Why is marriage so f***ed nowadays?
Why is marriage so f***ed nowadays?
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Why do you always post deers?
It's easy, OP. The state gives a shit ton of benefits to single mothers. Take the benefits away and marriage will last longer.
"There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women. These should therefore be our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of standing up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own desire of personal admiration.
Society and cultural norms in general have gotten worse.
That shirt is cute as fuck.
I want to fuck that deer so badly.
Sweden NO
Children can be used to extort welfare money.
You get more welfare money per child if you are a single mother.
Also, imagine no religion. Nobody plans ahead of themselves any more. Nobody is planning "forever" any more. In the old days it wasn't unusual to plan ahead for your as yet unborn grandchildren. Now? Hah!
Also, women are trash now. Not all of them, but most of them.
I thought you guys preferred goats?
You used to be rewarded with social capital for being married and punished via social disapproval for not being married
These days it is the exact opposite.
You are economically and socially punished for being married and rewarded for being single.
The result is an increasing rate of broken children/homes/marriages
Actually divorce rates have been declining for decades and are much lower than they were 40 years ago
You're on the wrong proxy german deer guy.
divorce rates have been declining because no one is getting married anymore
It's hard to get a divorce when you never get married in the first place.
That webm is really cute in a non-pervert way.
Look at the graph retarded mongrel it says per 1000 married women
>murrishit reading comprehension
it only dropped like 0.4%
The percentage of divorces is still higher because marriage rates are lower
but are total marriages going up or down?
if 90% of people decided that marriage was a big sham and opted to avoid it altogether, the few people who were still marrying would probably be the few people who believe in making permanent vows and marrying "till death do us part" etc. That would look like a decline in the divorce rate but it would actually signify a decline in marriage.
unfortunately we do not have a "# of terminated sexual relationships" figure afaik
>per 1000 married women
Is every single MGTOW virgin a retard?
Because men dating men and women dating women is the ubermensch society
Women and men don't really get along well when it comes down to it. It'd be easier if we coexisted in a society rather than forcing ourselves to coexist behind closed doors for a """""god""""" (kike media)
New children would still be created but not at a rate that would overpopulate the planet, all children would have proper care too.
There would be no wars and there would be no religion. A perfect society looking towards benifitting mankind, the planet and looking to the stars to find out what actually created us.
You don't understand
normal people who would otherwise get divorced aren't getting married in the first place
middle-lower class people can't even afford/don't even have any prospects of getting married
The result is any children born are getting increasingly fucked up due to living in a single mother household.
Thats disgusting as fuck have you ever seen a wild deers fur upclose? It has fuckloads of bugs and other shit all over it possibly ticks/fleas and you let your daughter hug one thats pretty gross m8.
>promoting communism
>bashing kike media
Pick one and only one there kiddo
I disagree and you have no stats to back up your claim that the pool of people getting married has changed substantially
Feminism. And because adultery laws don't exist.
You got proven wrong by the very graph i posted and you're still chimping out?
Where was I promoting communism? I didn't say everyone would be equal. Equal oppurtunites maybe but morons and slackers deserve what they get.
This true to some extent. Marriage as an institution has been abandoned by the working class and non Whites. College educated people still value it though and have a much lower divorce rate
Reagan said fuck it you can divorce for no reason.
and the Jews have pushed Christianity from the public eye by demonizing it in media.
Only men are penalized for divorce.
Shitposting from Greece with pro-male divorce laws is easy. Come to North America and get married and see how it goes.
'Cause it's fags
>Check flag
Well now this post isn't as shocking
All women are whores.
>Why is marriage so f***ed nowadays?
State involvement.
wtf sven vii håller oss till våra älgar.
jävla ras förrädare.
>middle-lower class people can't even afford/don't even have any prospects of getting married
Nigger what? Marrying for tax reasons is actually a good way to save money. I got married recently and it was like 70 bucks to do it at the courthouse, ended up saving thousands on my taxes. You don't have to have to spend a fortune on an expensive ceremony.
My wife's son makes my marriage hard.
you still don't get it
more and more young women are unmarried
the demographics are now to the point where most "marriages" include undivorced elderly couples who won't be having any children anyway
Of course it's changed
"middle class" or lower people don't get married anymore.
And younger people are getting married less and less so the "undivorced" people are largely boomers in their 70s
>Why is marriage so f***ed nowadays?
> State involvement.
The whole "alimony for adulterers" aka no fault divorce was a real bad idea.
All women are fucking dumb sluts.
Already said the falling marriage rate explains the fall in divorce rate only to the extent that couples that were unfit to marry in the first place nowdays thanks to the (((new))) cultural norms forget marriage altogether. But the fact is that out of the people who get married divorce rates are much lower than the 70s
assuming you have children there are much larger costs involved in marriage than just a ceremony.
c-can you marry a čunny in Deutschland if you're a deer?
Get help go see a therapist to deal with your sexual frustration
All women are fucking cunts.
This is why our countries are filled with brown people now.
Having children and getting married are two separate things though. You can get married without having kids.
And if you are to have kids then doing it as a married couple is better than unmarried.
>good way to save money
Don't they combine your income there so you can get bumped into a higher tax bracket? Heard Shapiro saying something like that.
>26% of milennials are married compared to 50% of boomers in 1980
No one is getting married aside from the small
that just confirms the r9k meme
most the people having no sexual partners are males something like 20-25%
But the whole point of marriage, from a societal perspective is to reward responsible child bearing/rearing
That is you encourage the man to not just skip town the second he knocks a girl up.
You are an autist get medical help you deranged sperg
I wish I was a father.
Fucking swedes.
Less than 3% of men in their 40s are virgins
>Oh it's okay we already have enough cock! Thanks for asking though!
Fucking doegenerate
Just wait it out user. Your wife will eventually pass and you can have him all to yourself.
dog/cat-girls are preferred, robots are acceptable, women are meh ... but why the fuck would I ever want to date men?
Yet they still do this.
*No one is getting married aside from the small percentage that can afford it/ are willing to go into debt
And ever since 2008 when the private debt bubble was revealed to be the house of cards that it was no intelligent millennial purposefully goes deep into debt these days
so that's counting boomers/Gen X
You wouldn't be forced to user but men are alot easier to rely on as life partners.
Unless your idea of a soul mate is someone who is going to cook and clean for you (you can do this yourself anyway) a man is more preferable as they are on the same wavelength
Also in a more acceptable society there would be more traps and femboys
And robots
Exactly this... women are much more susceptible to subversive brainwashing tactics, than men. Women are much more simple minded and operate based on emotions rather than logic.... and guys will do almost anything for the vagina voodoo.. We're never going to evolve further than primitive status.
Maybe they don't vote for afd for reasons other than immigration. They certainly don't want to be raped by muslims like you mentally ill omega male /r9k/ weirdo cucks think they do
>studying at a technical uni
>still has normie and meme tier studies
>get to talk to some women through extra studies
>"user, don't you agree about intersectional racisms?"
And the rest is either already married or divorced with kids. Ah... life fucking sucks right now.
>Not using the SWEDEN YES meme properly
Fucking newfag
What are the stats for males and females separately? I'm pretty sure they're different.
>for reasons other than immigration
Yea i'm sure those are highly thought out reasons. Face it women thrive on social acceptance. So they repeat whatever the popular and non-offensive idea is.
pages 19-20
>The challenge, then, facing the United States is bridging the gap between the nearly universal aspiration to marry and the growing inability of poor and working-class Americans to access marriage.”
It's too late. Our race is doomed thanks to fucking stupid WHORES.
Why does everyone assume marriage should be a good thing? Like everything in life, there's a trade off. The perfect Aryan family of the 50s is a meme promoted by Hollywood and advertising. Those marriages were full of adultery and sexlessness. If you want a successful marriage, find a partner who's knows your worth more to her married than as a child support mule.
All those problems were due to women seeking chad/tyrone at the same time
>a meme
The kids turn turn out way better and your life doesn't get ruined as a man.
>knows your worth more to her married
These women are increasingly rare because they're free from consequences of divorces. Therefore they're free to look for better alternatives when they feel they're "missing out on life"
I get what you meant by that Brother Abdul. One day Inshallah.
Mashallah, akhi.
social media for the girls, and porn for the guys. Guys stop putting out because they are fapping and girls can easily get attention from other men and hook up with horny dudes on facebok.
don't act as if women are special in this regard though. Fucking your secretary, or having a side mistress was more than common.
there is much more social pressure on women in general. And let's not fool ourselves here, that's the greatest force to stop people from voting the evil outsiders.
Fathers are shitty and weak and feckless, mothers are whores and stupid and over empowered. Apples don't fall 2 far.
In some shamanism ice ideas they are a representation of the better aspects of the spirit and morality. Shamanism also in some respects says these meanings are implicit to us so even if he doesn't know that it could just be it represents such to him.