Give me one spec of hard evidence that god exists and ill become a christian.
>Protip: you cant
Give me one spec of hard evidence that god exists and ill become a christian.
>Protip: you cant
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He gave me these digits
You're too shallow, Mr. Atheist. That's why you can't see the truth of God in what you so hastily, and without basis, assume in your very own argument against the Christian God! You're like the fellow tormented by thirst who sees his reflection in the pool and admires his cosmetic veneer rather than looks beyond the mirror to the life-giving liquid. Jesus is the living water which if who man who thirsts will drink freely as he may, he shall have rivers of living water flow from his own bosom! Be silent, parched mouth, long enough to see the ripples in the water from the pounding of the arguments you breathe forth. Hear what you are saying, then hear what He says, for without Him your argument is impossible. Then drink and never thirst again!
Be converted, oh atheist reader, to ALL the truth, beyond that which you arbitrarily assume, to all the truth of God. You are a fallen man with a depraved intellect whom Christ shed His blood on the cross to redeem, both spiritually and intellectually. Believe in Him, and be forgiven. Forsake Him to persist in your stubbornness and sin, and you will be damned.
Im not an atheists
Do this, and you will be given your hard evidence.
Ask God, with a sincere heart and sincere desire to know Him, for a sign. You can specify the sign to some degree "God, if you exist regardless of religion, let me see a butterfly today" He will show you a butterfly, but don't complicate it "a purple butterfly with black spots" something simple. Remember, leave religion out of it. There is a God, it is not a religion deity.
He is defined as existing, you can debate religious texts but the common concept of a monotheistic God is a definition of the world, not a claim.
also give suficient time, it may or may not happen instantly but within the day or week you should have your answer. Stay focused, watch for the sign whatever it might be "God let me see Wojack driving a racecar" etc. "Seek and you shall find"
Doesn't exist. Just like God.
Why do you have to beleive in God and Jesus? Jesus was just a philosopher. Surrounded by talented story tellers.
>The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.
>He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” Jesus then left them and went away.
know what imma do this for shits and giggles if it works ill suck your dick no homo
Sen Turksun lan
Laws of energy conservation and casuality
Because those specific stories formed our modern western minds, we are Christian whatever we claim we are.
We must name Christ to bring Him into our story again as the foundation where He always belonged, there is no story without Him, just chaos and death.
Because muh dick
so im supposed to give you evidence of a godly being who in all likely hood is on some completely different dimensional plane of existence.... and you say atheists are the smart ones
>conservation of energy
>no mathematical proof for this "law"
I like Jesus the philosopher. I just dont believe he is the son of God. I was saying believing in God and Jesus isnt mutually exclusive. I believe in some sort of universal dirwction by supreme architecture. Wether or not there is reward in some other plain of existence after death is unlikely, but up for discussion.
the """law""" doesn't even apply to dark energy, so yeah...
point emerging probably entering
Everything can't come from nothing, so is the law of existence. As per our current knowledge, the universe began with the big bang, when a hyperdense lump of matter exploded into everything we know today. Now let's examine the ways this lump could have come to be:
A) The universe is in a constant cycle of collapse and expanse, collapsed universes start big bangs. However, observations show that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate (
hike more.
you will see.
Jesus wasn't a philosopher.
right, so let's assume the universe can't come from nothing then.
How does this imply that there is a God?
Do lice know they love upon a human?
Do cells know they make up a heart?
Pineal gland is in the middle of your brain for a reason.
You're an antenna. Picking up signals.
B) The lump has existed infinitely in the past, and exploded suddenly into our universe. But this would mean that it would lay inert for infinity, and it changing state on it's own would have happened after a finite time if it had the capability to do so. Now, an external force, outside of existence and the laws of physics must have had to intervene for this to happen in such a scenario
C) Said external force created the big bang
>universal dirwction by supreme architecture
That architecture caused Christ to influence the world to his will and create our modern civilization. What we consider simple concepts the writers of the bibles could only communicate with metaphores and personifications. They understood much of what we are talking about. The new testament is heavily influenced by Greek philosophy, Jesus is the embodiment of the Logos aka the Word aka the "supreme architecture". The way to God's eternal kingdom is through Jesus.
>reward in some other plain of existence after death
What plane of existence do you think you inhabit now? "You" are a violent ape creature that has been infused with ancient ideas by your ancestors and cultural influnces. "You" are much more those ideas than the ape creature. "You" existed before the ape and will live on after it unless everything you stand for is rejected by other humans or somehow "your" will dies completely.
I don't give a fuck if you believe in God or not, I just need atheists to stop congregating in large numbers and becoming left leaning and destabilize society just to virtue signal to everyone around you.
>an external force, outside of existence
That's a contradiction in terms. How can a force outside of existence "exist"?
Well Christianity is a philosophy that describes the behavior of Jesus as a way of life. Better?
Kalam argument
Aquinas five proofs
Fine tuning
I'd honestly love to say more my battery is about to die and I'm not near a charger. Do some reading on the subject and you will be impressed
Maybe I'll get to talk to you about in more detail at some other point
Intelligent design
just look around
Ultimate causality. Feel free to call if you need a sponsor for your confirmation
if such evidence existed, it would nullify the concept of faith
faith is central to Christianity
said differently, if there were proof of God, then Christianity would not exist as it does today
Miracle of the sun
At this point, to determine the nature of this external force, we must leave the realm of facts and observation, as there is no accessible data for such a field. Why is this external force God? We can not know for sure, but according to our currently accepted physics models (we will disregard wild speculations), it can not be a natural phenomenon, only a supernatural one. Now, take a look at all the religions that ever existed, and we can see that only the abrahamic religions have gained any real sway globally. Now this alone is nothing, however the Bible is the only book to contain predictions which were fulfilled (
i asked baby jesus to give me big pinnus and guess what
>Everything must have a cause, therefore God exists
>Oh, and God doesn't need to have a cause
Probably the most autistic thing I've read this week. good job user
>Give me one piece
You'll have to find it on the Grand Line
Fifth level of reality is our perception of it.
Sixth level is the "physical" world measured by scientific instruments that emerged from the big bang system. We evolved through struggling against it, it's spirit is our adversary, the morning star, light bringer, Satan the deceiver.
Seventh level represents the underlying laws that made anything at all possible, eternal truth, God.
When as an example, Pythagoras obsessed about the relationship between patterns in the physical world it was because he felt a connection to the underlying laws, God.
>God is a force that is external to existence
>therefore God does not exist
you seem to be going against your own argument there..
>That's a contradiction in terms. How can a force outside of existence "exist"?
We can't know since all of our observations are from within the fixed system which such a force must be above. However, other possibilities are ruled out so far.
but it literally doesn't make sense.
It's like saying there's an integer that exists outside of the set of all integers.
Existence is to be understood as the framework governing our universe and it's law of physics. God would, by definition, would not be bound by such limitations.
>intelligent design
>putting balls on the outside
>creating non-whites
>creating cancer
>ass hair
>making animals need to shit and piss as a frequent inconvenience
>muh sodomy is bad but here's a g-spot up your ass
At best you're saying that a life form more intelligent and capable than us created us, but not a perfect all knowing and able God which is supposed to be what the Christian God is.
sure, but you're also saying he doesn't exist.
Why is the burden of proof on beievers to prove there is a God? Prove that there isn't. Also, you don't have to become a Christian if you believe in God.
My thing is that all this couldn't have come from nothing. Something had to create it. So the obvious question is what created God? If you're searching for hard evidence you'll never find it proving God's existence or lack of.
Personally I believe in God, a creator. I don't necessarily believe in all that the bible says. I wouldn't even call myself a "Christian" honestly, even though I believe he existed.
>evolution is a force that is external to existence
>therefore evolution does not exist
This is what you sound like
>but it literally doesn't make sense.
>It's like saying there's an integer that exists outside of the set of all integers.
Yes, the concepts of the supernatural are inconceivable to physical beings. Roll with it
but that would be a logically sound argument if you didn't believe in evolution.
People who believe in evolution claim it is part of existence.
Praise KEK the one TRUE God.
>sure, but you're also saying he doesn't exist.
He doesn't exist like us. But he does in a different, way, being able to influence our reality. Goodnight.
Right, but if you're just saying that God doesn't need to follow any kind of logic, then there's no point in using a logical argument to say he exists.
You might as well say he exists because he just does.
God did not create the laws of physics to bound him but to bind us.
I think it's kind of self-centered to assume this given there are billions of galaxies and trillions of planet. God merely allowed life to exist, I doubt he governs it.
I can prove by prophecy.
So why do you believe it
Sure, but it's also semantical. That's like saying cells don't exist because you can't see them, and thinking it's logically sound.
Belief is illogical. If your belief is based on evidence, then it's logical and it becomes a conclusion of an observation instead of a belief. In order to believe in god you must have no evidence of it.
Just to point out here that I'm not arguing whether god exists or not but how atheists are pseudo-intelectuals.
I believe in God and evolution. Not that we came from apes but organisms evolve. Just look how quick some bacteria or viruses become resistant to meds. That's evolving.
the thing is god doesn't owe you shit and doesn't need you
you have to find it yourself
existence is possible
>You might as well say he exists because he just does.
this is part of the definition most philosophers use for 'God'
Everything cannot have come from nothing so either the Universe is necessary (ie holds everything required for its own existence within itself) or there was a First Cause
This First Cause has to come from something that is Necessary and that would have to be God
>Everything cannot have come from nothing
Why do people even say this?
They always say this then say that God came from nothing.
>God is all-powerful therefore people should never experience hardship or commit evil
This is the worst meme
Wrong. The status quo is that g-d exists. It's up to you to refute that claim.
I've suspected god is the universe itself, seeing the repetition of fractal lifeforms on every scale and seeing how it goes all the way up to the galactic level (spiral shells to spiral galaxies, galactic clusters that resemble brain cells, etc.)
and that the expansion of this universe is somehow the process of whatever god is becoming self aware.
Maybe there are many, or some can be created; and we are all unknowingly a part of it. Who knows, quantum science as we understand it so far makes it kind of confusing.
You say this while posting on the board that not only truly believes they invented a God, not only believes he "speaks" through double digits post numbers, but believe they leashed this entity and use it to affect the real world.
Really, nigger? Really?
Logically speaking can something have come from nothing?
So either there was never "nothing" to begin with or something created everything
>then say that God came from nothing
Yes part of the definition philosophers use for God is "necessary"
therefore a God would exist because God wants to exist
everything a God would require to exist would be contained within it.
>a God would exist because God wants to exist
How can a God "want" to exist, before he exists? How is that any more logical than something existing without a cause?
We think in causal terms because our big bang world is a causality chain with one direction of time. The underlying reality has no specific direction of time and no reason for us to think it has anything like a "beginning". God is just the name our ancestors came up with for the idea that everything in the world is governed by the same laws like logic. Whatever defined those laws has ultimately control over everything that happens.
If you only look at the existence of God objectively, the only logical conclusion you can come to is agnosticism, at which point you must chose whether to believe in god or not. You must make the decision whether you want to live in a world where your actions have consequences, and your life has meaning, or you can chose to live in a word where everything is meaningless and where there is no basis of morality.
Why on Earth would you WANT to be an atheist.
If you think ass hair is a bad thing, you've clearly never shaved it off.
Give me one spec of hard evidence that God doesn't exist and ill become a fedora tipper
What do you think Schrodinger meant by multiverse? There is only one mind.
>God is just the name our ancestors came up with for the idea that everything in the world is governed by the same laws like logic.
I don't accept that. If that's the definition of "God", then i certainly believe in God. But the vast majority of people who say they believe in "God" describe him as a sentient being at the very least.
1. Obama is Satan.
2. Satan hates God.
3. Love trumps hate.
The vast majority of people follow a tradition where it is thought useful to personify God for a closer relationship. Look at the texts and even most Christian scholars through history, God was never human. Humans being made in "his image" means we are defined by His being, the underlying laws dictated our form.
Sure, but he was always sentient. He always said things and did things of his own will, and cared a lot about human affairs.
Through quantum entanglement the universe is a whole, and we are sentient beings, we also have a quantum effect that results from our intentions and perceptions. That tells me that the universe as it expands grows more, inevitably leading it to a point where a species, us or another one, reaches singularity, taking all existence with it. We know that our species, if it survives long enough, will achieve this one day. Based on this knowledge, it's safe to assume that at some point 'god' will come into existence, and that he will be a collective result of the maturing of reality. Will this transcend time or include us personally? I can't be sure, though I think it's likely, we are all quantum computers, and this theory could roughly account for all religions enough to convince their followers of their legitimacy - it would also explain religious ideas that were borne out of syncronicity (kek?). But I think based on this, it's safe to assume there is some sort of god and that we are all unknowingly major components of whatever he is.
Jesus was human but preached and displayed through the ultimate sacrifice a connection to the underlying reality that echoed through millennia to create an eternal kingdom that transcends the physical world just like promised.
Just explaining the argument mate.
I don't buy into it.
Romans 1 TLDR: Creation is evidence of a Creator. Checkmate atheists.
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
if everything repeats on so many different scales, and we are aware that we can possess consciousness, then it's possible that the universe itself could be as well.
the christian god doesnt exist,
but google how entropy works and it becomes obvious that the universe was created by design.
you are still a faggot fedora tipper though
>click bait
at least choose a non-cuck religion
why does entropy mean the universe was created by design?
easy, Earth is flat.
Proof in video from 120,000 feet, no curvature no sphere.
Then the question is who made that disc we live on?
hope this helps.
He does care about human affairs, He made us with a thought and wants us to overcome and conquer the physical world, you can feel your purpose encoded in your meat body that formed according to His will.
The story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac is a story about facing harsh reality and having faith in your understanding of the world. It consoles people sending sons to war or who have ill kids etc. many people chimp out in those sort of situations, they need the guidance and connection to the world that a personified God provides.
Something cannot come from nothing. Thus, God must exist who is not a subject to physical laws.
Also, eternity cannot be comprehended by rationality.