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Sweden...wtf is wrong with you?

Time to take back your country, Swedcucks.
This is the last fucking straw.

It's bad that there's no link but because it's Sweden it wouldn't surprise me if this was 100% true.

Guys we really need to talk about Sweden, I'm just worried now


Learn the difference retards, one is kicking them out and throwing them out on the street and the other one is moving the people to another home. This case the people with dementia is being moved to another home to stay

Doesn't matter, stop catering to fucking migrants.

start killing politicians or start killing yourselves

swedes don't care
shit even the ones ON Sup Forums are cucks

just let them die

This makes me feel good as a leaf because I know that there's one country more cucked than mine

Fuck off white nationalist

Swedes don't deserve life

Is this the first time in history a country will commit national suicide in the name of tolerance and diversity?

Sweden is lost.

It will become our contigency country when the day comes.

Sweden is a human rights abuser and it needs to be invaded to liberate its peoples from the blatant destruction of their rights and property.

its like if your company makes you redundant or retrenched, they mean different things but either way they still screwed you over

so people with dementia and disabilities are honestly being removed from their homes ???? can someone confirm this from Sweden . they say you can judge a society by how it treats its weakest members this is honestly sick Sweden if fucked beyond repair


Hahahaha fucking libshits.
Divide and conquer bitches.
They are doing our work for us.

Fuck off "progressive" trash

>Russia would have annexed Sweden by now, if it wasn't hiding behind uncucked Finland

>Germany is literally teaching the migrants how to fuck german women and impregnate them
>Sweden is relocating people to another home for migrant housing

Yet Sweden is the one being cucks here Germany? I hope you and your people die you caused this

They're being relocated not evicted. Their new home might even be better who knows

>no link
>OP is embarrassed by the shitty source

Totally not clickbait.

>mfw chubby chaser

>I hope you and your people die you caused this

The entire world sees you as nothing but a dangly dick shaped country full of faggot beta men and rapefugees. You are the laughing stock of planet earth.

We try hard damnit

>Last month, politicians in Enköpings approved a proposal under which locals have been sent to the back of the queue for social housing, with vacant properties earmarked for migrants.

This shit pisses me off so much
> be homeless swede
> get no house
> shitskins get free house
> freeze to death in gutter

>Muhammad 15th ranked name in England and Wales
>1st in Sweden

Get your shit together, what happened to your once great Nordic accomplishments? Now you're bending over for shit tier Muslims.

they're kicking them out to an old abandoned school.

Atleast we have more than a 55% white population

Faggot, both you and Germonie have over 85% white populations. The difference being you are both fucking cucks who let several million migrants into the continent, good job fucking brainless Sven.

Not for long buddy. We may have tons of immigrants but they don't move far beyond the border and they don't mix with the natives.

Meanwhile in Sweden you have elementary schools with 5 migrants for every native Swede. Have fun in 30 years.

He's prob an Arab like German posters. The anti-SD spammer turned out to be an Arab himself as well

That's a fucking lie, where's the source retard? Muhammed is number 1 in England and it's not even on the list in Sweden. Why are you guys lying like sjws? There's so much shit here you guys can actually make memes about but you choose to make up lies instead. SAD!

Someone should gouge your fucking eyes out you piece of human refuse.

I just want to watch it all burn, Win or lose.

>Sweden laughing stock of the world


Literally the most popular with best reputation country in the entire fucking world. It's the laughing stock of dickletts on Sup Forums, but all normies over the world loves us. You are being laughed at with Trump by the left you retard. Everyone thinks you are fat and inbred, and you can't prove them wrong because they're right

Several millions only apply to Germany. I do agree that we take in way to many immigrants and there is nothing we can do about it until 2018 when the election is.
Sossarna is also spending 65million SEK on anti racism research and noting on integration research. (Only have a Swedish source)

That looks like it's probably Breitbart which means the story is heavily twisted bullshit

Hey Americans, Hungarians, Dannish, Austrians, Italians: PLEASE FUCKING INVADE US NOW and dont listen a single bit to the EU. just suprise us tomorrow, knock out our useless defence and put our youth, children, old and weak back in priority.
Lets pray for a delightful and morbid angel now

The only way Sweden is ever going to become pure once more, is for it to be turned into irradiated ash. It's the only way to save it's soul.

No thanks, we have nothing to gain from invading Sweden, we have IKEA here already. Maybe ask the Poles, they have some historical scores to settle.

>everythings ok
>everyone loves us

keyword: might

you stupid fucking fuck up

I kinda wish Russia would invade Sweden just because why not. It would remove the shitty government, SJW and feminazis. But on the otherhand Communism is wrong and would fuck shit up

See, this condescending, "better than you" attitude (backed up by nothing but being born into a rich country) which I saw in like 70% of the Swedes both irl and online is the reason why most of the world won't give a fuck about your demise.

Swedes are fucking subhuman scum same with you Germans I can't wait until shitskins become the majority and start purging you scum

Good news for you Sven, Russia is no longer communist.

There's no way this picture is real in it's assumed context.

If nationalism is bad why does the US support Israel?

What the fuck Sweden>
> wheelchair bound woman had asked to use a toilet at a nearby asylum centre after sharing a taxi with one of its residents
> gang raped for hours
> Suspects released

not to mention that we have a whole new kind of retards to deal with, and they have ability to think quite well while they would be backed by good old russia.
the cykas and blyats would be the death.
so much for the fucking left ideals ...

>Sweden is the best

It's like you're not even trying.

Everything is not okay. The migrants here are shit. But the american was making up lies when the majority of people loves us. You have to remember that the world isn't right wing, it's left wing and it's dominating the media, the pop culture and literally everything. The majority of people don't think wow Sweden = Muhammed raping white women and leeching welfare. They think wow Sweden you mean that country with a great prosperous welfare state with progressives at every corner and tall handsome blonde men?! Sign me the fuck up

This has to be bait nobody could be this ignorant of their own autism yet post something so autistic



Dailymail is right wing you retard. Do you want me to link snopes or something?

55%? For Europe? That's a horrendous statistic!

Better a Swedish citizen be raped mercilessly than to for the authorities appear racist in even the most demented self hating leftist mind.

Sweden you have to stop this shit now. Organize and stage protests and marches. Bring bats, knives, and flags and walk straight into the "no go" zones. As soon as you are assaulted you attack in self defense. You have to fight. Your government is only selling you out more and more.

Gotta love how they found the one woman with a kid for the photo

Sven looks like a total cuck, while Else there is grinning the "I fucked Mohamed last night in the bathroom while Sven was asleep" grin... while Mohamed has that "I'm going to make Sven watch tonight as I assfuck Else look.

But we are better than you. We are taller than you, we are more attractive than you, we are more educated than you and we are richer than you. We simply are better than you, mongolian horserider. Are you mad that we're superior master race?

Nothing about this post is "white" nationalist.

Both native swedes and legally migrated immigrants know that these ungrateful muzzies are a threat to everyone else.

Fucking false flag Storm cuck.

>suddenly Sup Forums cares about 'tards


God this is so progressive, I'm so proud I'm literally shaking

Remov leaf or learn her how to read

Why don't you do it yourself.

why would you blindly defend this ? why do all the swedes on this board always respond like this ?


Fucking snowniggers!

Then why do you hate yourselves so much?

1 fucking woman, couple dozen rapist sandniggers.
These are what the jews are telling you are refugees.


Is Forbes better faggots? You jealous or something? I'm sorry nobody likes you


i mean, fuck, even they know that.

Why does it always have to be somebody else doing things for you? Grow a pair and start organizing.


You don't normally name your kid after your rapist, you fucking retard.

really ? let me guess, the migrants get the brand new facility with state of the art heating right ?

The world is right wing,it is only the media that would suggest otherwise -they have their own agenda.

Trying to remove these people won't work. They are like roaches. They survive and just come back. It would be like trying to remove Japan with a nuke. It doesn't work you still come back

>Germany! Yes!

and soon you too will be "relocated"
straight to your new cuck shed

Yes, I'm envious of being a 190 cm tall blonde, blue eyed descendant of vikings, being brainwashed with feminism and liberal propaganda, watching my country taken over by foreigners and being hated by our women who would cuck me with some niggers.

if swedes are this proud then why do they advocate the destruction of their people and country

Even the Australians are making fun of Sven now.

KYS Sweden

such a cuck statement grow some balls

I can't wait for sweden to fall and become a cautionary tale for the future.

The story of the cuck that got cucked to death.

IKEA is just the shadow of what we can do.
sadly we live in a demokratur rather than in a democracy. and sadly the people who lives here have some romantic urge to suck EU cock and bash germans for MUH 6MILLION and the list just goes on and on
also this nation was on it knees to lick the cunt of this bith.

Because you are making up lies about my country that I love. I'm not gonna let a couple retarded brown mulatto obese americans make up lies. It's our government that is fucked up, stop fucking insulting my country you 56% faggot


Already a member of the Sweden Democrats and trying to remove these people.
Fuck off burger. Go back to your ghetto

Do you realize what board you're on nigger?

It's a Nordic Aryan thing, you mongrels wouldn't understand.

You "people" are so far gone it's ridiculous, I can't even tell if you're trolling at this point

If Russia wiped you cucks off the map tomorrow I really wouldn't give a shit, can we just give you guys over to Norway or Finland and let them do what they want with you already?

Breitbart article.

Just search Sweden.

