Banks and Jews

TFW kikes still controlling the whitehouse and we told you all along you were getting cucked by Trump



eat it Drumpftards.

Honestly Jews control Federal Reserve Wall Street almost all Banks in USA...
How can anybody even challenge them in that sector?There is just too many of them.

Trump is still the best choice of all candidates
in the elections.
Just like Putin is better President then anyone in Europe.
They are not perfect but they are better then the other high figures we have.

Key word,

He probably learned their like secrets and got sick of their shit and soon quit.

Kike secrets*

he's just laying the trap, keep psoting these threads though it helps set the stage.

That's my favorite brand of popcorn. It is kosher for Passover and it has a rebate coupon!

Trump is the dream. The reality gets elected in 2020 when his bitterly-disappointed supporters take over the Democratic Party to return it to its Reconstruction Era roots.

Weeks later, even after the pizza rolls have run dry, you are still loyally Correcting the Record. What a good boy you are. I'm sure your masters appreciate it. Stay jealous of Jewish power, fag. Every alliance needs a reformed bad guy. Did you really think Trump was antisemitic? His daughter is Jew-married lol.


Le bumperino.

I just wanted to make liberals mad.

The lesser of two evils argument can be applied here

won't help when they gloat over every fucking thing this oaf ruins in america and win in a landslide in 2018 and 2020 you fucking retards

He's trolling the media.

Looks like you fell for it too, faggot.

And BTW, I know we all like t be edgy and all 'fuck everyone and fuck the planet', but let's all be grownups and admit electing a fucking baboon who thinks chinks invented climate change will fuck us over for a long time

if you expect power not being about alliances and compromises you don't know shit about how things work

TFW compromises means electing an entire house of lobbyists, bankers, swamp dwellers and Steve Bannon

We've already gerrymandered the Congressional districts, even if Trump is the least popular president in history Congress will stay red in 2018.

Tards Mnuchin is a genius. He worked for Soros and then left. He knows his shit.

Albeit he's a jew but where the fuck will you find a non jew for the secretary treasury

come on do you really think any politician can do anything today?

the world is one big corporation, and the banks are right on top.

nothing will change until the great collapse that its coming.

>How can anybody even challenge them

There is hope...

And when the collapse DOES happen, in order to not be fucked cmpletely we need socialism, not corporate fascism

This is just to keep us vigilant.

really makes you think

Yes he's a Goldman kike but who specifically should Trump have picked instead?


You know Zionism is just Israel. it has nothing to with the Globalist Agenda.

actually we have to get rid of any economic system that relies on mass production, resource wastefulness, mindless jobs and basically money.

we can do it, we have the technology. i just hope the collapse doesn't destroy all infrastructures.

>we have the technology

No, we do not have the technology for a post-scarcity society.

