No human can be illegal. Get over it fascist, your on the wrong side of history.
No human
Other urls found in this thread:
>fuck laws and shit
We are truly one human race and one universal energy. Man made borders are just artificial, here to divide us.
Sure doesn't feel like the wrong side.
>he doesn't know what most non-whites do to doggers
Erryone knows what u baby dick white bois do to youR dogs
>ooga booga indeed
otoh you're on the wrong side of correct spelling. incorrect spelling is symptomatic of not enough book reading; besides whoever is not OCDish about spelling is not an intellectual.
Well if a stranger try to cross the "border" of my house, my dog get pretty pissed off.
>No human can be illegal.
*leans in to mic*
No. History is made by Whitey and you will study it in the school we allow you to attend. It's "you're" not your. A compound word of "you are". Just try to help a delusional SJW. OH, and fuck the left, right in the pussy.
Yeah, we let them bite the fuck out of SJW Negras.
Woof, woof, monkey boy.
>your on the wrong side of history
Does anybody actually know what that's even supposed to mean?
Oh better empty the prisons out then. Cause ya know no human can be illegal.
Boy that is some stupid shit
>not knowing doggo's are redpilled as fuck and hate niggers.
Top KEK.
No human can be ilegal? That's awesome. Can me and my 27 cousins move in with you?
Dogs have sensitive noses and can not stand the stink of niggers
Dogs are red pilled animals, They look after their own and viciously tear apart threats to their packs well-being.
You're one of those special kinds of retard aren't you?
I bet you're unemployed, smoke weed and complain about "carbon footprints".
Please leave your parents house and go experience the real world
You ain't even got to ask, cause ya know..
no human can be illegal
You can call them "most honorable guests" if you want. As long as they get deported, it's fine by me.
Nah, ideology and religion is what divides humanity to such a extent, Those are what countries are formed to protect,
Try abolishing religion first rather than trying to put a Bear and a Lion in the same cage and expect them to get along.
If the court decides having a third child is illegal, and you have a third child despite that, it is an illegal child.
If the court deems it unlawful for someone to cross the border without prior consent of the state to acquire citizenship or asylum, and they do so, they are illegal migrants.
If this is some dumb attempt at a reductive origin argument then maybe you need to eat a bucket of unwashed raw chicken.
It is up to the society to decide who is legal and cherished member of itself, and who is illegal, undesired, and unworthy. Just be glad we don't practice branding and outlawry for this.
Most countries in the world, including all that you think are superior to the US, practice border control and immigration control. And you do NOT want to be "illegal" in China or North Korea.
Fuck off, you Soros paid faggit shill.
Thanks for the flag.
All trolling aside this makes me want to glass the whole Middle East that's so fucked
>be a child sold by child traffickers
>law passes saying that no human can be illegal
>all the people that raped me and sold me got away scott free
Thanks obama.
literally kill yourself.
>no human can be illegal
>except when they break a law, like crossing the border without permission
I'm on the side of history that every civilization has been on. The side with laws.
Yes they can. If they are an illegal citizen
>prove me wrong commie
I'm not paying for your pet brown people faggot.