Donald Trump has nominated Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs banker with ties to Hollywood, to be his Treasury Secretary. He also used to work for George Soros. So much for draining the swamp. Are you Trump supporters actually going to defend this? Will you ever admit you were conned?
Donald Trump has nominated Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs banker with ties to Hollywood...
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>believing the media that hates this guy
you tried
I think it's just more 4d chess from trump. Gotta fight fire with fire.
The department of treasury is a joke, and will be even moreso once trump audits the fed and establishes a gold standard. His appointments are literally for the bants. Asian transportation, jew for the treasury, and froglegs with a weak mitt romney for the memes. He's reveling in his power now.
>drumpkins will defend this
None of you even bring up the OneWest bank shit
How do I know Sup Forums is dead?
Fucking sad.
I've been on the Trump train since day 1 too. Fucking Major in the meme wars. Been here since 05.
Hope you all die.
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He looks like John Oliver
>Department of treasury is a joke
>Literally the agency that determines federal tax policy
Don't be surprised when this asshole slashes taxes for affluent people like himself while raising them for everyone else. All of the people Trump is appointing are salivating at the opportunity.
He's probably picking these establishment guys so he can fire them later for incompetence.
voters regret already sinking in i see
It's more likely Trump is incompetent so he's appointing whoever those around him ask him to. Many of his appointments directly contradict a lot of the policies he touted during the race.
>He's probably picking these establishment guys so he can fire them later for incompetence.
Holy fuck, you people are deluded. Trump could murder your family and you'd find a way to justify it.
What's onewest?
>We control both sides Goyim
You're the type of guy who'd probably get raped by a nigger and be thinking while you're getting ass pounded 'Man, I wonder if he loves me'
nothing has changed here
>"In 2016, he served as finance chair in the successful Donald J. Trump presidential campaign."
>"If confirmed, Mr. Mnuchin would play a critical role in carrying out Mr. Trump’s promised economic policy changes, including the enactment of a large package of tax cuts, sweeping changes to foreign trade agreements and the fulfillment of a huge new infrastructure spending program. He could also help lead any efforts to roll back President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and the administration’s opening to Cuba by reimposing sanctions on Tehran and Havana."
I don't like that he worked for Soros, but there is no indication that he likes Soros.
>"He also briefly worked for Soros Fund Management in their private equity division during the "Goldman" period with Jacob Goldfield and Mark Schwartz."
Nobody cares you fucking faggot. We are in control now. We are taking over everything. Everyone willl bend the knee.
NOTE:it says "briefly" We don't know why he left.
>It's 4d.. d. chess
>He's just pretending to be a globalist in order to infiltrate their ranks!
Just googled this Jewish nigger. This guy is really bad. if Hillary or Obama had done this, Republicucks would be howling.
He appointed billionaires, DC insiders and Wall Street fags. After fat Donald ridiculed Wall Street on the campaign trail,he tapped former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executive STEVE MNUCHIN to be his Treasury secretary. Mnuchin also worked with the man who broke the Bank of England. The man who funded Trump protests, Soros hired him in 2003 to start a new business focused on buying risky debt. In 2004, backed by Soros, Mnuchin founded Dune Capital Management. Trump also appointed billionaire investor WILBUR ROSS to lead the Commerce Department. Trump even met with Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn inside Trump Tower. Cohn is joining his admin.
Other billionaires/rich Jews he appointed so far are Betsy DeVos,Elaine Chao, Todd Rickets
Holy shit, Trump just cucked his own supporters and Trumpniggers will say anything to defend this. Just watch
Wow, we can't let this guy get nuclear codes.
What you want to go to war with Russia instead?
I'm 100% sure that Romney will be his secretary of state. This neo-con, anti-Russian faggot - EVERYTHING TRUMPNIGGERS ARE AGAINST.
Wake up, niggers. Trump is a conman
you can't really govern without wall street types. my guess is that he's laying out his platform for what he wants for america and steve agrees. one can only hope, but I will give trump the 2 years he has with full control of all branches of gov to see what happens
And Trump could give to a charity and you cucks would find some reason for why he was literally hitler.
You need to step away from the koolaid stand and smell the fucking roses there pal, otherwise you're not going to live long enough to see 2020.
Trumptards: Congratulations, you played yourself you fucking niggers.
Look at that Jew. So much for draining the swamp. What the fuck
of course they'll defend it and there's no way they'll ever admit they fell for the biggest con in history
You realize that the people who can best grow an economy are the rich?
I do agree that it could go either way, because corruption can still happen, but your argument is that he should install people who don't know how to handle money? That is ridiculous.
It's the bank he bought with (((Soros))) to kick out/foreclose disenfranchised folks at the height of the financial crisis
OneWest literally changed the locks of a grandmother's house during a blizzard to kick her out while she was in negotiations with the bank to refinance.
>in b4 niggers
>in b4 spics
>frustrated shill
>impotent rage display
Love it. More.
I can't hear you over the sound of liberal tears hitting my palate.
Mmm, it's delicious, keep 'em coming.
Well shit.....
>he thinks Sup Forums cares about what trump does
Sup Forums only needed hillary to lose, which she did
We'll just wait and see then. If Trump fails, these white working class niggers won't be voting for him in 2020. Trump will be a one-term president.
Again. Look at this Jew. A Jew who literally worked for Soros.
Give more money to Jill, you can still win. No refunds.
how upset are you really
>We control both sides Goyim
It's almost like corporations and the elite buy off both parties and give us the illusion of choice. Maybe now Sup Forums will start asking why Trump got 5 billion dollars worth of free media coverage.
Kek, all the retards here aren't a bit redpilled.
Don't you fucking know that trump has debt beyond everything you can imagine?
He was hired by the zionist to run, in order to not lose all of his wealth, look it up it's true.
You will witness in the next 4 years the most jewish president you have ever seen.
Almost everyone behind his campaign was jewish.
He will be the end for the white race.
Hillary was prominent for hating on kikes, trump not.
You are all retarded sheeps that swallow everything from an controlled opposition guy like cum.
You will regret it soon.
You should have listened what we, the real silent minority have said on this board for months now, that both candidates are shit, but especially trump.
You should have instead of supporting the retarded "MUH VOTING" system more, be protesting and fucking the retarded jewish controlled government over.
But no, this would have been too much of an effort so you just go with the canditate which is different.
You are not a single bit different like the people that voted obama in 2008.
You will pay for this, soon. The whole world will.
This whole system was, and still is fucked.
The whole finacial sector is still well and alive, and trump will just support it more, before the biggest fucking bubble we have ever seen will blow like a million suns.
The 2008 financial crysis isn't over, it was just paused, it was paused by the taxpayer by paying millions and trillions and billions of money too safe the world economy.
But the debt is still here, and soon, very soon, we will pay for it , not with money but with lifes.
>establishes a gold standard
Why do you morons think this is a good thing?
>who literally worked for Soros.
.....which is WHY he now believes the things he does, and got hired by Donald.
Get it?
How can I be upset when there's so much delicious liberal tears to drink.
Go ahead and bitch, we'll see how things go once Trump officially takes office.
Because he pissed off the liberal media and they couldn't help plastering his name across every news network 24/7.
Seriously though, fucking Hillary Clinton gave him free advertisements on her own commercials, you can't get more cucked than that.
Good point except that it isn't.
>"The term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist Left to the camp of American conservatism.[2] Neoconservatives typically advocate the promotion of democracy and promotion of American national interest in international affairs, including by means of military force and are known for espousing disdain for communism and for political radicalism.[3][4]"
fine with me
Where did you get the idea that Trump supporters like Russia?
except that he is not
the only tears are the crocodile tears from trump supports who realize they fell for history's biggest scam
at this rate do you think you'll even live till feb 20th?
>east coast elite
>banking family
>d-d-draining the swamp am I right, centipedes
"le goldman sachs is evil meme"
Only financial illiterates and envious poorfags say this.
seehe "breifly" worked for him
>liberal media
Media isn't liberal. It's highly conservative.
Noam Chomsky - The Myth of the Liberal Media
>"le goldman sachs is evil meme"
Ok so why did Trump attack Goldman Sachs IN THE PRIMARY, and run his final ad attacking wallstreet?
I remember Ron Paul ruffled some feathers in the media and the banking establishment and all they did was freeze him out completely. Trump, by comparison, gets wall to wall coverage.
To win
This. Are we sure this is still Sup Forums and not r/sanders?
RatPacDune has produced some lit movies too.
thank god its only impossibly expensive and the cartels have been getting around them for years
>neo-conservatism is fine by me
How did you even find your way here? Did the ADL send you a memo?
>What is campaigning?
Oh my god. Trump's not going to do everything he's promised. Making him just like every politician. btw Gitmo is still open, Obama
Bottom line, Trump, not Hilary Clinton, is Pres Elect. And that's all I care about
To pander to the sanders crowd of course.
leave it to a jew to not use a windsor knot
Trump donated to Hillary Clinton multiple times!!!
So much for draining the swamp!!! Drumpf BTFO
he thinks those positions are given out based on merit
I don't like this but as long as he builds the wall and gets rid of mexicans and muslims i don't care. Just save North America and the Jews can keep controlling the currency.
>And that's all I care about
Is this really the people who voted for this guy?
Shhhh. Sup Forums will call you a check.
read this:
trump hires people with real world experience
inevitably, everyone with real world experience is part of the system and has credentials like Mnuchin
however, trump is in charge of them and they will do what he wants or they get canned and replaced
it's better than hiring a bunch of "outsiders" who have 0 real world experience just to please the retards
the "swamp" is corruption, not credentials
working for a soros owned company does not automatically mean you are corrupt
Mnuchin worked for billionaire tycoon soros, not his subversion machine
I just "liked" your post.
Nope, independent of all that political crap.
Hey dumbfuck, hes been part of the campaign since June. I have no problem with trump building his own Jew force to use against other Jews. They only care about power and money; Trump corrals that to his advantage. This guy's use will eventually expire.
Any top Accountant/Economist/Finance person has worked at an investment bank or financial institution at some point in their life.
What did you expect? A bunch of farmers and police officers with no legal/economic/political knowledge or experience?
It's either the lol-no-experience meme or the ESTABLISHMENT meme
I don't care as long as they're loyal and do what Trump intends, really though the truth is we don't know what will happen and how they'll be until they're actually running everything.
The argument is he shouldn't be appointing people who's life goal is to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else. The rich have been running the economy for decades by bribing politicians. The only thing that has happened is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. That's not a coincidence, it's clearly intentional. Yes the democrats have been complicit in this to a large degree, but the republicans are far worse offenders. They don't give a fuck about the middle class and poor, and now Trump has put the fox in the hen house. Just wait, Trump will be the precipice of corruption.
I concede Trump won the election through the retarded archaic system we have implemented in the States. By the numbers however he lost by over 2 million votes. I'm not a Shillary supporter, but in any other "democracy" she would be the president right now and even Trumptards have to admit that.
He already backpedaled on the wall. Now it's a border fence.
Steve Mnuchin was a top campaign fundraiser for Trump. Now he's secretary of treasury. That looks a lot like corruption to me. He's done this for many other appointments as well. He's clearly hiring people based on how loyal they are, not on their qualifications.
Without using meme Ron Paul, who would you have picked for Treasury Secretary?
>govern without wallstreet
Then he shouldn't have said he could do it on the campaign trail.
>Hiring people based on loyalty.
Good. All I need to know to feel secure in any pick.
Kek. Go back to your cave
Enjoy your fence white trash faggot
I disagree, Trump specifically geared his campaign to sweep the Wisconsin, Michigan, PA and spent a lot of time in small states like New Hampshire too
If it was popular vote then we'd have a ton of democrats in red states going out to vote and a ton of republicans in blue states going out to vote that otherwise wouldn't as their state is usually always locked in - Combining that with a different campaigning strategy and we really have no idea what'd happen, Trump could have won or Hillary could have won by even more.
>You realize that the people who can best grow an economy are the rich?
Muh trickle down
>Steve Mnuchin was a top campaign fundraiser for Trump. Now he's secretary of treasury. That looks a lot like corruption to me. He's done this for many other appointments as well. He's clearly hiring people based on how loyal they are, not on their qualifications.
Mnuchin was finance chair of the campaign
he was hired for that because of his credentials
and you are surprised that his credentials also make him a likely candidate for secretary of treasury?
sure he could've picked someone else, but are you really surprised that the best choice for campaign finance chair isn't also best choice for secretary of treasury? look at the dude's credentials
He can't drain the swamp overnight. He needs to fill 4,000 cabinet positions in less than 2 months. That's a tall order. Swamp draining will take 8 years at least. These guys are heavily entrenched.
Will be interesting to watch if any of the supposed men of principle on here actually stand up and voice opposition when Trump continues to let the (((bankers))) rob the people.
Did the mudslims already take over your Flag, Tyrone?
>precipice of corruption
I'm not arguing that it couldn't happen.
However, the alternative is Hillary Clinton. Pizzagate, Whitewater, Hillary Wikileaks Scandal, Hillary on Iraq, Hillary on Iran, Benghazi, Monica Lewinsky, Bosnia sniper fire, Asia fundraising scandal, Travelgate, and all of the mysterious people close to the Clintons that disappeared and any unknown connections to other scandals.
I'll take my chances.
>in any other "democracy" she would be the president right now and even Trumptards have to admit that
look into what the founding fathers said about direct democracies
they were careful to ensure this country was not one because history shows they fail
it's working in switzerland so far, but switzerland is relatively homogenous
>Steven Mnuchin was born in New York City to a Jewish family on December 21, 1962. -Wkipedia
Lmao the dream
>archaic system
. It was designed to prevent a few large states from enslaving the small ones. The two senators in each state, and the 3 in DC, are that insurance. The 435 representatives are distributed among states based on population. This ensures that each state is as close to equal in the union as possible without having the population of each state being entirely disregarded. Otherwise, there is no point for a union [a federation of a group of sovereign states] of the states, or each state would be its own country. I.E. there would be no union or there would be no states.
Now, you complain about each vote in the election not being equal. In fact, it is. When a citizen votes, they are voting for what their STATE wants. Again, otherwise there would be no states or there would be no union.
On the states: The alternative is states being entirely equal where California has the same number of electoral votes as Delaware. The compromise is that the population has more weight than the actual state, but the states sovereignty is not ignored.
If he murdered my family he must of had a good reason
You do know that most illegal immigrants come through airports right
My (Ecuadorian, not Mexican) friends' parents just stayed way past their visa in the 80s and their kids all have citizenship because they were born here
The parents later applied for legal citizenship (because some family clause that allowed this or something) and now they vote and pay taxes probably have a better life than you since my friend works for a big pharmaceutical company