What's the deal with boomers?
What's the deal with boomers?
When you get handed the entire world to you by the generation who fought the bloodiest war in human history, you'd think you wouldn't want to give up your spot.
They're just selfish assholes, but they'll be dead soon.
We have it good.
Moar memes pleez
What's the deal with airline food?
They were under the influence of jewish propoganda and ate it up by the spoonful
I graduated from University in 2012, got a job from classifieds that paid $62k/year, and paid off my student loans in 2015. I also moved out of my parent's place when I was 17.
My sister graduated earlier this year, got a job that pays $47k right out of school, moved out of our parent's place, and paid off her student loan a week ago.
Bonus points, our family came to this country not speaking any english with just a few thousand dollars saved 15 years ago, and we lived below the poverty line for the first 5 year or so.
>capacity for empathy burned out by drugs
>raised communist but now twisted to sensuality cash religion
>most privileged generation in human history is so tough and worked soooooo hard
>no morals at all, their world is a real life borderlands and you sure as fuck are no vault hunter.
> 5 figure student loan debt
A-are you trying to say that's a lot?
it's average
They made 47k because CEO's weren't paid millions and that was with a HS diploma. They made 80k for going to college and not being stem.
Probably the 'best' HS diploma job there is was the Post Office, but even that has been ruined.
What I mean is, are you trying to imply that a 5 figure student loan debt is such a huge amount that you would have to move in with your parents like a loser because of it?
Unless you got a degree in something pants on head retarded, you should be able to pay off a 5 figure student loan within just a couple of years.
They weee born and lived through peak America
It's literally nearly impossible for most of them to recognize that the us is in decline
I graduated in 2012, got a job paying 40 paid off student loans in 2013 (only had 7k) now have a job paying 65k
Great for you and great for me that doesn't mean I'm blind to the fact that this isn't normal for most of my contemporaries
Dont be a twat
>from a different country
>instant good paying jobs right out of school
Fuck off. Most of us actually have to work to get jobs
>parents pay for me to go through college
>completely waste it following a stupid dream
>go into sales
>make more money than planned on with dream job
>selling timeshares to boomers
If you hate boomers and niggers, go into sales. They are fucking gullible and will give you money for useless shit.
>tfw jewing the jews.
You can make a ton of money selling timeshares DESU
They were equally as selfish as our generation but with a better country in their hands. They lived its benefits without caring about protecting it for future generations.
But ultimately...at least they had children and national pride. Making them better than our generations.
yeah thats what i said.
>Be me
>Drop out to try to sell real estate
>Vancouver market is overheated and there's no inventory
>Make no sales
Just fucking kill me.
This, the only way to make good money is to siphon it from their demented, shriveled hands.
>making them better
why didn't they raise the younger generations properly?
my dad, born in 1952, literally dicked around half his life being a musician (made very little money) then decided he wanted to "settle down" and marry my mom in the mid 80s, he went to programming school, finished, made good money, within 10 years was making 90k being a generic programmer.
keep in mind programming school was not rigorous whatsoever, i think he completed it in like 6 months or something.
I was raised properly by my boomer parents, so speak for yourself.
His family is a perfect example of things we don't need in the US
If you aren't bringing a particle accelerator or sex robots, someone who is already an American can probably do what Ahmed here is doing.
> Fuck off. Most of us actually have to work to get jobs
Lmao, in what world does an immigrant have better employment opportunities than someone who was born in America.
Damn you're retarded. No wonder you're poor.
try timeshare. plenty of ski lodges and shit up in canuck land.
i was too. but it's obvious that they failed with a lot of people which is why college is such a joke now
>at least they had children and national pride
Actually, they didn't have enough children and they completely fucked over their children's future so their """national pride""" isn't worth much
a capitalist world like america
see: silicon valley
everywhere dumb ass people all too eager to hire immigrants
If a foreigner can do it better than an American than they will be hired. It isn't about world views or anything else, it is about numbers. They will make more money if they hire someone who is smarter.
Did this just become a repeal Hart–Celler Act thread?
Millennials get a real bad wrap
The media paints millennials as unrepentant socialists and many are but proportionally they aren't really anymore liberal than other groups of young people.
Considering the shitstorm of garbage that was handed to them they are doing many positive things. Most measures of degenerecy are showing improvement divorce, violent crime, drug use, alcoholism teenage pregnancy etc are all very down (besides black communities).
Not to mention all the alt right and political counterculture are conservative young people
And let us not forget the hlthousands of dead and wounded millennial veterans
He media wants you to think the young are little marxists because they want you to think it's inevitable
If anything millennials will turn out to be more libertarian in the end
>American IT worker makes $80K
>Pajeet will do the same job at half the quality for $20K and he doesn't mind because he is used to living in poverty
>Jew owner doesn't mind getting lesser quality if he can save that many shekels
Say what you will about boomers, but the average boomer is a million times better than the average millennial.
>can do it better
not even. they'll just get paid less, driving out any reason to hire american
There parents are the ones that gave away the world
As they grew up, became adults, went through to middle age, then now being retired seniors waiting for death the managed to fuck up nearly everything they touched. It's like all of western civilization is passing a kidneystone. I can only hope the damage is not irreversible once they are gone.
Please tell me, why do you think anybody would be eager to hire an immigrant over an american.
I'm really curious what kind of retarded poor-fag logic led you to this conclusion.
>minimum wage is 7.25
>jose or pajeet will work for 5
> not even. they'll just get paid less, driving out any reason to hire american
Ya you keep living that fantasy. My wife an I make $200k combined, and we don't live/work in silicon valley, and we're in our mid twenties.
this. employers are deliberately aiming low. its a well known fact that america produces the best programmers in the world. every major tech company started in america.
what employers do (and not just in programming) is picking average employees that can't hold on their own. when the employee is at the grace of the employer (and not the free market) he accepts anything.
employers in general are unreasonable people,ask stupid questions and have outlandish demands
Gee thanks for the insight, retard.
>he doesn't realize he was hired solely on the basis of his shit skin for diversity purposes
Thank god trump will fix all of this.
They burned American flags and yelled commie chants.
At my first job at of school I was making $62k/year, which was actually a bit above average for that job for that area.
Now I make considerably more.
So please tell me, why would an employer hire me to pay me more than the average american makes doing the same job that I do?
Thank you greatest ally, have a coin
>he doesn't realize he was hired solely on the basis of his shit skin for diversity purposes
Except I'm white.
> Pajeet will do the same job at half the quality for $20K and he doesn't mind because he is used to living in poverty
As I said above, my wife make $200K combined. We're definitely not getting paid less than Americans are.
>Hart–Celler Act
We obviously need to stop illegal immigration, but Trump talked many times about stopping our faggot H1B process. I don't see why we shouldn't go further and halt immigration almost entirely.
Being from a country that isn't Anglo or Aryan doesn't make you white Pablo.
>in what world does an immigrant have better employment opportunities than someone who was born in America
this one
You are correct in simple jobs like working fast food. Something like programming a digital currency, where it needs to be secure and done right, is when they would hire the smartest person even if he was not American.
Just because what I said doesn't describe your exact situation doesn't mean it isn't true. It's not a meme that companies abuse the H1B program to deliberately drive down IT/programming wages, that is a real thing.
Yes, and then when they do it wrong they get their shit hacked.
Go the fuck back to where you came from
>pay off $99,999 in a few years
This. I've speculated that with maturation of gender quotas, "diversity" hirings, and over-worked programmers who actually know what they're doing (but make common mistakes because they are tired from holding up entire organizations), the golden-age of computer crime is upon us.
It's going to be a hacker's paradise. I only wish I had the skills to reap the benefits.