What comes to mind when you hear the word "England"?

What comes to mind when you hear the word "England"?

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I want to fuck that frog.

me too

Tea, football hooligans, the queen

good job

I want to fuck that frog.

I want to have sexual intercourse with that amphibian

Muzzie rape gangs.

>Wake up at 7 bong in the morn
>Take a lookyglance outways
>Positively grey and wet like any beautiful day
>Eat my breakfast of seared grickleknob and Prince Harry on White before heading out
>On the way to work come across some impoverished afrikamen
>They demand my wallet at spoonpoint
>Gladly hand it over to the nice gents, and give em an ol' London Lollipop for good measure
>Wipe my mouth off, wish them good day and head off to work at immigration service
>Approve 36000 Pakistani families, under quota today
>Head home
>Blue Caps come me way
>"Oy mate! You're under arrest in the name of the Queen!"
>Ask wot for
>Being within 50 metres of a deadly spoon, not giving the African me wallet fast enough, and not approving enough Pakistani families
>Fair enough, take the fine and head home
>Step inside and me mum yells
>"Blimey mum, British things wotcha think I been doin'?"
>Head to room for an ol Liverpoole Handshake
>Turn on Wundahbahbox, go onto British Porn dot com
>Give the state a call for wank approval
>Purchase porn license for fitty pounds
>Whip out me Knickerstick
>Arrested for not watching interracial cuckold porn
>Won't lie, slight of a shit day
>God Bless the Queen

Same here

I wish to engage in coitus with this amphibian



I want to tenderly love and cherish that frog while pumping her full of tadpoles.

>Pre 2012
oi m8 eetz 6 bong lets get sum cheeky nandos
>Post 2012
I don't bloody think Sharia allows it!

""""Asian"""" rape gangs

>be american
>go to Ohio university
>get shot by a muslim


Tea and my dick in some slag who called herself Biscuit.


>get shot by a knife

faggots with poor dental hygeine

Muslim surveillance state.
Also home of global (((bankers)))

jimmy savile

>by a knife

Wow, I thought euros were supposed to be the smart ones


kek 10/10

my sides




A boat, dead Zulus, intrepid explorers of Africa, redcoats

bad teeth.



Nice extremely rare pepe

Fucking this.

The pinnacle of civilization.

Also sucking kike dick.

PC totalitarianism

I want to fuck that frog.


It's a nice country, 2bad it doesn't hold its former glory.

Brown teeth, brown people

Stop this user. I'm going through some no gf times and I'm beginning to hate all cute things

I-it'll pass in a week... I'll get over it.

1. Associated football
2. Fuck off



Superior dental hygiene .......
No 1 country in the Eu for bodily hygiene .
Larger than average penis's.


Bigger dicks than here, sexier accents and more masculine rough men

Tunnocks tea-cakes

Best ally.

Oh I forgot all around better lovers in general.

keky weky

Big Ben

Literally just Big Ben

A nation of Jewish cuckolds and traitors.

>>Wake up at 7 am (american mornings)
>>Take a lookskaddidily outsidarino
>>Drought as far as the eye can see
>>Eat my breakfast of deep fat fried snickers hamburgers washed down with molten sugar
>>On the way to work come across some impoverished latino men
>>They demand muh wallet at gunpoint
>>Gladly hand it over to the nice gents, and direct them to the nearest taxpayer funded sanctuary city for good measure
>>Wipe my mouth off, wish them good day and head off to work at the ICE
>>Do nothing all day, because that would be racist
>>Head home
>>Heavily armed black-clad officers knock me to the ground and beat the shit out of muh
>>Ask what for, buddy?
>>Being within 50 metres of a pair of unsoiled pants, not giving the Latino muh wallet fast enough, and working for the ICE
>>Sounds fair, take the beating and head home
>>Step inside and muh mom yells
>>Head to room for an ol' Tennessee squeezer
>>Turn on Witchcraft Machine, go onto BLACKED dot com
>>Call the actress to confirm I have her consent to watch the video
>>Wait three hours for an affirmative response
>>Whip out muh Pork Scratching
>>Arrested after she withdraws consent halfway through
>>Bit of a shitty day, boy.
>>God Bless America


> am (american mornings)
> implying Obama doesnt use ICE to spit out millions of illegals every day
> implying consent is a major issue in the US


Rain and far too many subhumans

>Getting this mad over pasta
British humor.

I want spray mytadpoles inside her froppy, if you get my meaning.

For some reason Cenk Uygur wearing an Argentina football jersey. I wonder why.

i wake up 6 in the morning to spend an hour getting out of bed to get to work at 8 i smoke an amber leaf roll up on my way to the bus stop and buy a pack of cheese n onion mccoys and a 49p boost every morning. i get on the bus, is it going to get stuck in traffic today? its a 50/50 chance. i notice the driver being some slow fucking old pakistani cunt and after 10 minutes of him driving 10 mph i start saying things out loud such as "fucking cunt driving so slow" and people seem to be shocked that someone is speaking up but nod agreeably. after 30 minutes on the bus i get off, smoke another fag, fuck sake i have to get to work and spend another day dealing with absolute knobheads for a disgustingly low salary. i wish i had enough money to buy a chicken tikka subway but i dont. i get on the tube. FUCKING MOVE DOWN U CUNT. some fuck steps on my shoe. my fists clench. someone is pushing my back trying to get more space. i only slept 5 hours because i cant sleep at night, i have nightmares because of all the stress im going through. the guy in front of me has dandruff. im being pushed one more time, i cant stand it anymore. OI FUCK OFF, MOVE BRUV. im pissed off, i need to transfer to another line. everyone is so incredibly slow it makes me unimaginably angry. people standing on the left side of the walkway. MOVE. FUCK SAKE. WHAT U MEAN EXCUSE ME??? YOURE STANDING ON THE LEFT FUCKING SIDE JESUS. i walk up the moving escalator just so i dont have to deal with people for any longer. another tube. no seats, i have to stand. my legs already hurt. im tired, i want to go to sleep. its my stop, i get off and get out of the station. i get to work. alright? alright? alright? alright? alright? alright? not too bad! im fucking terrible on a daily basis but i have to lie. user, the boss is coming to see us today talk about targets. great. i look like a junkie, my beard is scruffy and i have fresh razor burns all over my neck.


I hate bullshit like this. Apparently, British values are based on democracy and free speech, but our current democracy has a huge margin of error (giving the snp 50~ seats with 3% of the pop. vote and ukip a single 1 with 10% of the pop. vote) and our free speech is being closed down by police by the minute.

Social Justice isn't as bad here, but it's still silencing a lot of right-wing voters as they are afraid to speak out in caution of getting hurt or violated - why? I disagree with a lot of their opinions too, but that doesn't mean I become a total pussy and go to my safe space.

(RIP Top Gear)

>British humor

1984 totalitarian control state

The Big Fat Quiz of The Year, been marathoning the espiodes the last couple of days, some are VERY entertaining

>too many subhumans
Don't worry, the Pakis will clear them out soon enough.


Perfidious Albion



It all began with Pimple, as we call him,' said Farmer Cotton; 'and it began as soon as you'd gone off, Mr. Frodo. He'd funny ideas had Pimple. Seems he wanted to own everything himself, and then order other folk about. It soon came out that he already did own a sight more than was good for him; and he was always grabbing more, though where he got the money was a mystery: mills and malt-houses and inns, and farms, and leaf-plantations. He'd already bought Sandyman's mill before he came to Bag End, seemingly.

'Of course he started with a lot of property in the Southfarthing which he had from his dad; and it seems he'd been selling a lot o' the best leaf, and sending it away quietly for a year or two. But at the end o' last year he began sending away loads of stuff, not only leaf. Things began to get short, and winter coming on, too. Folk got angry, but he had his answer. A lot of Men, ruffians mostly, came with great waggons, some to carry off the goods south-away, and others to stay. And more came. And before we knew where we were they were planted here and there all over the Shire, and were felling trees and digging and building themselves sheds and houses just as they liked. At first goods and damage was paid for by Pimple; but soon they began lording it around and taking what they wanted.

'Then there was a bit of trouble, but not enough.'

I wonder if the black country is still white majority or are there more blacks now? (It's in Sandwell, Dudley, and Walsal - also if you know please answer).

i had to buy a new shirt for this job and the collar is so stiff it hurts my neck for 8 hours straight. i go on a lunch break. for the 1000th time i buy a chicken salad sandwich, a pack of crisps and a drink. im having another fag. i barely finish eating when my break is over and i have to be back at work. fucking kill me already. a long struggle. ----------. user, up for a pint after work? nah mate sorry ive got plans today. i dont have plans today. i dont have money to have plans, i dont have time to have plans, i only have enough time to watch half a movie on netflix and go to sleep. i lie to myself i will take a shower before i go to bed but i always leave it til the morning. it never happens. luckily i dont sweat much and i clean my body with £1 wipes from boots. the tube ride home is even worse. what is this a train to auschwitz? fucking cattle. somebody is pushing me. swear on my mum im gonna knock someone out. dont fucking step on my shoes you cunt. somebody tries to sell me a food subscription. somebody wants to take my money to support blind people or some other shit. theyre dressed in a superman costume. sorry mate. he looks at me like im a cunt. i want to go home. im waiting for the bus but the queue is already 30 deep and i know my favourite seat on the upper deck will be taken when i get on. its always taken. the seat above the driver allowing me to have a little nap and a good view. i get home. i go to my room. close the window, its cold. turn the heating on. turn the light off. im too tired to go to the toilet. piss in a bottle. go to bed. watch half an hour of a movie, wank to some girl dressed as a schoolgirl. start wishing you did better at school and went to university but you never even had money for it anyway. now your life is a poor mans truman show with the highlight of it lying to the pharmacy assistant i have a sore throat so i have to buy codeine. i pass out, i have to wake up in the morning to go to work




That hurt.


L'ennemi héréditaire
La perfide Albion

What's her name?

Idk, I'm Scottish but when I was like 4 I always used to think of Africans carrying buckets of water when I heard about England.

>my heritage
>union jack
>Triumph cars
>Enfield rifles
>a big fucking clocktower

>Triumph cars
>not Minis


I'd shouldn't have fucked that frog.

Blond Saxon men.

>Not motorcycles

why is this frog so cute?

It hits far too close to home.

Yes, your highness.

This: youtube.com/watch?v=8lMexzk3TA8

The battle of Crecy


Sadness at what's become of it

best things ever far superior to american subhumans


Harbors full of tea.