Reminder that most Americans rejected Trump.
Our flawed democratic system is the only reason an unpopular candidate like him was able to win.
Reminder that most Americans rejected Trump.
Our flawed democratic system is the only reason an unpopular candidate like him was able to win.
how's that recount coming?
46.2 percent is unpopular.
I'm ashamed you live in my country and I'm a connecticunt.
>Most dead people and illegal immigrants rejected Trump
Daily reminder that states choose the president, not the people.
So how about getting someone elected and changing it, instead of whining about it like the little girl you are?
Oh wait, because that's all you know how to do, because the real world is scary to you.
>bet u r a woman anyway
>our flawed democratic system
Thank god your country isn't a democracy.
>our flawed democratic system is NOT because we allow illegals to vote
>its because the rules are unfair
American democracy folks
Reminder that most americans didnt even vote
It's not flawed it worked as intended.
You dense motherfucker, we stopped using the popular vote shit long ago.
Now we have to bomb with communists threads
She knew the rules to the Electoral college and still chose to pander for 70% of NY and CA when she only needed 50%. Trump gave them a proper effort then moved on to get the majority in the most states.
We're NOT a democracy, we're a Constitutional Republic made of 50 democratic elections. Trump won the majority of those by far.
Both candidates knew the system before campaigning. Hillary chose to ignore the blue wall thinking it was a shoe-in and lost because of it.
>flawed democratic system
It's not a flawed democratic system, because we're not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic and everything is working exactly as intended.
reminder by your logic the last four years would've been romney presidency
Yep. Clinton could have lost the electoral college with 99% of the popular vote and that would still be 100% ok with me.
>She knew the rules to the Electoral college and still chose to pander for 70% of NY and CA when she only needed 50%. Trump gave them a proper effort then moved on to get the majority in the most states.
This, and nothing else.
Play by the rules, lose by the rules.
If you want to use the popular vote you should have changed the rules before the election. Hillary lost fair and square, and Trump played by the rules better than her.
You don't get to lose at poker and then claim the results prove you're better at blackjack. The other player was trying to win at poker, not blackjack.
>democratic system
you are either a mexican or a member of one of the many countries we tricked into thinking democracy was a good idea
OOH! A bilingual sign. That proves there was voter fraud.
Most Americans rejected Hillary as well.
Most also rejected Bill Clinton.
Exactly. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Constitutional republics put limits on the power of the majority to ensure the minorty doesn't get screwed over.
>Our flawed democratic system
Your tears sustain me.
wrong. most americans don't vote. She won the popular vote by a small % give or take a few million illegal votes
It doesn't.
It only proves that Trump is right in wanting to make English the exclusive official language of the US.
Whoever doesn't spea English and lives in the US is NOT a citizen, and therefore doesn't get to vote.
Yes, he's a fucking loser that got lucky because he pandered to ignorant rednecks like you.
1 post by this ID.
>Reminder that most Americans rejected Trump.
Reminder that most Americans rejected Clinton as well.
>Call Trump's voters uneducated
>Half the democrat vote are welfare niggers and latinos
Let's not sugarcoat it by only saying "most".
The fact is the MAJORITY of Americans rejected Trump.
>Constitutional republics put limits on the power of the majority to ensure the minorty doesn't get screwed over.
Then how do you keep the majority from getting screwed over?
reminder that you still fucking lost
Depends on your definition of American though
>surges past 2.2 million
>2.2 million + 0.1 million
>surges past
just wait a year they'll probably raise it to 6 million.
Reminder USA is not a democracy
Your salt is delicious on my freedom fries user.
>Reminder that most Americans rejected Trump.
Because nobody ever talks about that here. Ever.
The majority of Americans rejected Clinton as well.
The majority still has the most power. The minority has rights though.
nigga you miss the third language?
>linking /trash/ ironically
best girl
Stay angry you worthless fattie. Your anger brings me joy. :^)
Seeing as she didn't break 50%, it looks like most Americans rejected Hillary too
REALLY activates your almonds, huh?
Reminder for the billionth time that we are a Constitutional republic, not a pure democracy.
Trump won more states than Hillary, which is why he will be the next president.
> Less than 50.1%
Canadian education everybody
>Democratic system
I don't care. You can whine all you want, but ultimately the Electoral College decides who becomes president, just like always.
That said, since we had two *ahem* highly controversial figures as the nominees, I hope they do their job and don't blindly follow the majority in each state rule.
What you don't seem to get is that the electoral college represents the American population based on samples (people who vote). Choosing the winner based on only the samples, instead of the populations they represent, wouldn't work. It would just be a contest of higher turnout, which is what the EC prevents. Rather than do or say anything, Trump and Clinton would just be competing to offer the most free Uber rides to the polls. Also, a popular vote especially without voter ID laws would be decided by illegals.
>Reminder that most Californians rejected Trump
Oh wow, I didn't even realize. God damn, Western democracy is so shit. We should start using systems like MMP more often, make things a little fairer.
I like how this is clearly meant to rub it in the faces of Donald Trump voters, with the picture of happy Hillary and everything...but it doesn't bother me at all, knowing Donald Trump is still going to be the President and Hillary voters will whine for four years about how the system they both knew the rules for is flawed because it cost her the election.
>Donald Trump beats Hillary 306-232
This is like a game of Football. Trump won 28-13
>Hillary won the popular vote 64.95m-62.5m
This is like Team Hillary having 545 yards of offense, while Trump only had 319. Also, states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan are turnovers.
By the logic presented by the troll OP, and morons who actually agree with his trolling sentiment, Getting into the scorezone doesn't matter, but everything you did in between does.
Reminder that this is all that matters.
"Most Americans" didn't vote.
Are you aware of your national population CTR?
Illegals aren't American.
Yasss qveeeen slayyy
Most Americans didn't vote.
kek, not even Bill voted for her
Remember that lazy stupid stoner California is the reason for the popular vote dumbass. Im guessing you are from there as well
Lel, what saga is that episode from?
Saiyan, when Goku dies and runs on the Dragon Road thingy. They're literally playing Russian Roulette.
America's a Republic, fag.
We're not a democracy you shitwit
Bait, but I'll refute your logic.
>Implying that California and New York should decide who gets the presidency while 48 other states don't get to solely based on population.
Hahahahahaha I bet you wanted him to win just so you could say that
If the system is so shit, why weren't you campaigning to have it changed before the election?
Oh that's so sweet. and those trips.
admit it, you wanted to lose, you enjoy victimization too much. While I live my life you will still be a victim here or somewhere else nothing will change that
Now here's a big one, please don't kill yourself, because I don't want that. There is a difference between being a loser and being a victim, and your not even a waterboy, your in the stands.
*waits 5 seconds for physical attack
Now let that sink in
B-b-but it's already that way, electoral votes are based on population!!!
It's rigged!!!!!
Reminder that you shills actually lost the popular vote by several millions and are going to be BTFO forever when Trump's based Supreme Court pick is going to pass a law demanding strict voter ID regulations in every fucking state.
>most Americans rejected Trump.
Most AMERICANS accepted and voted for Trump.
The three million illegals and dead people shouldn't be counted.
I wonder how long it is until CTR's contracts all expire
I wonder how much taxpayer money is still in the chests to have shills flooding the boards throughout the whole Trump presidency
why are women so bad at math?