Is marrying a woman a good idea in [current year]?
Is marrying a woman a good idea in [current year]?
Depend which woman.
inb4 AWALT.
Jerking off is a good idea in [current year]
get a pre-nup and a legal document saying you have the right to demand a paternity test on any children she has
the earlier you find a companion, the better. what people don't realize is being single is cool when you're young, but you eventually hit an age where being single isn't fun. it's actually just seen as pathetic. your looks will deteriorate over time and you need to lock down a partner before you're too ugly to pull anything decent. if you've already made it deep into your 30's and you're single, you better make some decisions fast or get prepared to live alone forever.
I'm getting married next year, been in stable relationship for 3 years.
Yes. The problem is that we have a shortage of women and a surplus of girls.
Kids now means people in their mid to late 20s.
>tfw pre-nups aren't legally binding in the UK.
Yes yes do it user.
Ssshhh. It's meant to be a surprise.
Few people give a shit about consequences anymore
once you have complete independence than do what you like otherwise work on being self sustaining first.
And if you must marry make sure she has a good track record and isn't too young (ie under 30)
no such thing
Is she redpilled? Christian? Good family? Less than five sexual partners and no one night stands? Does she have skills to make money?
Then yes you should marry.
Maybe, but less than 40% of women are accountable enough for that. There is probably 1 to 10 chance that you've met a wife material and it's still the risk.
What are you gonna do? Mary a man?
>more than two sexual partners before 30's
Slut standards murrica
You have to live with her first.
Most women are whores, these days.
Worthless for marriage.
spoken like a true beta male. men can get girls pregnant well into their 50's
time is on our side
you dont need to get married to have children
the only thing that matters is spreading your genes
marriage has nothing to do with that
No getting married and having kids is out of style man. It's all about that child free life.
> live with women for a year
> she becomes crazy, you see her inner sluts come out
> leave
> she stuff gets half your shit plus alimony
> Thanks Canada! No more trying before you buy
It depends on the woman
>Thanks Canada! No more trying before you buy
Canada rapes men up one side and down the other, don't they?
>America would be like that if feminists had their way.
not really desu, ive fucked two girls who are in relationships (one married), they are not faihful
That plus criminalizing prostitution last year.
Oh Canada, indeed.
I also forgot no non whites in sexual history
No daughters of single moms.
No cutters or eccentric piercings or tats.
No history of anorexia or bulimia.
>But, yeah, no non-whites
only if you are white and getting married to a white women to have lots of white children.
darkies should just kill themselves.
for myself i workout during the week, drink like a fucking sponge on weekends and fuck whatever hot girl wants to fuck me. i smoke a bit, and have a few good non slutty girls whom i talk to and generally am nice, seeing them from time to time to fuck or eat something or just drink and talk. i'll probably end up settling with one of them soon, cause things tend to go that direction and i am getting tired of breaking up these relationships before they even start.
you guys gotta stop being this fucking judgamental and inexperienced in human relationships in general, my fucking ex would blow me and let me film it (she would worry, but would trust me) all the time if i wanted - and this does not means she is not a keeper, just that she is a fucking normal human being. just look for nice smart non cuntish girls that want to someday marry and have children, and are looking for a "prince", and you are almost garanteed to not be cheated as long as you are not an autistic fuck
Believe me I regret voting for Gillibrand every day.
She was supposed to be a Blue Dog pro gun democrat, but as soon as she won a senate seat she went full bore anti-gun SJW. I learned my lesson.
if you are a loser.
>you are almost garanteed to not be cheated as long as you are not an autistic fuck
Clearly you have never been to America.
Lots of cheating.
Women cheat more than men these days.
And men are victims in other ways..
We don't take advice from Nigger countries
Only if she believes in what she's doing and isn't just doing it for social reasons.
Actually, because Christianity is disappearing from respectable society, and because disdain for marriage is becoming more open and accepted, it's becoming a better idea to get married. The worst time to get married was probably forty years ago, when it was "the thing everybody does" but when few still believed that vows had to be kept. As marriage becomes less common, you'll find that the people who do agree to get married are doing so with greater intent to keep that marriage.
Pic related. This is what we don't want: people getting married but not knowing what they're agreeing to.
i live in a big city, so i would say our cultures are very similar - and men definitely cheat more. i've never seen a smart cool guy get cheated on - women aren't that dumb, they know its a rare commodity. i think that there is a lot of cheating in the relationships of desperate guys/the girls they pressure into a relationship and between relationships where both of the parts are dumbfucks, but other than that, not so much. it seems to me that guys with a bad start with woman tend to grow misoginistic, but usually because they tend to settle with hot sluts / dumb girls due to desperation. i would say a small amount of very active sluts tend to give most women a bad name. the thing is, its very easy to spot and stay away from them.
not if she is a millennial
I don't think any women has ever cried rape when they went on top
>i've never seen a smart cool guy get cheated on
I sure have.
Pretty much this: At the very least send a private eye to dig up potential dirt on your prospective bride, to make sure she's actually up to spec (virgin, not a psycho faking sanity, parents present and not degenerate, etc).
>According to the IBGE of 2007, there were 406,564 people residing in the city (in 2010 IBGE reports a population of 421,203). The population density was 928 inhabitants per square kilometre (2,400/sq mi). The last PNAD (National Research for Sample of Domiciles) census revealed the following numbers: 366,000 White people (90.0%), 37,000 Brown (Multiracial) people (9.0%), 4,000 Black people (1.0%), 400 Asian or Amerindian people (0.1%).[12]
its this exact dumb humor and trying too hard to fit on Sup Forums stereotypes that leads to your failure at life.
In America, a woman can claim rape the next day even though she was the sexual aggressor in the act.
She can claim she was drunk.
>you dont need to get married to have children
But you should unless you're a nigger.
are you retarded? The only women not cheating are the ones too scared to.
I found a good woman and locked that shit down. Ive been with plenty of girls, but she is a woman that cooks cleans does my laundry , everything.
Not a fucking chance
>For I would that every man were even as I myself
Learn the virtue of Christian Celibacy and set yourself free, brother.
Yes he is retarded. Look at his flag.
He's probably been cheated on himself fifty fucking times and is too dumb to know.
yeah but that means she initiated right? I'm skeptical that a rape claim has been made when the woman actually rode the guy
I am a bit dismayed.
I thought Brits were supposed to be intelligent.
Not western women.
Pretty much my conclusion of late. Especially after seeing this:
i hate using these words, but you guys are probably beta to the max "please don't cheat on me".
there are a thousand of hot girls out there afraid of being called sluts looking for a nice guy to fuck and settle (man profit way more from being single than women, and take way more enjoyment from casual sex). those girls unless in extraordinary consequences will not cheat, doesnt matter what a fucking internet board told you. of course, if you are a fucking poor skinny loser with poor social skills you are simply not valuable, and this is not because the girl is a slut, but because you are a fucking worthless human being. being a good person or funny on the internet or aryan wont change that.
Good for you user! Congrats.
There isn't a country on earth that would take a rape claim seriously where the woman was on top of a man who was lying down and moving her body up and down over his dick instead of the dick going in and out of her
Replacing them with pic related is a good idea in [future year].
replacing them with artificial wombs is the final nail in the coffin, but that lid will be hard to pry open long before that. sexdolls, VR and the not-so-shady world of prostitution will rear their heads in the next 5-10 years.
their time is literally running out
Prenups aren't binding in the US either
>calls us beta
>spergs out and projects his shit love life onto us
I live in a seaside town in England mate, most 16 year olds have 2 kids already to get free housing.
Right now out of the 5 girls I work with all of them have cheated before, a few of them still do it regularly, and one of them I've shagged about 20 times and see her husband every day
like I said the only girls not cheating are too scared to, whether through abusive partner or fear of religion or family scorn etc
I guess you get the odd girl who has no confidence or is ugly but then these days, even the butterfaces know how easy it is
>Not being an Alpha White Male and securing yourself young, virgin white women to make white babies with while they're teenagers.
>Not raising a white virgin 16 girl to be your perfect wife, slowly redpilling her and making her unable to live without you
>Not marrying the girl you teached to become your perfect wife when she is 18
No woman over the age of 18 is a virgin, don't take leftovers.
this shithole is fucking weird. you guys totally ignore the humanity of women and treat them as fucking aliens or dogs. they follow exactly the same rules as you, except they have lower libido, more slut shaming, and a culture of romantic disney like relationships. its way too fucking easy to be a single young man nowadays, and i'm sad (not really) that a lot of guys are too much autistic or misoginistic to enjoy the oportunitties without hating everyone around them. i know no girls of 16 with 2 kids, and i would not fuck a fucking married woman specially if i knew her husband. maybe you just live in a poor shitty neighbourhood.
>No woman over the age of 18 is a virgin
Even at 18, it's a pretty grim bet.
Marry a man, you faggot.
yeah I said I live in an English seaside town
there is drinking, gambling and fucking. That's it.
The United States.
>and one of them I've shagged about 20 times and see her husband every day
Sounds like you are part of the problem.
I keep finding perfect girls to marry but we both end up losing interest in each other.
Love is dead.
If you can supply the three things women want without it being a burden.
> Security. Financial, Emotional, and Physical
> Excitement.
> A good dicking.
Is it possible as an atheist to marry a good, Christian woman without it falling apart?
Total faggot detected.. He passes around with girls with his friends just to marry them later.. you are the cancer that has eroded this failing society. He just bends over and takes it. Cool man. You're answer was good until you decided to ruin it by saying you would settle down with women like that eventually. Do you even like know who women are?
>in current year
Get the fuck out.
Only if she has a good father.
it isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned, let them shag whomever they want
also the irony
closest thing to the truth in this thread. there are so many fishes in the sea. love is meant for when caveman lived in tribes of 30, not for the modern world where there are so many smart nice girls with bad poosy out there waiting to be fucked
I'll die a virgin
kek knows it
hey team, What should I do
-dating really good girl. similar values and is very kind. going to school for a good job and what not.
she's pretty cute but she's flat af. other than that she is pretty high on marriage quality. But I'm a boob guy, am i retarded for letting that be a problem to me?
(give me some validation, OH The Almighty)
Sounds like a fucking job, M8.
Cheaper for a bloke to pay 18 year old hotties to blow him once a week.
if you are a risk taker than yes.
i have a friend that works in abseiling. the only things that keeps him alive is a rope, every day.
and he told me its too risky to marry
>Less than five sexual partners
I feel so bad for suckers like you.
No hymen no diamond.
What's so hard to understand?
And its damn hard to get past #1 on list.
>I learned my lesson.
I hope you have.
No way man, go look and see if there are better women out there still with better personalities etc. etc. that have the physical characteristics you want to see.
You only live once, you know. Take it from a no gf, aka me.
In flyover country, yes
In urban cesspools of degeneracy, no.
You can't be serious? Do you also need someone not to tell you to stick a fork in an electrical outlet
Dude, are you retarded? How the fuck you gonna prove in court she was riding you and calling your name? Suppose she finds out you're a "nazi" and then asks her best friend to punch her in the face and then she presses charges against you to the police.
>b-but, office, she r-rode me....
Are there even virgin women?
I spend like 90%of my time at my university, pretty sure there are less than 1% of virgins there ... and that's at a place where the majority of people are middle class / upper middle class
fuck sake, I'm saying if she says in her statement to the police when detailing the events of the night that she was on top throughout
not, she rode him and then completely left it out
Prenups with two attorneys present and postnup in front of the wedding guests before any alcohol is consumed is a foolproof way to ensure you aren't screwed.
>I'm getting married next year, been in stable relationship for 3 years.
Why ruin it then?
>that pic
Pure gold senpai
>Are there even virgin women?
Yes. Millions and millions and millions of them in the world.
Perhaps A BILLION virgin women in the world.
You live in Brazil. There's lots of good obedient submissive religious shy family-oriented not-too-bright but super-dedicated girls out there, you just don't find them because you're ACTIVELY not looking for them.
Finding virgins in universities is retarded. They're in university, why would you want an (((educated))) woman in the first place? I feel like a lot of anons are more concerned with making their parents happy or their IQ genetic heritage and whatever and forget about values.
If I were living in Brazil I'd be doing the same thing I'm doing in Portugal: waiting, patiently, for a virgin to show up. I managed to fuck a few. It's the one who DOES NOT let you fuck her that you want to hold on to. The one who believes in Hell and has no concept of "deconstructing patriarchal modes of bla bla bla" bullshit that you want.
Go to Amazon or some shit. Find a poor woman. Don't be retarded and learn something from a tuga: you don't find the perfect woman to marry, you find a girl with potential and mold her into the perfect wife.
What the fuck else are you going to marry?
A dog? A nigger?
I would like to find a wife, but my education atm consumes 100% of my time
(I'm also a socially retard KHHV, which doesn't
Prenups are totally meaningless.
literaly 60% divorce rate here. you are better off betting half of your shits on coin toss then on marriage.
Probably not. If my girl found a hundred loafs of coffee flavored bread that was normally $100,and she bought it for $50, she'd just tell me she saved $50.
sorry, it's a /r9k/ loser thing
means "Kissless Handholdless Hugless Virgin"
If you don't mind getting divorced, sure.
LOL are you fucking stupid? Why even ask that?
Of fucking course not buddy.