What do you think, Britbongs. Do you want to do an Exit from the Brexit? A Brexiexit?
Brexit - Germans want to play hardball
Why should German citizens care about Brexit? Those "polls" of hers will end up causing a fucking war some day if this continues.
It found that support for a tough negotiating line with the UK was strongest – at 64% – in the former West Germany. And more bad news for the British government came in the form of figures showing that the number of Germans backing cooperation with the UK is falling, down from 63% in 2014 to 53% now.
Indeed, relations with the UK were regarded as a top German foreign policy priority by only 5% of those surveyed. Only 5% said they regarded the UK as Germany’s most important or second most important partner, with 60% citing France and the same number the US.
Your shit union is about to collapse. High unemployment across EU. Italy will quit the eurozone. Lapen will make Frexit happen. Nationalist spirit is picking up. You're done merkel.
Mate, once Trump is in the white house the United States and UK are going to annex you so hard you wish you hadn't tried to destroy Europe again.
99% of German polls about Merkel are made up on the spot
Right now, I'm just pissed of at our exchange rates. Earlier this year, it was 1.40~ dollars to the pound. Now it's about 1.24 dollars to the pound. Since I buy a lot of stuff from America, this messes with my money and means we are a much worse country to invest in right now. There's a lot more I should probably be worried about, but right now this is the only semi-Brexit related thing that has directly affected anybody. Stuffs over hyped dudes.
I think it's more likely to be the German cuck mindset of answering with what they think the question is looking for.
I dont really get it, what does german popular opinion matter in any way in merkels policies?
Yeah, they should fucking hurry up with it already, they are such pussies honestly
(((poll))) finds
>this messes with my money and means we are a much worse country to invest in right now.
A lower exchange rate actually helps with foreign investments.
Also, be happy it does not keep falling given MAGA.
Man up faggot, we`ve had it good for fucking ages in terms of currency exchange.
Try saving.
>Germans want to influence other sovereign nation's policies
Really makes me think.
>said the American
Unable to attract members their union, EU, Germany now punishes those who seek to leave.
>I dont really get it, what does german popular opinion matter in any way in merkels policies?
It does. Trust me. There are elections coming up next year. Until the elections, Merkel will pretend to do what the people say they want, including fucking with Brits.
I'm a supporter of Brexit, and I assume most people are on this board.
However a referendum wasn't the correct way of doing this (at Peter Hitchens and a few others have pointed out) because it leaves us in the ridiculous position of having a Government that did not administer this policy nor want it, and a Parliament which is massively against it. The constitutional crisis that has followed thereafter has put the Government in no-man's land and I have no idea what, and how, they are going to approach this.
The best way for us to be pushed into leaving the European Union is for the allure of the EU to not be there at the time of exiting. The best thing that could happen would be for us to be forced out, or for either France, Austria, Hungary or Italy (?) to either conduct a referendum or be voted into power and enact leaving.
Theresa May is a fucking hack and we need to hurry up and LEAVE THE EU
Get in here
>trust a (((german)))
truly, the leaders we deserve
>>Germans want to influence other sovereign nation's policies
Come again? Since when is Britain a sovereign nation?
>Unable to attract members their union
You do know there is a long line of countries wanting to join?
Turkey, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Ukraine, Moldova etc. all want to join.
On everything other than implementing the Claudenhove-Kalergi Plan, Merkel takes her decisions by polling popular opinion. Her sole goal is the brownisation of Europe. She doesn't care about anything else, so she gives the people what they want, good and hard (even when it's a stupid thing to do, e.g. the nuclear energy thing).
>tfw your country may actually have to slap the Germans for misbehaving a third time in a century
The question is does Germany as an existence actually get to remain after a third spate of trying to destroy Europe?
>Theresa May is a fucking hack and we need to hurry up and LEAVE THE EU
It is not happening. You do understand the British courts are leftist cucks and will say you cannot leave unless all your unelected House Lords say "Ayyyy" dressed in 16th century wigs standing on one foot?
Spoken like a true German.
>said the American, again realizing the irony of his post
Peter Hitchens is a jew who play-pretends to be some sort of principled Tory. If you take his statements at face value, you're most likely a twit.
Brexit wont happen. The court will rule the MPs get a vote, and they will vote against it.
"Evil right winger" false flag BS will have a few "racist" outbursts and the propaganda will go full stream to insure the Tories are ousted next time round.
UK looses all power at the table while things get "negotiated and end up cucked to the EU as was the plan all along.
Merkel is the captain on a sinking ship...
Now she's gonna try to drag the UK down with her....
Ain't happening capt'n
>Punish people harshly for wanting to be free of tyrany
this will work well
Interest rates are too low. No point in saving.
Why would MAGA change it? That's a different country entirely.
I will buy extra British goods every single week if we treat british people badly for democracy.
It's disgusting she is acting like the far left wing Dellusional dictorship leader telling everyone what do.
I no idea how any german supports her or her party,
Yes. But what do they have in common? They're shitholes looking for gibs. Jesus Christ Hans, WWII has traumatised you so hard you diverted all your patriotism into the EU. That's tragic, to be frank.
>Why would MAGA change it? That's a different country entirely.
The dollar is going strong because of MAGA, stock markets are going strong. MAGA is making other currencies weak compared to the dollar.
Exit to WTO terms. Tbf people do not give af.
Fuck the many Presidents of the EU and their power plays...
>I will buy extra British goods
There is only so much Twinings Earl Grey tea you can buy.
Would you have an archive link on hand? I'd like to see this for myself. It seems so completely out-of-character for our electorate.
You like to pretend to be big on facts. Go look up what the UK exports. (It ain't tea.)
Stop cucking yourself with EU-faux-patriotism.
Nope. I'm still cheering for a full-fat hard brexit. Populism and anti-globalism is on the rise all around Europe, and the days of the EU institution are numbered. The majority of the countries in Europe have long histories as free, independent nations and we want to remain as such.
Perhaps, once the EU dies, a new Europe can rise from the ashes - a group of countries that trades with its neighbours, cooperates with its neighbours, but ultimately remains a group of independent and sovereign nations with a common interest.
>having a Government that did not administer this policy nor want it
Lad it was in the Conservative manifesto to impliment the result of the ref. Its why we elect a govt.
The Islamic Caliphate is not going to happen, Germany. Get used to it.
>They're shitholes looking for gibs.
Those are the last shitholes we got in Europe, m8. We left all the other shitholes, like Romania join already. Check out a map. The only European countries not in the EU apart from my list are Switzerland and Norway which are de facto members and Russia and Bjelorussia, which are right wing nationalist countries.
Germans want us to sink with them
Huh. Guess he would be nice to big business, he is a republican and owns Trump Towers. I didn't think he could have such influence before getting into office.
Parliament agreed to the referendum and did so on the basis that the result would happen. If Remain had won it wouldn't be on an "advisory" basis, they would say the people have spoken.
Any complaints they have about "the plan" is irrelevant because they had the chance to agree on that last year when they voted in favour of having the referendum. They were so confident that we would stay nobody bothered to make one, and are now asking for a say when they already fucking botched their chance.
Now here they are, a democratic body of representatives who actually don't at all reflect popular or constituency/regional based (i.e. leave still won that too) when it comes to this single issue, demanding to be involved.
The government has every right to ignore their nonsense especially when the make-up of the cabinet as a political body actually does more closely reflect popular opinion on this
Now they're bringing fucking court cases in, frankly the government should use the clear disregard for any real democracy as the basis to just ignore everything parliament does or says until the next election because this representative body, on this particular issue, does not accurately represent anyone, and thus what legitimacy are they standing on?
>Germans want
The German government treats Muslims better than Britain.
Moral of the story: Never trust a German.
>Go look up what the UK exports. (It ain't tea.)
Yes, it is tea. They export tea and banking services and not sure you can buy a shitton of banking services in a Romanian supermarket.
Britain will always be first in line with us, Bub.
You still don't get it. By the way, why are krauts so anal-retentive? Even more bizarre when you employ that anal-retentiveness by shooting yourself in the foot.
There's an easy cure for cognitive dissonance: admit the contradiction, and change your viewpoint. Uncuck your mind.
>Merkel will pretend to do what the people say they want,
I would think you fuckers would be about fed up with her letting in all those sand niggers. Don't you guys have a trump? Germany is a good country. Take it back.
I'm looking at it through a proxy so that may be why, but there does not seem to be a link to the actual survey.
>I didn't think he could have such influence before getting into office.
His "we will rebuild our inner city" comment on the night of the election and the "the wall will happen" statement two days later, has let companies think there will be BIG BUSINESS in the next years. Plus all the othe business friendly things he will do.
>britain exports a product it is not capable of actually producting
For the record, our top commodity exports are machine/mechanical parts, cut gems and precious metals, pharmaceuticals, oil, vehicles and aircraft/aerospace components.
Freedom from the neo-marxist of the EU disaster is worth the potential high cost. We're fucked either way though.
(((polls))) told us Hillary will win with a landslide and everyone hates Trump
Yes, you're an uneducated moron who's overly invested in screwing himself over.
You have no excuses now.
she cant do shit. if she disrupts trade between germany and britain germany will lose billions in exports to britain as well as the hundreds of thousands of jobs specifically in the car manufacturing industry linked with britain
as farage would say they could cut off their nose to spite their face but it will damage them more than it'll damage us. if she wants to get personal and lose more money whilst the EU is already on the rocks, go for it
Sow the wind and you'll reap the whirlwind .
This, it's (((them))) again.
Pols (especially liberal lefties) always double down on the stupidity.
>Don't you guys have a trump?
No and Germans are Germans. Most Germans are fucked up in the brain. They like plans and cozy comfy rules. Also, due to being forced to take in Turks (America pressured us) 4 decades ago, we have been conditioned to deal with these type of people and don't care about them any more.
i thought they were meant to be tolerant ones? does tolerance only work if they have brown skin?
Very sad germany! Sad!
Do it again, Bomber Harris
Do it again Bomber Harris
Surely, though, many businesses cower in fear as Trump is elected, as many corporations allegedly bribed Hillary with money to also be extremely kind on businesses? Wall Street put in a lot of donations for her - slightly sketchy at best, right?
ww3 when
>our top commodity exports are machine/mechanical parts, cut gems and precious metals, pharmaceuticals, oil, vehicles and aircraft/aerospace components.
The attached graph says differently. The biggest shit you export in terms of goods are nuclear reactors, booz and Scottish oil.
You can manufacture here Britbongs. -I know a few million looking for work.
>she cant do shit. if she disrupts trade between germany and britain germany will lose billions in exports to britain as well as the hundreds of thousands of jobs specifically in the car manufacturing industry linked with britain
We can trade on WTO terms, you can't. You need services to be exported.
maybe france was right after the first attempt after all
>as many corporations allegedly bribed Hillary with money to also be extremely kind on businesses?
Only corrupt special interest companies and banks bribed Hillary. 90% of hte economy wants Trump.
Fuck you, you fucking disgusting Kraut-roach.
You have anything a bit more up to date there Jerry?
>right wing nationalist
Stop regurgitating every piece of rubbish the press force-fed you.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. The entire Goldmann Sachs meme was really confusing me during the election.
>However a referendum wasn't the correct way of doing this
>Because it gives the power to make choices to the people, not to our masters and superiors
And when you see a cane I see a crook
And when you see a crowd I see a flock
It's sheep we're up against
Sheep we're up against
Kill yourself.
fucking subhuman german trash kys
do it again bomber harris
>filthy arabs that rape your women and openly mock your liberalism
Refugees Welcome!
>Democratic country democratically decides to leave political union
I swear to god I think the Krauts want a 3rd beating or something.
fucking nuke germany already
Now I just feel sorry for you.
No you don't he's a good Jerry unlike you cuck.
The new mindset:
Only give a fuck about your own country.
Finally its starting to happen to Germany too. Good.
Countries need to care only about themselves for once.
The sooner the EU collapses the better.
we can trade on WTO terms as well mate
It will us hurt more than it will hurt you, but we do it for you, user.
kys americuck trash
What is up with you guys and self-harm? You have a problem.
>Only 5% said they regarded the UK as Germany’s most important or second most important partner, with 60% citing France and the same number the US.
I'm surprised it's not 100% France, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure France and Germany have quite a symbiotic trade relationship.
I won't support any war against you, just to make this clear, britbongs