How do we save white South Africans?
How do we save white South Africans?
We get the white people out of there for about 4 months, should be enough time to let all the black people kill each other
The live in Africa. They are Africans.
Just send them the losing Super Bowl team shirts.
why? If whites are as smart as Sup Forums says they are, they would move onto greener pastures and let South Africa follow in the footsteps of Zimbabwe. Good riddance.
arm and fund them.
I don't like giving up entire fucking European colonies. Non-Whites are so fucking ugly.
By recreating Rhodesia
they have to go back sorry
>If whites are as smart as Sup Forums says they are
Regardless of your intellectual capacity, South Africa is an extremely dangerous place where death or robbery awaits you round every bend or corner.
Intelligence alone won't help you survive South Africa. Clearly you're not white, or you'd understand this.
>Build a giant house in South Africa
>Leave it behind to some filthy niggers
Whites in South Africa have worked hard and built entire cities. Why should they leave now?
Shitskins destroy everything.
This is what happens when you colonize a place and don't execute the native populace.
Green cards for every one of them
Lots of rope. Though a guillotine might be more efficient.
Question, why the fuck are whites even going to Africa? I'm a nigger and I will never go there. Africans are insane and uncivilized.
Why do those two look familiar...
How about an exchange program. We send them african americans as an "apology" for for ever having taken them from "thier" ancestral home and they send us a white south african?
The ones that are still there are because they like it. I'd visit there but the fish in the ocean wear grey suits.
We need an actual South African in here.
Negative. A lot of them are so poor they live in camps, in tents, they aren't going anywhere, they can't afford to.
>I don't know how to read
The horror. The absolute horror. Sorry user. I didn't know.
Africans are insanely tribal, and almost all of their conflicts are ethic. American niggers are as foreign to them as Chinese, so they would never (willingly) take that deal.
Sorry if any of you have been in South Africa threads lately and have already seen this. If you haven't it is a must watch. That shit blows my fucking mind.
>Science needs to be "scratched off", because it's too western and needs to be started over from a more African perspective, because science can't explain how a witch doctor can "send lightning to strike someone".
That shit rustles my jimmies like not much else. Ass-backward literal retardation. This is the state of their universities. It's called "fallism".
Launch a crusade
>live in country in a 99% black continent
>history of black v. white conflict
>still think its a good idea to live there
>surprised when you get killed by blacks for being white.
And they can't get jobs because it's like affirmative action here in the states but on fucking steroids.
Gross over-simplification. We need a South African in here.
Having a child grow up in South Africa should be considered child abuse.
I watch a youtuber called ADVChina and he is from South Africa. He talks about how every single family member of his and friends have been affected by the crime. The stories are horrifying. Many of his friends have been murdered by blacks, his father came home just in time to find some nigger had tied up and loaded his mother and sister in the boot of a car and was about to drive off after a home invasion. It is a nightmare.
That's all I ever hear about the place. That it's an absolute living nightmare. Thanks for the reference, will check him out.
Never mind. Whites deserve it.
Move all the whites to Western Cape and secede.
cant beat em join em I say
"A lot"
99% don't live in camps, tents, or shacks
What. The. Fuck.
We don't, they deserve to be slaughtered
when white south Africa first arrived there were no black people in the area there were what are called Koi people a brown skinned people when the south Africans 200 years later went into the wilderness they met blacks going south and over the years more and more of them came south . it was not always a black country .
Oh well in that case....
How to Raise Your Dragon
Within South Africa today, there are native african lands in the North and East. They were treated unfairly by whites, and they rightfully rose up and overthrew these sub-human barabarian rulers.
Resettle these poor white refugees in swing states.
Why the hell are white people in South Africa anyway? Did I miss something?
We don't.All the smart ones already left.
just like Rhodesia?
I'm glad my ancestors went loose on the locals and didn't leave to many, now you can't throw us to the wolves with your shitty foreign policy.
The British empire used to be a thing
>>Build a giant house in South Africa
>>Leave it behind to some filthy niggers
>Filthy niggers build a giant house in South Africa
>Leave it behind to some filthy niggers
Boer untermensch didn't build anything. They may have bought some plans along, but they didn't do anything.
South Africa is lost in the long run. White men and women made it the best performing country of the continent, niggers will bring it back to a Zimbabwe-tier shithole.
Individually, whites may decide to live there and do well but not as a people, blacks will see to that. Blacks and whites can't coexist unless one rules over the other.
I wish some country would make an offer to take white south Africans. They're a decent, hard working people. Maybe Eastern Europe or South America should do it if we won't, it's a win/win.
Even the rich ones living in tripple-fenced absurdly fortified mansions with dogs and guards and a fucking arsenal on site?
She's going to get raped.
>They're a decent, hard working people
They are literally the most repulsive people there are, even worse than South African blacks.
What are the odds this guy ends up murdered ?
Thats australia m8. No africans have hair like that. Those are abos
Have a tale to tell or are you flinging shit?
I was replying to an aussie.... M8.
You've obviously never met the Eternal Saffer. Biggest cunts on Earth
I came here to post this.
Initially Jan van Riebeeck started a refreshment station for ships travelling to Asia. Next some Calvinists came from Europe because they were oppressed and so on. Eventually Napoleon happened and Britain took over Cape Colony. Then in 1820 they sent a fuck ton of settlers, Dutch settlers moved inland to escape their influence and founded several Boer republics.
Eventually the Second Boer War happened, Britain took over the Transvaal and Orange Free State. Eventually they unified all the colonies there into the Union of South Africa.
>rose up and overthrew
well that's not true white SA had to give up power because of every nation on earth was imposing sanctions not because of any internal resistance to white rule ending apartheid was mainly pushed for by the rich whites so they could have free trade with other nations . you are misinformed of just ignorant
Do they not notice that things were objectively better under white rule?
>Why should they leave now?
Because psychotic niggers will destroy them.
fucking this, white south africans are essentially niggers.
i'd say arm the ones there, do not give green cards or accept refugees
high at I hope he thinks his costume will stop a nigger on a chimp out lol what a dumb ass
Are you asking niggers to think?
No blacks are mentally retarded they dont notice alot of things.
actually yes many do wish that they were still living under white rule
Yeah there was that one nigger in charge that was like, "Whites get out" and then the blacks started to starve because only whites knew how to farm.
Have you tried reasoning with an African ? They probably think whitey is the only reason their country isn't a black communist utopia.
Clowns like these look goofy but they're dangerous.
Many king niggers think this way, not just Mugabe.
Reminder that this guy was beaten to death by his black employees a few years ago.
A based King Nigger? Very rare.
>I don't like giving up entire fucking European colonies
its already gone, user
White middle/high class have left SA a while ago, what is left is either powerful business owners/corporates living in fortresses like in any shithole.
And extremely poor and disconnected white families that whines about affirmative action.
it's like watching a monkey trying to fuck a football
> He was beaten to death with pipes and pangas (machetes), while napping. His body was found on the bed with facial and head injuries.
> Two males, Chris Mahlangu, aged 28, Patrick Ndlovu, aged 15, were arrested. Both were workers on Terre'Blanche's farm. They were both charged with murder, and one was released on bail.
> Chris Mahlangu's announcement to other farm workers that he was "now their boss" fuelled suspicions that the murder was politically motivated.
See.... here is where an argument could be made for something being in the genes. If you can sit through this, it's worth it:
> He was beaten to death with pipes and pangas (machetes), while napping.
Around blacks, never relax.
That Johnson nigger is the one who was severely concerned about too many military troops on Guam potentially flipping the island over and killing everyone. It is embarrassing he is in office.
You forgot the Deutsche influence user. But, not bad.
Send south africa some black americans.
When they get called racist for shooting a dindu, they'll pray for white people to return (and we never will).
>if you can't explain this very specific phenomenon (which is bullshit and untrue anyway) then your explanations regarding all other (largely unrelated) subject matter is invalid
sincerely, it's Darwin all over. whites had a lot of compassion because it helped them at the inception. now they need more hate and let's compassion, lectures getting cucked or killed is a godsend. also economic collapse is redpilling people by the millions.
it's like chemotherapy, not a pretty choice but life saving
Fucking brutal. Look at the shape of his head.
And the idiot went out and told everyone "I am your boss now"? Fucking baffling.
Was it South Africa where they connected the office buildings together with walkways many storeys up to avoid having to risk walking outside?
It's like watching kids put on a play. How the fuck do they ever get anything done?
Holy shit thank you user, this channel is comfy as fuck.
Whites have patience and compassion user. Patience is wearing thin.
>this guy again
this is so sad and enranging, i`m getting to the point that debates seems useless and old bismark actually had the best idea.. damm these fuckers.
btw, can i get a source of these pics =(
If i had mone i`d spam this shit to the seven seas, try to warn the ignorant masses that would care about this. (and i bet that there would be little shits trying to justify these assassinations)
thought this was sweden for a second
Holy shitskins.
>Boers didnt do anything.
Hey buddy lets not forget the "Starve the woman and children card" you had to pull to stop you from getting fucked.
Black South Africans are better edjucated then your cucked ass
We seriously need a new land for white people... but where?
Brazil amazona?
east russia looks empty, seems like need to be colonized.
Someone make it happen.
Haven't found more recent news, but apparently some of the boers are interested in moving to Hungary and Bulgaria. They would be welcome here, they could give some nice boost to our agriculture, Germanic immigration was quite usual here historically and if they are still religious, Calvinism is the second biggest religion here, which is especially popular in the Eastern part of the country (where most of those vacant farms are).
For anyone really wanting to know what its like living as the 7% minority as white, pretty much the only thing that pisses everyone off is that the niggers are absolute dumbfucks, African Americans look like PHD's compared to what we have, its all about the gimme, the kaffers are even burning down our Universities iin protest to free education. All theyll ever be is gimme hungry kaffers, and as soon as you bring up there pointless retardation they throw the Race card, its over, we have lost RSA im allready planning my escape