c)4, 527, and 4847(a)1 companies/trusts/foundations
24) State Department officials who met in secret with foreign officials
25) “Who is affiliated with the BoD for M Partners, and do they have ties to the CF?”
over and out
Except of course when that level of mind was the minimum threshold needed for adulthood. Been a long time since we raised each other with Self Awareness & Self Actualization.
I predict illegal mexicans kidnapping and murdering white women en masse
/x/ shit belongs on /x/
It's never too late. If everyone realised theirs a fucking eye inside their fucking brain, it would be an unbelievable shift in conciousness.
goyim know too much faggot, they're on lockdown across the internet. where have you been?
it sure does, so move that post of yours over to you fucking pedo sympathiser.
there's* hella tired peeps soz senpaitachi
I love that even Dilbertman admits that it's probably cognitive dissonance
You cunts are too stupid to pick up on your own biases
Belgiumfag again. (See previous threads)
Look at david icke's work. He exposes the truth.
Dig deep friends
I predict massive earthquake in California.
They've had the technology, best solution is to create such a massive catastrophe that people will forget.
My only hope is they don't forget, because I'm a in California and I wont be able to keep shitposting.
lul i used to live a block north of comet ping pong
That list from /cfg/ is old.
There was a writeup on the bonner group that proved that it is the center of a money laundering scheme using entities that David Brock is in control of.
So what happens when no earthquake and no alien invasion happens in the next few months?
Do people admit they were wrong, or do they just latch on to the next happening.
I had never heard of this goon before shills invaded every pizzagate/ewo thread lol.
There's around a 20/1 probability this dude isn't a faggot.
>not intellectually equipped
What kinda crack is he smoking on I want some.
Hello again Belgiumfag, now you're back, please redpill us all on your "babbling" from earlier. The Kybalion was mentioned.
A personal question though, concerning David Icke. Even the lizard illuminati theory?
>I had never heard of this goon before shills invaded every pizzagate/ewo thread lo
So you admit that you're new to Sup Forums?
Are you another faggot jumping shit from Plebbit?
Dilbertman has been meming Trump into office since the primaries
It is old, but not all of these have been investigated properly.
Potential false flag warning:
Pizzagate HOAX To Kill Free Speech?
Look, it's not really important which theory fit most... The truth is that reality is strange. Take with a grain of salt but nonetheless expand your mind.
You're still here being a fucking demonous pedo defender, shits not gonna fly faggot. go suck satans cock some more.
As above, so below. They understand the nature of reality very well. Hidden in symbolism.
We need to wake up.
I've been here for years, but I wasn't around for the elections. That shit was unbearable with all you autists arguing against yourselves.
>There is only one poster on this board with a British flag
Go to bed Abdul.
>I've been here for years
Oh yeah, I totally believe you
You've already outed yourself. Why not go back to whatever site you've come from? You clearly don't understand the culture here.
If it has something to do with politics or politicians, it belongs here. Go fuck a moose.
Have you guys actually made headway in the past two weeks? I feel like nothing new is going on
>With the Pizza gate story blowing up
where?none one in the world is talking about pizza
and if it has something to do with those politicians being reptilian satanic cultists, it belongs on /x/
I'm sorry that you disagree. Take it up with the janitors, not me.
They've probably covered everything up by now, hoping to leave the trail cold. It's not like distractions were needed for past exposure, like the Franklin Coverup and the Dutroux Affair.
It's almost like sperging this shit all over the internet was a mistake
Do you ever wonder why most successful investigations are carried out in private?
>banana leaf
Thai Malaysian is fucking delicious
Nowhere has pizzagate said anything about reptiles. But I do wish janitors would crack down, specifically on leaf shitposters. Dur hur take it to /x/
>Nowhere has pizzagate said anything about reptiles
literally in this thread
Just stop, your messages don't sound as cool as you think
Okay I'd agree with you by saying THAT thread belongs in /x/ but not your normal pizza threads. It's a good change of pace from the 8 simultaneous threads about Trumps tweets. I did mean what I said about leaf posters though. Gotta go
The satanic part is pure conjecture and only a minority of people are bringing it up, here we talk about the concrete possibilities: rich dudes sexually abusing and murdering kids, and covering it up with massive shillfests and threats. Simple, clear.
Whoever carried them out in private was eventually found out and suicided, but I agree, they've likely covered up every trace by now.
What this is useful for, though, is finding names of people to keep watchful eyes on. They'll always get careless at some point. If this whole email thing is legit, they nonchalantly talked about it through e-mails.
There's some of them who are bound to do it again once this whole thing goes under silence and is seemingly forgotten.
This guy gets it
>The satanic part is pure conjecture
as opposed to the rest of this """investigation"""?
You've been at it for weeks and there still isn't a shred of plausible evidence.
The satanic parts are very real too in at least some instances, there's so many victim stories over the years detailing the cult aspects in addition to the abuse. This article is very long but there's some interesting stuff in there isgp-studies.com
But I agree it's better to leave the satanism stuff on the sidelines and focus on the actual murders and rape since it's fucked up in any case, with or without the rituals. At best it doesn't really achieve anything and at worst it just puts people off this thing because it sounds so dumb
I'm sure that intruding and then escaping a bunch of buildings funded by the most powerful people in america, looking for abducted people or human remains, is something your average citizen can do with ease. No big deal.
That's the only real tangible proof we could get.
Our best bet is getting digital proof and that's something only a handful of people around here, if any at all, probably have a SMALL chance of achieving. Assuming these kiddy fiddlers haven't already wiped and moved all of their activity elsewhere, which they probably have.
This is not easy and it's getting actively obstructed.
Why did you publicize everything over Twitter?
It seems like the only intent there was to try the business in the court of public opionion, despite the fact that you had no real evidence.
It couldn't have helped the investigation in any way. You admit this much yourself.
triggers me more than I care to admit.
Where have the /EWO/ threads been? I havent seen them since 1001
I'll second this prediction. Your get clearly suggests the shooter will fire 7.62×51mm NATO rounds. Checkem.
This is probably so inaccurate it's not even funny but would still be cool if true
Well, don't ask me, I wasn't the one mastermind behind the brilliant marketing strategies involved here.
I assume it was bound to happen one way or another, like the people sending death threats like spergs were also bound to happen.
In my opinion: If not now, it would have lasted as a small conspiracy theory for a while and then come out to the general public at a convenient time. It so happens that this whole thing makes the "investigators" look like right-wingers (which most people on Sup Forums are anyway) by focusing on/against the Clintons and their collaborators. And we all know that smearing right-wingers to shill for the left is the media's favorite hobby.
Leaving my opinion aside, this questions sums the whole thing up: Shills are sliding and deleting all of the threads, dear. The main discussion has moved on other premises for this reason.
This man is right, get him a chair, and a rope.
You sound like a reasonable guy, but then you start talking about shills. Especially on a completely insular board like Sup Forums. Sup Forums doesn't promote content and shove it into people's faces like Twitter, Plebbit, Facebook etc. The content is only there for people who are actively looking for it. It's essentially a feedback cycle.
I find it hard to believe that you would need to pay anybody to shitpost, when people are more than willing to do it for free. Claiming that people are being paid to disagree with you and tease you just screams self-importance and cognitive dissonance.
duponte underground tunnels. Alefantis and Dr. Pong named in the manifesto for this "art project" published a few years ago, not sure on the date. Check it out... a tunnel system under washington DC. Dupont is a major pedo...
control + f "alefantis"
It's been reported on a number of occasions. Professional shilling is actually a documented thing too, though it's usually for other stuff.
I'm mainly using the word "shill" as an umbrella term for people trying to discredit and derail something, most of them might genuinely believe what they say and not get a penny though.
There will only be distraction when we discover something BIG
learn to swim
My vote goes to white boi on antidepressants shooting up a mall, office, or school. Second week of January.
cap it.
One last thing:
Listen to the interview to Alefantis
And then you go and read about the Rule 41 ‘legal hacking’ bill that is being tried to pass in America for a while now. If memory doesn't betray me it's gonna be discussed again tomorrow. Convenient timing much?
We might be onto something, but we'll also be the scapegoats.
> Vaccines r little ufos and cause nut breast and vagina cancer, check graphs... (sci archive: little ufo)
>beds r satellite dishes, Google coil array, it's like a radio prison (hamster ball) for u4 cell nucleus of ur back where the nerves r (youtube Aman apeman)
>It's been reported on a number of occasions.
by who? LARPers who """admit""" to being shills?
Also, you'd think that opposing viewpoints would be welcome in this sort of argument. Critics allow the investigation to hone it's focus and strengthen its arguments. You only avoid ciritcal opinion when you're afraid that your argument is too weak to withstand it.
Wonder if the osu was intended to be a distraction
COINTELPRO techniques are old and already documented, the rest is conjecture. You'd think they'll have stuffed some new tricks up their sleeves by now.
Critics are welcome, but most of the critics here have been "this is fake fuck off back to /x/" or the classic "this place says it's fake, case closed bro".
To be fair, the "fuck off shill" comments aren't doing us any service either. The best behavior would be not to engage at all, but since the conversation has already moved to other premises, bumping this whole thing on here is no harm at all.
Neither side has any actual proof on their claims other than circumstantial evidence on the dekektives' side, and the fair presumption of innocence until proven otherwise on the critics' side.
No. One. Has. Proof. On. Either. Side. Which is what we're trying to find to begin with. The smoking gun.
You all are deluded if you think anybody is paying attention. None of this is considered credible. Nothing internet nerds have found would even stand up in courts.
Elites are probably fucking children as we speak, not caring at all.
I fear a false flag like "Alefantis killed by alt-right conspiracy theorist" or "Massive shooting at Comet Pizza by a japanese cartoon aficionado"
see: ghostsofdc.org
so, like these links being posted together with this picture?
It's not like the courts would care anyway. Things will carry on, this isn't the first time something like this has slipped out and it won't be the last, but it will gradually fall back into obscurity
I wonder if any patriot out there is crazy enough to capture mr. alefantis and "question" him for answer? that would be crazy, but in a way super patriotic. i'd never recommend anyone doing such a thing, it's illegal. but i'd give my left nut to hear that pedo spill the beans.
Not only it is illegal, it would also spell our >doom< by making the general public be against us.
They wouldn't even CONSIDER the POSSIBILITY of this whole thing being plausible the second anyone gets violent and it gets linked back to pizzagate. Now they're trying to paint this whole thing as a delusional schizofest, with that we'd be "dangerous nutcases".
This is actually my worst fear in regard to the whole case.
>Best scenario, proof is found and an investigation is pressed. Don't expect the actual body of the hydra to ever be found, it won't, but a few heads get cut. Awareness is raised to the general public.
>Bad scenario, nothing is ever found, diddlers keep diddling.
>Worst scenario, fake flag or actual autist do something against any of the venues named in pizzagate, we get labeled as paranoid schizophrenics with violent behavior, promotes further internet censorship, everyone gets fucked and we are the scapegoat
We'll only know what it likely to happen within a few weeks or months.
Yeah you're right but i meant they would have to get good evidence when they questioned him otherwise it would be a waste. But it's not a good idea regardless. But what about the children.
I don't think there really is any definite body. It's a collection of people with similar interests, many of which know how to apply the mind control methods, you can't really reverse that after it's out there. There will always be a flow of new people into their scene
A confession under torture would be deemed as non-proof because they could argue he made the info up to stop the torture, and any actual proof provided by the individual would be wiped in the middle of whatever "official investigation" it prompts.
You're actually right, my bad.
won't let me post the entire address. (says its spam) put linkis dot com forward slash before the rest... watch the video. they need serious weaponized autist help
Brazilian Pane crash, but it's too small. They need a bigger boat!
Kudos for idea, but you're diverting attention from people talking others into it and spreading, shill? But a decent shill, have a pat on the back.
Prove it
Have you noticed we have a swarm of pizzagate topics not talking about pizzagate at all? The board is being attacked!
Everything I try to post is red flagged and detected as being spam