Happy Trianon Day everyone! Come here so we can celebrate the partitioning of Hungary, 100 years later!
Happy Trianon Day
Fuck Hungary, Daco-roman empire when?
Join us in celebration.
>bullying based magyars the cuckslayers
for what purpose?
Braise Trianon :DDDDDD
Dog bless Romania
The great yurt packing day
Isn't this that one bitch I see in normie Facebook videos?
Top kek
For wanting a land that was never majority Hungarian, and having every city filled with "memorials" that call for annexation of your neighbour's land. They are niggers, simply put it.
My favorite day of the year
Dunno, got this pic off of Sup Forums
cu stimă, eternul sârb
Second Treaty of Trianon when?
E bozgor din Vojvodina. Sarbii sunt frati ortodocsi.
bozgor from vojvodina
Reminder that Romanians are the purest whites.
glad we whites look after eachother, amerifriend
It's shit. Romanian anthem is far better
No one gives a fuck about it, it's all EU now you fucking gypsies.
aveți grijă cu cine votați bă proștilor
thats the bad version
I was wondering when the butthurt magyars would show up
This is gonna be another Magyar-Romanian retard-off isn't it ?
So what you are saying is that you are niggers?
Oh wow you really are niggers. Reminde rthat you lost litterly every war and major battle against Romania.
Stop bullying Hungary
They're going to get their Großungarn back one day, just you wait
I want them to try. We'll then force them to sign Trianon 2.0 where they agree to give us their best women
Hey look it's the fallen empire, how about you go to work on south tyrol first.
This girl is so perfect I'd convert to Turkey just to lick her asshole
>pic related happened IRL
Sverige for fucks sake
based denmark
you can find her nudes on google.
Barbi isn't even hot, I don't know why people obsess about her. Also her tits are flat and apart.
Reminder that Danes are Dacians as well.
White and based
Leave them alone Romaniabro. They dont really deserve this. Hungary is a red pilled and cooperative nation if you give them a chance.
I see you changed ip Istvan Arpadic
True. This is how real magyar qts look like
honestly, if we knew what we know now, about how our """"""""""""""""""""""brothers"""""""""""""""""""" croats stabbed us in the back, we would have left all of croatia to hungary.
Hungarian cucks btfo, desu they lost lands to gyppos.
more like split from the same stock most likely, unfortunate that slavshits and buggelduggel khans messed up our southern haplogroup I brothers
>stabbed in back
fucking lol back in jasenovac cigani.
You fucking stabbed the Croats in the back scum kike.
also,post some dane girl...
This, thanks austrobro
What? Why are you so hostile. Show at least some modesty in victory as good orthodox should.
Forgot to turn off your proxy, Istvan?
puši kurac bozgor
fucking lol it's so obvious your a gyppo in denmark, wew lad Romania was such a good country you moved to Denmark eh.
jee, Canada is indeed a home to all kind of scum
Are you butthurt? I'm as potato danish as it gets
? Yes this totally happened mhm where is my proof gypsy.
Says the Croatleaf ayy lmao
It's obvious you're a hungarian in Leafland. Why don't you go back.
>Rip Papa Joseph
Franz Joseph was the greatest emperor to ever rule. If it wasn't for the (((them))), the great Austro-Hungarian empire would still dominate mainland Europe.
Lets all pay our respect.
Dont bozgor only live in Romania and Ukraine?
Oh ya totally.
Germany, you cant talk ahmed.
Dont bozgor only live in Romania and Ukraine? But seriously whats wrong with you?
nah,today it applies for all hungarians
No, but I wont not be silent, while based Hungary gets bullied by shitty bulgaria
Not Hungarian sped-head go back to Romania.
That's the average kurtos kalacs size not dick size.
Let that degenerate burn in hell.
Meaning of Bozgor: homeless; one without a fatherland
aka steppenigger who belongs in Mongolia
sry I meant Romania, but whats the difference anyways
romania is 100% gypsy hungary isn't
>it's another Romanians vs. Hungarians thread
wew lad you really got me holy shit i'm btfo'd.
At least i'm not Romanian.
Allright then. But why are you attacking me I dont even live in Vojvodina and love Romania... I'm just saying we should learn to live together and unite against the globalist beast.
>Its a "kikes and leftists using divide and conquer in the Balkans" thread
What the fuck Romanians.
"Roma"nians are subhuman and should have been genocided centuries ago.
Sure is leaf in here
FUCK YOU dracul scum! I came to England from Hungary before three years to work hard and earn my money and get raceism every day from fucking English cunts. Then I go on this cite at the everning after working all the day and I see this shit pooring out from the mother's anus into this cite! You are just a fucking piss in a pot, and so be your fucking worthless kettle dracul country! All you can do is make cunt posts like this, but Hungary is grater by a lot! We will conker back our lands, and YOUR SHIT LAND WILL GO AWAY! Maybe you shoot at the things I say today, but in a day you will rearlise I was true and right, you FUCK!
>I'm just saying we should learn to live together and unite against the globalist beast.
>globalist beast
oh look, another serbslime too pussy to name the jew
Oh cry more you serb faggot. If you allowed him to rule over your country instead of starting ww1, the jews would have never fucking won. Fuck you and your shitty ass muslim country.
>a fucking leaf
Go back to /commiepol/
cu stimă, o frunză
>Trudeaus education
No such ending retard.
I love how hard romanians are trying in this thread.
Many of them have no food or shelter, let them have this.
based magyar bro
Well we have Transylvania.
inb4 "w-we never wanted it anyways"
I love how hard hungarians are crying in this thread.
Many of them have no civilization or culture, let them have this.
>moves to foreign country
>whines about racism like a dindu nigger
bozgors everyone