So italianfags, what are you going to vote and why.
Referendum 4 dicembre 2016
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Crashing this Europe, with no survivors.
I'm voting NO because I hope to see the EU destroyed
God speed Quitaly!
Someone explain why voting no will hurt the EU.
This vote has nothing to do with Eu. Voting yes here btw
It could crash the euro, that would make it easier for us to exit the eurozone
(((They))) are already talking about the Parliament having enough power to approve a bailout for a couple of banks like MPS (which is a fucking black hole, it already went belly up twice in 4 years because of Partito Democratico politicians managed to prevent it from being investigated) first and Deutsche Bank later, 4 months max.
And it ain't gonna be peanuts, we're talking about trillions, which is why (((bank analysts))) are so aggressively shilling for it. After gambling with our money for years, they want more of it so they can keep playing
They can all get fucked. Between our Navy downgraded to a boat taxi for niggers, bailouts, corrupt pieces of shit selling our welfare services and our constitutional rights and shitty trade deals, i've got my balls full, enough is enough.
Just break Italy back up into the city states of the Renaissance, you can all get good flags and make sweeping hand gestures while yelling at each other.
buon jorno, io voto contro itidoto, per ke, es un idioto, y, oy maestro de ille idioto
Nice pasta
Really shill? You've been BTFOd repeatedly in the last couple of hours, you and your Correct The Renzi squad, i thought you got tired
srsly, what are you getting out of eu, think about it, we need italians to give us superior quality so we can sell it at optimum prices
you want to raise your prices, but where is your market ?
fuck farmers
I don't understand the referendum.
Is it just a:
More power to the parliament
I'm against eu. But you all have this strange idea that this vote has something to do with Eu when in fact if yes wins the next election could be easier to leave the eurozone
Yes. And less people at Senate
fuck eu, we need diversity, and we need to learn from each other
in their own country, of course
What is the referendum about?
Giving more power to Renzi? Or Parliament? Something like that.
renzi bitch to draghi or not
together we are strong, l'union fait la force
And how this referendum changes any of that point dear non-county friend?
Giving up to globalists or getting kicked out from the eurozone
l'union fait la farce
Wew lad
Nobody knows.
>Mafia says: Vote YES
>Beppe "state of mind" Grillo says: Vote NO
--> Vote NO, vote against mafia
Any Bambinis care to explain what is this referendum about ? What stands for yes and what stands for no ?
does the mafia have a news paper there?
it doesn't, julius caesar, bringer of hegemonic thought, but fuck, clown 5 star guy is going to liberate people from evil eu guys.
fuck I hate eu, but, he's probably some emotional, populist guy totally incapable of promising anything except some magically created, free, monies.
their current HNIC will quit if yes doesnt win
in the resulting election the eurosceptic (they are in a group with ukip in the eu) five star movement has a good chance of winning
Beppe fake signatures in sicily/mafia?
Yes means more power to the government. Thats as basic as it gets.
Destroying your own currency..That's fucking retarded.
Yep these are Italians alright.
This. Beppe grillo is a fucking clown and too pussy to join politics of 100% but too communist to leave movimento 5 stelle to somebody else
Will change 47 points in our costitution
Everything stays the same
Are you dumb or a shill? I guess the second.
If the SI wins, the new constitution inserts explicitly the membership of Italy in the EU in the constitution, and our subordination to the EU.
Not only that, but to leave the EU you'd need to win the vote of senate AND parliament, as per reform.
Too bad that the new Senate is cheated in order that only the PD (Governing party, socialists europhiles cuck. Think Trudeau) can control it.
Since the Senate is not elected, but nominated, at the moment they would hold 49 senators, +3 from language minorities (their allies), + 5 nominated from the president (their puppet). This is regardless of whoever would win the elections, M5S, Lega, whoever.
So, the SI is enshrining our membership in the failure that is the EU.
That's why you NEED TO VOTE NO.
> Yes
Supported by Juncker, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, all EU politicians and our pro-EU politicians
> No
"Populist" Five star movement, Berlusconi, meme North League
I'll vote NO because it's a shitty reforma and anything supported so vehemently by Financial Elites can't be good for normal people (and for many other reasons btw).
Not at all. It is not confirmed that he leaves. And if he does they will just put another man from Pd there until next election.
It's always the evil rich guy, we going to get the evil guy, steal his stuff, fucking germans are the problem, we just get back what is ours.
Srsly, he has more than that ? I don't know the guy, but it seems always someone else is the problem.
Also, get rid of Renzi, he really is evil reincarnated.
>does the mafia have a news paper there?
Newspapers (basically every newspaper but "Il Fatto Quotidiano"), Televisions (mostly owned by Silvio Berlusconi's family) like the public service are influenced and ruled by men placed by our corrupted government in order to manipulate the information, etc..
We have a third world tier system, our country is worse than fucking Botswana when...
A man that want you to vote no
Ok I'm going to try to understand your stupid referendum one more time.
What are you voting on again? Explain in 50 words or less
If you're against the EU, why would you support a reform literally written by them? That's fucking dumb, we'll get out from the eurozone faster if No wins
The fake signatures happened only in Sicily, wow, what a surprise...a mafious region couldn't be cured senpai.
Apart from that this is the only problem and it's nothing compared to Partito democratico politicians being arrested every day and shit.
>De Luca wants to modify the constitution
Research on your own amerifat
No, you tell me or I wont give you my digits to help you win
fuck off, beppe grillo, has no clue about anything, but he represents people, and he should srsly educate himself, ot he is going to fuck up your country
that being said, i would vote for him, but he is an itiot
Just because it's written by them is bad?
The changes will remain after this president and could help a better one
Win what India?
Ius soli (aka anchor babies) that will give citizenship to one million of """""refugees"""", bailout to Monte Paschi, plus another one to Deutsche Bank by february (they are both gonna happen with a PD majority in the Parliament)and this time we're talking about trillions, more shitty trade deals, our welfare gets privatized, EU laws get included in our fucking Constitution, and we keep importing niggers under a marxist EU shill dictatorship that will operate with impunity since the Senate will have no more power. One we have no guarantee of kicking out because the moment we do it, and the EU doesn't like who we put instead, the EU is going to replace the elected govt with some empty suit nominated from Bruxelles
These are the real motivations, supported and documented by the likes of JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank, hidden behind bullshit excuse such as saving a few millions of eurobucks or reducing number of senators, or M5S are bad so vote YES
Was for (you)
Constitutional Change--> Second Chamber (Senate) becomes like your Chamber of Lords (appointed, from 365 to 100 members), uber-centralisation, some shit committee abolished, change of law-approving process, EU is inserted as one of the main legislative entities according to which our laws must conform.
Basically, YES= More power to a cuck goverment
think about it, before you choose a side, what's in it, you cleaver of germanic pussies ?
Giving more power to the government while decreasing the number of senators.
People voting Yes do that in order to have more stability, in a country where there have been a different government almost for each year since the end of WW2 and in a country where (again, a lot of this is caused by how WW2 ended in Italy, sparking a civil war with repercussions even today - the parties are very fragmented and different from one another, from fascists to democrats to liberals to demochristians to socialists to communists).
People voting No do that either: because they want Merkel, Tusk, Juncker and all the bankers to BTFO / because some of the alterations in the constitutions are rather unclear / because mayors are gonna be senators too, where mayors can hardly do their job and are mostly part of the 'PD' party / because they want Renzi to BTFO because he made a lot of reforms wanted by the EU / because they are tired of the corrupted (intellectually and morally) ignorant political class / because m5s is against Renzi, EU and all the other Italian parties (they are supposedly like the new, uncorruptable [not yet at least] political class "by the people, for the people", even though they have no experience in politics and are ignorant and retarded as the others) / because they are political extremists
I am voting Yes because I think that a country without stability is not properly governable, but rather ungovernable
Anyway, No will probably win
First part is wrong. We are not part of Europe in the constitution with this referendum
Second part is a contradiction of the first. Sage
Third part is wrong as well, senators will be elected just not by you directly
Thing is:
>It's written by the (((EU)))
>It's written in a shitty way.
>We changed our costitution already, we can do it again, maybe with 15-20 points instead of fucking 47 all at once
>If something goes wrong, we're tied to this fake union forever because of a fucking name we accept to insert from our own will.
Also, if you dream of any euro crash, voting No you accelerate the process.
I don't see why would you vote Yes at this point
Seriously, we don't know.
I'm not even joking.
The referendum papers have been reviewed by old and experienced Italian constitutionalists, people who teach at universities and know our constitution word by word...they said they fucking don't understand anything about what the referendum actually is about.
The reasons you'll hear/read are spread from our corrupted prime minister and his govern, and they sound like promises for fool/retarded people.
Also the fact that people like Junker, the fucking president Obama himself and other shills are supporting the "YES" cause is a clear sign of what we need to do: VOTE NO.
We have to vote NO and win, in this way we could force new elections and hope - as usual - for some justice and to resurrect this shit country...which I love.
look at it this way
why the fuck wouldn't i exploit your wish for stability
How will accelerate the process?
Ypu have to vote NO
i get it
It's already exploited and the constitution lasts more then governments
Nigga please, don't be retarded, our press and TV is not that bad, considering what happens in Sweden or what happened in the USA during the presidential campaign
And he asked if the mafia owns any newspaper, which is either not the case or the newspaper is really small or the they own a newspaper but pretty much don't influence it
you can vote out your government, but you can't vote out eu government
Actually Grillo can't become a parliament member due to his past penal history, iirc he killed someone in a car crash and was found guilty so now he can't access public roles.
>iirc he killed someone in a car crash
>if the mafia owns any newspaper
>Silvio Berlusconi
>Il Giornale
The last thing we need is an actual clown in our politics, other than the figurative one we already have, fucking Razzi holy fucking shit how can he be a senator, HOW
Why not? For sure we can
>"The upcoming Italian referendum this December may create volatility across markets as the year draws to a close
>If Italy decides to leave, it is confirmation that the union is in trouble and could spark a long-term market rout which European equities would suffer from the most."
That's what the (((analysts))) say anyway,
If that won't let us leave the eurozone, we'll never leave regardless the outcome
We can only vote for abrogative referendums
I hoped you'd say that . And this is who grillo is
srsly, berlusconi to fuck up italy ? I think you fucks did an berlusconi just riding iyou iriots
Analysis is a person who analyse. Clearly you are not one
Yeah but come on, a part from Studio Aperto which is a fucking joke, he just makes an appearance or two before the elections as propaganda/explain his political views, not really the end of the world
Please, retype
Have you understood what I wrote?
Alright then, Here's your link
>il fatto quotidiano
Fucking kek
Kek, I just read the wikipedia page, he was THE ONLY SURVIVOR out of 4 passengers, and he saved himself by opening the door and jumping out while the car fell into a ravine.
>Friends. They expect 3 of us in the wreckage
*Did you understand
>I'm drunk
Holy shit
fuck i'm left, right wing guy is the problem. It's slightly more complicated.
>he didn't read Nassim Taleb
Analysts are the butt of the joke because they never put their skin in the game. They are just paid to sound cool and know their shit with obscure, overfit equations shoehorned into complex graphs whose data points are mostly the product of hindsight bias or plain imagination. Anything to sound reasonable and knowledgeable while investors lose their shiirt. Their decision are basically worse than a coin toss because on the long run they create herding effects (which means that if you are into trading, collecting their analysis and doing the opposite is an effective long term strategy)
Ask yourself why analysts aren't bank traders and they are kept miles away from actual trading execution, while traders laugh at those dumb cucks while raking in the $$$$
>he saved himself by opening the door and jumping out while the car fell into a ravine
This is what is going to happen to all Partito Democratico electors once the NO will have won.
>Did you vote YES?
Was making a joke on the word analyst but nice pasta. Can I steal it?
fuck off mohammed
>what i don't like is pasta
>i-i was just kidding
Drink bleach
ayyy tell me your analysis on the Nikkei, mr ANALyst, looking forward to do the opposite so i can make money on the dumb cucks following your advice
no you can't
This whole vote is a mess its to make adjustments faster when making a new law and somehow ppl think we are voting to leave the EU or whatever bullshit they come up with it. the oposition only promotes the NO vote because Renzi came up with it its sad realy stuff like this is why are are falling behind compared to the rest of Europe
Yes, because I genuinely believe it's a good reform.
>implying my vote will matter when all the retards both here and IRL will vote No just because they don't like Renzi.
You are drunk. Is 1 o'clock go to bed