Would you pay $200,000 for a trip to Mars?
Would you pay $200,000 for a trip to Mars?
I wouldn't go to Mars even if I was getting paid
Too dangerous
What is there even to do there?
No hotels.
No beaches.
No women.
No liqour.
Sounds like a shitty vacation.
How much is the tip?
I don't even have $200,000
No. Why?
It looks shit there.And you would have to be on tranquillizers the whole time to not spurge out.
Two hundred thousand United States dollars
You would be on another planet and that would be pretty fun in itself
>Mars too dangerous
>lives on a planet full of niggers, gypsies, spics, jews and religion of peace
Even if the place were terraformed to suite humans better I wouldn't even go if I were paid 200K. 1/3 of the gravity means a lot of problems
Anyone who would pay that much for a vacation to a frigid desert planet deserves to be left there.
One way trip.
Yeah like jumping too high
200k to waste 2 years travelling to a nigger planet with gay ass red sand
to breathe the guts of a fire extinguisher
Yes, and then I would sell the ticket for $2mil.
Yes, but the return trip costs another $200,000
>2 years
It's usually under a year these days.
>jumping too high
I just imagined blazing it on Mars or Moon and then going outside and jumping in the low gravity
seems like ultimately the highest level of fun ever tbqh
Why would anyone pay to go to mars
It's about a hundred timed more boring than earth.
Imagine paying 200000 to go to midland aus in a space suit.
Means i can lift 3 times the weight which makes me more swole per definition.
epic meme my friend
Vintage meme right there
its 6 months and then you need to sit on maris for 1 year so both planets come close and shit
and then 6 months back
Hahaha me gusta hahaha
Beautiful meme friend
No niggers
can I save it?
why would I got to Mars when I can send some poor meatbag with a GoPro