Sup Forums transition thread; for triggered stormfags.
Come bitch about glorious soviet posting; meet new cancerous friends :D
Sup Forums transition thread; for triggered stormfags.
Come bitch about glorious soviet posting; meet new cancerous friends :D
Redditors sure are persistent
Why did Stalin kill all the original Bolsheviks?
Daily reminder to sage, hide or Spiderman commie threads.
>Muh means of production
Frig off
fairly standard operating procedure...Stalin's rise to power necessitated the elimination of competition.
Totalitarian mindset in action
This. R/The_Donald is working overdrive. Lets just sage these threads and move on.
>every single commie thread
>commiecuck thread
Because invading Sup Forums has always worked out for people in the past? Right?
Threadly reminder that rightist cucks from reddit /r/the_donald are sliding these threads
Threadly reminder that Sup Forums has always been leftwing