What goes on in this state? I always hear it's great but at the same time I hear there's nothing there

What goes on in this state? I always hear it's great but at the same time I hear there's nothing there.

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Wheat and corn. That's it. That's literally it.

Don't move here.

Just full of white people who work and farm and go to church and hunt and fish and cheer a college football team.

We don't need any invasive species coming in.

We're good, thanks.

Pro-tip, if you hardly ever hear of a state in the news...it's a good place to live.

Imagine how little goes on in Iowa. Then imagine even less going on.

Good pro-tip, thanks.

Don't Nebraskans have an undying hatred for Iowa?

I heard that they are going to accept 4 million white South African refugees. Probably not true, but it would be nice.

Omaha has a surprisingly terrible ghetto with dozens of murders each year. I'm surprised the rest of the state hasn't cleaned it up yet.

Boomer Sooner here, can confirm they're a bunch of corn suckers.

Pretty much. For most Nebraskans Iowa is the place where you go across the river to gamble, fuck cheap prostitutes, and score meth in Council Bluffs which is a fucking dump if you ever saw it.


It's America's largest beef producer.

Pls help I am a refugee from the Socialist Republic of Californistan. I grew up in Alabama but moved here when I was 9. Is it too late for me to move back to a flyover and enjoy a good life?
>White, blonde, Christian, Conservative, likes football
Although crimson Tide gonna kick y'all niggas asses

Why does Council Bluffs look like a tumor on Omaha?

I think you're mistaking Nebraska for Texas.

Nebraska has corn.

Texas has feed lots (specifically the panhandle)

What meme state are my eyes seeing?

Shit, you're right. Nebraska was a while back. I remember being shocked by this.

Nebraska is #2.

It's an industrial park that has casinos and dirty stripper joints. If Iowa wasn't paying off Nebraskan politicians to keep gambling illegal in Nebraska we could make a classy Las Vegas on the Prairie. Nebraska is losing out on a ton of tax revenue that's going across the river to Iowa.

There's a reason why some of us Nebraskans have made an acronym out of Iowa: Idiots Out Wandering Around.

I grew up in Norfolk (northeast corner of the state); started kindergarten and graduated high school.

Nice quiet place to live in the 80's. Went to college at Nebraska Wesleyan in the early 90's, got my M.S. in biology from UN-K.

If you don't like people, anywhere 2 hours east of Omaha or more is a great place to buy land and become a hermit; just don't expect to find work out there.

They used to be pretty good at football.

*cheer a losing college football team

Basically, anything notable about Nebraska boils down to these things:

- College World Series
- Henry Doorly Zoo
- Boys Town
- Nebraska Cornhuskers (seriously, college football shit is like a religion around here)
- The ghetto in North Omaha where they kill each other every day
- MeanStreetsOMA on Twitter
- Absolutely fucking nothing out west of Omaha and Lincoln except fields upon fields of corn and livestock. Makes for chill (or boring) road trips if you're going over to Colorado for pot

Thanks, I'll make sure to come and spend a lot of money in your state as a tourist.

I don't understand how a constantly-expanding world-class zoo like Henry Doorly can still afford to charge only $15 for tickets when the inferior San Diego Zoo can charge $50 for tickets.

Taking the whole family for hours of entertainment for under 100$ is the huge driving force behind the Zoo's success.

Corn. Lots of fucking corn. Bh

Iowan here, Council Bluffs is the worst.

Where else ya gonna get Runza?

My homeland. I miss you greatly.

>another "what goes on here" thread
>your state isn't highlighted
Feels good being literally who.

Omaha is turning into a less shitty LA or Chicago

Go take a walk around north omaha late at night. Its a lost cause.

Oh shit nigga

I miss their onion rings.

it's because everyone in Omaha idolizes Chicago. Why this is I don't know, perhaps because Omaha just really sucks and is filled with wannabes.

Other midwestern cities do not have this Chicago envy/desire. You don't see it in Des Moines, Kansas City, St. Louis, or Minneapolis. But for some reason, in Omaha, people fawn over Chicago and think it's just the coolest shit in the world.

>tfw I only learned about Nebraska as a 11-year old because in the first episode of ALF, they compare his nose to it


grew up in North O a poor white. 24th and lake to 24th and Titus to 45th n Crown Point . Graduated from North High in 03. the latter area gone from All white to majority black to now mixed poor.

Most black people here are chill but they still hate authority because of criminality.

I know Omaha has the highest mirder rate Per Capita, that is why I said it's turning into a less shitty version of those two places.

haha I used to be friends with someone who was like this. and wanted to fucking move there. I think he grew out of it.

I lived in midtown as a kid, but we got out. Its getting too liberal.

I live in dundee area any pollacks want to hang out



Midtown being where all the new shit has been built? I currently reside around Midtowb Crossing. They gentrified the shit out of this neighborhood. 5 years ago it was much worse


A guy I used to work with a long time ago used to always talk about shit like "Omaha isnt full of pussy niggas like kansas city

He tried to fight the drummer from story of the year because he threw water on him.

You see it's eastern border with Iowa?

That's where global strike command is. It houses detection planes that are constantly in the air to detect nuclear detonations and launches and the base itself commands our nuclear triad.

I lived there in the 90s. Good time, but i was just a kid enjoying blissful ignorance.

It's not great. I like a lot of empty states but Nebraska is almost all corn and sad highway towns with a gas station and motel and a Denny's and that's it. I'd rather go to Wyoming or even the Dakotas.

I live in Bellevue.
Can confirm.
Runza is really good but will make you fat as fuck if that's your main diet.

Nebraska is pretty fucking nice but it's not for everyone. The ghetto that is North O doesn't really impact where I'm at and South O is shit but stays in its own territory

Fuck off Wyoming

This Nebraska thread is surprisingly comfy.

Another good thing about living in Bellevue is proximity to US STRATCOM. In the event of nuclear war I won't even know it happened.

T..t..the 90s are coming back

>user tries to think of literally who
>names the state known for being literally who
>tfw your state isn't even on the radar as literally who
wew feels good still

Hellz Yes! Born and Raised here!

youtube.com/watch?v=wIxWtayHEOE [embed]

if i like to work and farm and go to church and fish is it okay if i move there
i am white also

You have to change your college football association to the Huskers, it's in the law.

But otherwise OK, leave your shitlib ideals where you come from.

Just eat meat, be straight, shoot guns at animals, wear some Dickies or Carharrt and you'll fit right in.

Welcome to self-actualized, slightly-upscaled hillbilly 'Merica.

Bass Pro bought Cabelas. They'll be closing Sidney down.

Lol when youre from bellevue and think it has ghetto parts. I near the kansas border on nebraska side but im from denver. You small town folk scare so easy

I have family in a small town in Nebraska and I'm always blown away when I go to visit. I'm pretty tall (6'3) but all the guys that live there are my height or taller. From what I've seen Nebraska is inhabited only by tall, muscular white people.

>implying we'll ever be good enough to even play against them

I wonder why so many Nebraskafags browse Sup Forums

Lol its mostly fat farmers and truckers. The youngins are in good shape but they ofyen leave the state

When you live in the middle of no where surrounded by religious ignorant fucks the internet seems nice

Get the fuck out then faggot.

Go to I-80 turn left or right and keep driving until you find your safe space.

the only truly religious people here come from across the river

Id rather fuck your momma and stay cozy in my farm house hunting every year. Just because im educated doesnt make me a pussy you hick cow fucker

We have mennonites where i live.

runza is the bomb. we had one in lawrence.

nebraska furniture mart is nice.

Your education is deeply reflected in your posting. I applaud your clearly superior intellect.

Light beer, weak coffee, country fucking music. Housing is cheap because of a scarcity of jobs so do not move here unless you have needed skills.
The venison is unbelievable. So is the boredom.

Im on a cellphone waiting for food at a restaruant

Which state is that? I thought it was just a big oddly shaped body of water with nothing in it.

And your point is?

People unironically drive thousands of miles to go to Nebraska Furniture Mart.

It's that good.

I've lived all over the US and have been on 3 combat deployments. I'm not scared of much honestly but I can recognize that North and South Omaha has shitty parts and ghettos. Living in Atlanta (2 years) and Houston (1 year) I do have a frame of reference.

I could be lying though. I'm just a guy on the Internet.

My roommate freshman year of college was from Omaha. He was an alcoholic white kid who loved Wu-Tang Clan. Good times.

Omaha does not bellevue though

Yes, they look down on Iowa as hicks. They call the city across the river Counciltucky.

That's because it's let them cover the massive sex trafficking happening in Omaha.

What this guy said. And Ford birthplace. And a city with horrible blizzard plans.

Still has jack and shit.

I got an internship offer in Lincoln for next summer. Should I go? I really just care about getting pussy for those three months desu

Manly shit.
Mostly farming, hunting and sister-fucking.

It's kinda nuts how the violence in Omaha settles down when it gets too cold outside to bother the thugs from shooting up the rival gang's block.

The first day of warm weather after winter is like The Purge in North Omaha. Vaguely remember a night where 13 people died in a series of shootings in North O in one night.

My dad grew up on a farm N of Omaha. No joke. Place is flat, empty and dull. Except when the tornadoes show up. Got up close and personal with a F2 once.

North Omaha needs to be nuked from orbit


This mother-fucker right here though:

Nebraska is the most boring state in the whole country. the only thing that ever goes on there is college football. If it weren't for Omaha the state would have literally zero redeeming qualities

Lincolnite here. You absolutely should intern here. The bar scene is centralized and close to the university. Lots of pussy down here. Don't drive drunk though, Lincoln cops live for DUI arrests

I live in Flordia now but I used to live in Grand Island. I lived in an apartment and one of my first redpilling experiences was noticing the awful smells coming out of my kenyan neighbors apartment.

Tons of incredibly hot sorority whores in Lincoln if that's what your after, but I'm sure every city has those

Fuck off delware

The Omaha zoo is really cool

>all this hate for CB

as a lifelong resident, it's nice if you can just make it past the neighborhoods closest to the river. get across the viaduct and it's much better. the saying "the wrong side of the tracks" rings real fuckin true around these parts

I know it's not Omaha. That's why when my wife and I moved back we chose to live here. South Omaha and Bellevue share a border. Sarpy County schools are way better than Most of Omaha public schools too which was another huge perk.

Like I said it's not for everyone but it suits me well.

>people probably wouldn't even know you existed even if you told them thr name of your state
Good. We're full.

>Nebraska is losing out on a ton of tax revenue that's going across the river to Iowa.
We wouldn't need it if it weren't for the massive exodus of minorities that Chicago is forcing into us.

Enjoy you're californians, Midwest.