Sup Forums seems to agree that the Japanese are a based people. Can anyone explain me why?
Aren't the Japanese, the Korean, and the Chinese the same, at least biologically?
If so, what makes the Japanese special?
Sup Forums seems to agree that the Japanese are a based people. Can anyone explain me why?
Aren't the Japanese, the Korean, and the Chinese the same, at least biologically?
If so, what makes the Japanese special?
See pic related.
The culture
The Japs are better. I don't get why you can't see that. Chinks have no honor and no memes.
Japanese are much more chill. They are also more attractive and genocided the disobedient commie gooks.
Years of isolation followed by an eager adoption of large portions of western culture. Not enough that they could stand toe-to-toe with a western nation, but certainly enough that they outclass the other eastern countries dramatically.
Weeaboo cocksocket detected. Go back to sucking off Japs and keep your shite opinions to yourself.
assblasted chink detected
That's what I thought. It's more of a matter of cultural and technological development, rather than of racial differences.
The Japanese were fascinating before ww2.
I'd imagine it having a lot to do with their island location.
White master race, checking in.
Multiple Japanese threads up at the same time in the catalog.
Is the Japanese internet defense force a thing?
Isolated geography/culture allowed them to weed out the shit aspects of Chinese culture and graft the good ideas into a superior host.
The Tokugawa era laid the groundwork for a very smooth industrialization of the country, unlike China, where industrialization was forced by communism (the bad way), or Korea and Taiwan which were just colonized by grorious Nippon.
I think it's that their culture is both strong traditionally, as well as logically: which allows them to evolve it in the face of new information (as opposed to dogmatic individuals in the US who can't see when they're wrong).
It's kinda similar to the "divine mandate" in china (if you won the gods were on your side) except it's not based on blind religion.
homogeneity and culture.
>Uses mater race
>Hates nips
why is the japonesesy dieying?
>allows them to evolve it in the face of new information
yeah that sure makes sense you stupid fucking nigger, that's why it literally took the bombing of both hiroshima AND nagasaki to get japan to surrender WWII, right?? and why some soldiers kept on fighting, insisting that Japan would never lose and the emperor would never surrender, since they had never lost before -- evolution at it's finest
japs were manly and respected until we nuked them and the end of ww2 and the beginning of anime in the 70s/80s
now they suck ass
cartoons with cute girls
We're not special. Just no one speaks Japanese, so no one really knows what's going on here. The amount of delusion on this board regarding Japan is outstanding.
Quiet Jew.
Because weeb faggots like you are obsessed with them to the point that you make faggoty threads about it, every hour on the hour...
nationalism and unity after war and loss.
same for soviet union.
Same with Russia. I don't even bother with shattering their delusions, just accept pol to be autistic this way.
There's a certain aesthetic of more masculine features (more facial hair, stronger jaw, bigger eyes) that's more common in the Japanese.
same with poland and most eastern countries
stfu kike ur ruining my narrative
>more facial hair, stronger jaw, bigger eyes
You know that we make apps (e.g. Snow) to make our eyes look bigger to imitate Westerners?
Japanese people have far less body hair than Westerners, and as of late, light-based body hair removal is really popular.
Check out "一重 二重 目" on Google image search.
I don't know, some stuff is better here, but people on Sup Forums have some sort of unhealthy obsession over Japanese women that can only be described as delusional.
They're low violence high IQ people with a nationalist ethnocentric honor-based civilization. They are still today what we used to be before we fell to the false song of Marx.
>Japanese, the Korean, and the Chinese the same, at least biologically?
Not at all
Japs are islanders. Mainlander Asians are completely different species.
what's better over there?
The Japanese stick out to me in a similar way that Ethiopia and Thailand do. They were one of the only non-white countries that never capitulated to European rule. However, the Japanese stand out in particular for their extremely quick adoption of western technologies and political systems. And while the other two nations are by now impoverished and irrelevant, Japan still stands as a leader in technological innovation, and economic prosperity.
surprised nobody that has posted this
their women
JapKike detected!
I repeat, JapKike detected!
It's easier to get by with less money.
Healthy food is cheap.
Lower crime in general.
You don't have to worry about what someone might do to you.
Explain to me what you think about Japan and I'll educate you.
Most women don't even look like this. Also the Japanese standard of beauty and the Western one is different.
every time your little world is destroyed use the emergency "*kike" command
Why do Jap girl's legs look weird?
t. expat
nice, is it true you go out drinking everyday with your work colleagues or is that more of a city thing?
Tell your people to get braces asap.
Fucking Jews think you own everything. Smh.
Can you explain your beauty standards? Also. From what I've seen the biggest complaint from jap women is that the men are too soft, weak and passive.
Is this true also?
>>more facial hair, stronger jaw, bigger eyes
Compared to Chinese/Korean. Japs tend to have more of these genes than the others. Of course people have apps/products to improve the eye size, small eyes and round faces are universally considered unattractive.
I'm actually half Japanese. Grew up in the US and Japan. I travel back and forth constantly for my job, so I have a pretty good view on what goes on.
Depends on the person. Not everyone is the same. A lot of companies have mandatory drinking parties, which is where this idea probably comes from.
Braces have become more common as of late, especially in major cities. Just they're too expensive for a lot of people in rural areas.
Everyone's different, which makes it difficult to explain. But the best I can try to say is that Westerners tend to like what Japanese people consider "average" girls. Japanese people tend to focus more on eyes and nose rather than the shape of the face.
truu haha XD
You are telling a jap that jap have more ((hairs)) than other orients.. smfh
Do people treat you differently as a hafu and does it bother you at all?
100% jap you got there fella
Leave Shoko Asahara alone
you do know that the people that immigrated to japan came from mainland china, right?
Sure thing shlomo.
holy fuck
>If so, what makes the Japanese special?
They never got cucked by Christianity... unlike Koreans.
tiny penis
Are weebs BTFO in Japan?
I'm taiwanese, growing up you can tell which families were colonized by nips and which were mainlanders. Again, these traits while more common in certain asians doesn't mean they're common.
>saying i am a jewish shill
every fucking time just becouse i disagree with you
I do get treated differently in public. People sometime steer clear. Sometimes they start talking to me in English until I start using Japanese.
It's never really bothered me though, and all of my friends couldn't care less. It also probably makes it easier to get to know more people as a conversation starter compared to your typical Japanese person.
Mostly yes, but "otaku culture" has been gaining more in popularity as of late, even among normal Japanese people. It probably depends on how far you are away from Tokyo.
I enjoy the Remove Kebab meme.
We are pretty deluded ourselves desu.
Ovde se ne zna ko pije a ko plaća.
There were natives in Japan before that though wasn't there?
Japanese people r good looking and smart.
Also they avoided the diversity trap.
Plus Samurai are cool and can cut through anything.
Plus Japan is rich society and most people in Japan have very high quality of life.
I wish America was more like Japan.
Beat me to it.
Both Korean and Japanese are technically descendants of the Chinese.
The Japanese even "stole" some Chinese kanji and repurposed them.
tell me something about the government are they really cucked and what is the role of emperor today
You're not fooling anyone kike.
Spent a few months in Japan recently. One of the biggest things I noticed is how polite and sincere everyone I met there was. Definitely a huge cultural difference between Japan and the U.S.
People are more honest and seem to put more effort into whatever they do. Not saying Japan is the perfect society, but it seems they value morals and traditions a bit more than most other places around the globe.
Are you filthy frank?
but they stood toe to toe with you for like 6 years and shit on russia prior to that
i like you lad you made my evening
Japan it's time
do you speak english to your father and japanese to your mother?
Your filthy Jew ways are OVER.
>implying his WHITE mom didn't get RICED by BYC
Wrong question, OP.
The real question is; why are the jews not concerning themselves with Japan?
whats the deal with all the nips threads lately anyway?
you are in Sup Forums,are you really surprise people circlejerk about the country?
I'm not really big into politics (and the average Japanese person barely watches the news--no one cares about politics here, barely anyone is educated in terms of the govt), but there's a lot more bureaucracy here than the US. News of corruption is monthly. Mostly use of public funds on private matters.
Emperor is pretty much irrelevant.
I think the morals aspect is a common misconception. We value common decency here. We keep to ourselves, and in jobs, we act as polite as possible because that's the job. In no way does this reflect on the private lives of the individual. Cheating, for example, is rampant, and I'd say more common than in the US.
No, I have no clue who that is.
My mother is Japanese, but was born in the US so she doesn't speak Japanese. I speak Japanese to my grandparents.
isn't Japan owned by Jewish banks and don't they have an insane amount of national debt?
What delusions do people have about Russia?
What's the status of neo-feminism/SJWs in Japan? I recall one incident where a UN committee wanted to “ban of the sale of video games or cartoons involving sexual violence against women.”, a motion specifically aimed at Japan.
The Japanese response I thought was coherent, rational, and generally based:
Going off of this it sounds like SJW shit is less of a cancer there, but I can't be sure.
you mean the Ainu people? didn't they die out or something
Rense seems to think so.
false premise absolutely not allowed
What type of eyes and nose are like by radio-active chinks? Pls elaborate mitsubishi'san
Is Yakuza just a meme?
Japan actually didn't want a dictator, like South Korea. So America helped reform it and now it's one of the best places to live in the world.
They dutifully studied and absorbed the totality of Western culture not once, not twice, but three times.
First they modernized by hiring Western engineers to teach them and adopted the Prussian schooling model.
Then they allied with Hitler and soaked up even more German culture.
Then they were occupied by America and had their constitution rewritten.
Every time they learned and adapted.
Add to that their feudal samurai culture was roughly analogous to feudal European chivalry and they are the ultimate bros of the West.
Seriously for the longest time (and up until recently) you could see Japan had a greater love and fascination for Western civilization and antiquity than even the West. They kept the flame burning while ours was dying.
For that, Japan are and will always be the ultimate bro.
What do Japanese people think about butts? I heard they like them small.
And it seems they like big tits, but how do they fulfill that when jap tits are so small? How common are cow tits girls like HItomi Tanaka or just girls with big tits compared to the US?
what is 2ch/2chan like?
Gooks are also kinda based, bantz just as good as the Nips.
I guess the further away an asian country is from China the better they are. Unless its the Philippines.
Isn't it Soros and all the other jews that are trying to spread globalism all across the world? Why not start with one of the most secluded yet not hermit nations of all, like Japan? I mean, people would look at Japan and tell themselves, hey, if Japan took in people, we must too, because asians are known to be xenophobic.
As far as I can tell, non-existent. It's pretty strange. Like the stuff people in the West care about and talk about, no one in Japan has even heard of. The language barrier mostly keeps it out, and the feeling I get is that the Japanese government responds to a bunch of things, while knowing in reality, no one actually cares or will do anything in Japan.
Everyone has their own type. My suggestion would be to look at Japanese celebrities (not idols) to get a general idea.
Everyone's different? I honestly think most guys take what they can get and worry actual body features afterwards.
It's almost more commonly accepted as a forum to talk than Sup Forums is. I know a lot of people use it as a reference before taking jobs, for example. It's pretty wide ranging on who uses it, but honestly, I haven't been there much.
From Wikiped
>2channel users organised an August 2011 rally against Fuji Television, under the concern that the channel was broadcasting too many Korean television shows.
They're basically the same as us.
>language barrier
Everyone memes this, is it really that bad?