Canadian Nationalists

What the fuck is happening to us, Canada is the most cucked country in the world next to Sweden and even they are starting to take action. Even with the conservatives in power we were pretty liberal. Why are there no proper Nationalist parties out there?

Who is the most red pilled person in Canadian politics? We must raise the awareness of this person. Canada of all countries needs to join the Right train like the rest of the western world or we will get left behind, and become a haven for liberals.

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Canadian nationalists are pathetic and usually afraid of scrutiny. I am one and I try to get people out and meeting in my area and all I get is excuses/radio silence.

I blame the CBC. State-owned media that shills for the party who will offer then a bigger budget (liberals). Plus american (((media))) is omnipresent here.

ok here is the quick version
original canadian or french and filthy anglo come from the south after civil war
fuck us up try to assimilate the french doesnt work so they get more and more migrant... from the start canada is self destructing anglo trying to dissolve the french

>Canadian Nationalists
pic related

How many Canadians do you think would support being annexed by the US?

>Who is the most red pilled person in Canadian politics?
William Gairdner

He's not a politician, but he writes about the state we're in. Check out pic related. Read it. He's done a few interviews on Stefan Molymeme's youtube as well

Decided to google Nationalist Party of Canada, and wtf is this cringe-teir bullshit?

We need to boot this guy out, take over and do some major reform make this a legit party.

(Change the logo and the ugly ass color too)

most people here are probably too retarded to see it would probably be beneficial for each province as we could retain all our social benefit per state and have more money with lower task from the us gouv compare to canuck one (ex: quebecistan have 2 taxes both pretty high and they manage lots of minister and complain bout not controlling some with a usa fusion they would have more power since usa )