How does Sup Forums feel about Watchdogs 2?
Appearantly there is a corrupt politician resembling Trump in it and social media is backing him fully. The main character you play as is a young intelligent black hacker and the person you work for is a black tranny to elect the non corrupt woman candidate.
Are there any non sjw gaming companies that don't project there Bias nature like Ubisoft does?
Watch Dogs 2
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I saw the demo gameplay for that, it looked fucking awful.
>lol drones
>lol 3D printed taser
>that fucking anarchy hacker guy oh my god who the fuck designed him?
This is Ubisoft's staff in Montreal
Need better look at 6 and 9 to choose
6 or bust
hoping for the expos fedora fat hoodie wearing supreme gentlewoman. literally one of us
probably hates all those women so much
>implying black hackers don't exist
>implying tranny hackers don't exist
>implying you're not just mad because they 'disagree' with you on their story and a faggots like trump
What's the point in whining about this shit? Just don't buy the product if you don't like it you dumb redneck fag.
No one's going to make a videogames about how fat NEETs spam racist, stale memes to put a billionaire in the white house who made his fortune on the evils he denounces in his political current platform, imagine how retarded that storyline would be.
>all white women except 1 asian
seriously lacking in diversity.
I get that it's supposed to look cool, but what dumbass tosses a rifle with a grenade launcher attached, especially without the safety on.
One slipped finger and these three cs_office rejects would be splatters of blood on the wall.
Why thruss? They could have just named him
"Generic Trump-Like bad guy"
>they couldn't convey Trumps character in any way other than making the name sound similar with letters T-R-U.
some top writing right there
Please pick one ubisoft
>el mehican intellectual
>greentext meme intellectual
>mexicano intelectual
>the media is on trumps side meme
the kikes and hbn1 mudniggers have no shame at all, do they?
Still mad about getting deported, Jose?
Watch dogs 1 was a steaming pile of shit and a waste of $10
My Romamanian Steam Friend wanted me to "geft gift" Watch Dogs 2 to him. I said no.
The first game was meh and I could tell this would be full of (((liberal))) propaganda so I didn't bother with it.
Do you have a point to make other than memeing?
That was a pretty epic meme btw
The Farcry and Assassin's Creed series weren't that bad. But for some reason they decided to make Watch Dogs all Nigger Faggot.
>No one's going to make a videogames about how fat NEETs spam racist, stale memes to put a billionaire in the white house who made his fortune on the evils he denounces in his political current platform
G-good idea user, think I'll make it and earn mad Sheckles
Ubisoft hasn't made anything good in almost a decade. Watchdogs 2 isn't going to change that.
>that trips
That GET is also how much I paid for that game.
The black guy isn't even the hacker. Hes the fetch monkey for a social media group that does this for follows run by a female Muslim graphic designer.
I work at a game company and a couple of devs have similar frustrations. We will probably be making our own redpilled games soon, once we confirm how to be anonymous
That's even less of a reason to complain about the race of the characters or whatever Sup Forumsyard bullshit this is about, considering stormfaggots unironically believe there is no such thing as a black hacker.
>The Farcry and Assassin's Creed series weren't that bad
but they were, except for Far Cry 1
Far Cry 2 was bad
Far Cry 3 was so generic it hurt
Far Cry 4 was even more generic cancer
Blood Dragon was OK
Ass Creed was supposed to be stealth, it was gay combat game
Ass Creed 2 had gay plot where you kill the pope because he used ayy lmao tech because reasons
Ass Creed 3 had so much wanking towards American revolushyn it hurt
Ass Creed 4 would be better as standalone pirate game
Watch Dicks were no fun because missions sucked dick, and driving was no fun at all, also poorly optimized
Never played Watch.Dicks2
all Ubisoft games in a nutshell
>find tower
>climb tower
>unlock 3 side missions, one story related and 2 optional
>go down tower FAST
>do missions
>go to next tower
>repeat many times
>game finale
>gay bossfight
oh and you can also feed your autism by collecting tons of useless shit just for the reason of collecting it
also Uplay is the gayest thing ever since double sided dildo
Been playing the game since release senpai. Other than a character being a tranny it actually seems incredibly redpilled. Chiefly, Silicon Valley Companies are portrayed as nothing more than greedy pieces of shit. They are applauded all the time irl and in most media. I like it. It has degeneracy, but the game is set in SF, so its justified.
Is SF that bad?
Far Cry 2 is my favourite of the series but its frustrating because you can see how it could have been really great but they fucked it up. A lot of it could have so easily have been fixed with patches but instead it got fucked.
Stop playing popamole crap.
>considering stormfaggots unironically believe there is no such thing as a black hacker.
That not true. Hotel Rwanda really opened my eyes on the great number of black hackers.
>Are there any non sjw gaming companies that don't project there Bias nature like Ubisoft does?
>a lot can be fixed with patches but instead it got fucked
this is how it is in vidya
I also forgot for my rant:
she uh.. isn't really a black tranny right? tell me that was just hyperbole
Genuinely surprised they didnt go with Drumpf
Kek negroes cant read or write is he gonna emojy 100 *fire*
>playing any games produced in USA/canada
>Darkest Dungeon
>Don't Starve
good games have nothing in common with nations that made them
Also, one of the best game writers ever was a women.
Vidya is not sexist or racist, but bad vidya can be gay and progagandish, as well as pandering to filthy casuals
Yes. Its filled with faggots, blue haired freaks, butch lesbians, nu males, etc. And it is all accepted as normal. It is the most degenerate city in America. Also it has (((Silicon Valley))) so even the normal people there are digusting sutistic leftie coders who love Bernie Sanders. Fuck San Francisco.
The story about the ctOS, the bellweather initiative, the massive military industrial collusion, rigged voting and 1984 style big brother nanny state is great when you read into it.
And then they slap in a SJW lol diversity cucked layer on top to completely jew the game up
>And then they slap in a SJW lol diversity cucked layer on top to completely jew the game up
i'm guessing they mostly added this much sjw shit because they saw all the genocide simulator videos people made for watch dogs 1 with people killing trannies and israel supporters.
what a retard. we don't think they don't exist, we saying that this videogame is liberal propaganda
yeah man, Ubisoft is on my blocklist for is total shit
Welp it's pretty much what I imagined.
Nobody wants to admit that they have the advantage, everyone wants to be the underdog. Ever notice how all of our WWII movies and tv shows involve plucky Americans facing incredible odds? It's not very entertaining or inspiring to say "the Allies outnumbered them 10 to 1 and outproduced them 100 to 1, so of course we won".
Become a man
In Africa, they raid villages and hack all day
no, because ebil white and asian man make computers too dificult because we want niggers to not use them
Not true the Rayman Origin games. Although that was pretty much just Michel Ancel and Ubisoft just published it.
I've spoken to people who unironically believe that Hillary was the underdog in the election.
>Are there any non sjw gaming companies that don't project there Bias nature like Ubisoft does?
Warhorse Studios
How so?
What isn't propaganda these days, according to memester faggots like you?
The very fact that I made posts disagreeing with the topic of this thread is enough for faggots like you to call me a 'liberal marxist propagandist shill' in your safe space.
Look up the boy who cried wolf stormfaggot
No that's not. That was just a picture they to for some woman's day event.
I would buy his game just for that pic. If they ever release it, it's been how long ffs.
I liked The Division, Splinter Cell: Conviction, the last two Rayman games, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Far Cry: Blood Dragon and I'm looking forward to Ghost Recon: Wildlands.
>haha you guys are stupid for wasting time complaining about this it's pointless.
>proceeds to complain about meanies making fun of him and waste his own time.
Looks like you're the one in need of a safe space, you butthurt spick.
People play Watch Dogs 2?
The guy that wrote Watch Dogs 2 actually hates SJW's and was pro GamerGate. I imagine the studio forced him to put a bunch of stuff in the game he didn't want.
how? in a mission (looked up yt, btw) you go on that poster and write graffiti and stick shit adhesives on it. basically the good guy who fight da powa damages and fight donald trump.
how is this NOT liberal propaganda?
Why is it whenever I read a post like this I look up to see your disgusting flag?
>Nobody's posted it yet.
>arguing equals to complaining
Swiss milennial intellectuals, everyone
How out of touch do you have to be to green light this?
>aw man the kids are gonna LOVE this
>how? in a mission (looked up yt, btw) you go on that poster and write graffiti and stick shit adhesives on it. basically the good guy who fight da powa damages and fight donald trump.
>how is this NOT liberal propaganda?
Are there any liberals who do this in real life? There's your answer.
How the fuck is this propaganda if it happens in real life?
maxican intellectual is a meme borm during the trump campaign (ameican media interviewed self described mexican intellectuals). you don't know shit, go back to red.dit
The wall just got 10 feet higher.
Yeah, but she's an obnoxious, fat, ugly, bull dyke that's the bad guy. You're supposed to hate her, right? I haven't played the game.
release is next year. it's feature complete and gets polished now. also 6 years of development are quite normal. other games take even longer you just don't learn about it because they get only announced when they are nearly finished.
"Everyone" wants you to shut the fuck up man, take a hint.
>Fettuccini intellectuals trying to school anyone about le epic memes
>young intelligent black hacker
this must be that "realism in modern games" i've heard so much about
i literally didn't understand what you typed.
i'm gonna explain myself once again
>teen/young boy/young girl plays videogame
>see bad character that is clearly inspired by trump
>see cool protagonist and the good guys go against thruss/trump and ridicolize him
>this plus a other media gives him/her the impression that trump/conservatives is/are bad and the cool guys are (racially diverse) liberals
this is propaganda
It's time to boycott them. Several friends and I have boycotted them for a while. Just make sure people are aware of your boycott so it spreads
>White Libcucks are willing to rewrite history just to shove us niggers into everything so they can virtue signal
I don't know about any other niggers out there but I'm tired of being used by white libcucks as a tool to make them feel good about themselves. It is funny watching white people turn on one another though.
The point is you're a fucking faggot and have to go back.
>three cs_office rejects
So what you are saying is that depiction of reality in videogames is propaganda?
That's nice, fettuccini intellectual
At least I can still kill the jews
I haven't found a muslim yet though
Look up the number of unique posters in this thread, and now count the memers who have been shitting on their hand and throwing replies at me.
I will never buy a ubisoft game for the rest of my life. Good day.
what a faggot, it's incredible. the meme is mexican intellectual, simple as that
Looks more like the guy from wwf than trump. Who really cares about video games anyway? They're for the dregs.
If I were you I wouldn't make angry posts on the internet
Black hackers with computers worst hackers
Black hackers with machetes best hackers
This game may have some potentials after all. SF is a good pick too.
It's been repackaged and redistributed just as any shitty Sup Forums meme that's come out of this Sup Forums shitpit
>Made by Ubergsoft
Just like us...
FYI: Everyone who posts on this board is a nigger