21% of Mexicans have blonde hair

When will Sup Forums realise we aren't the enemy??


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>tfw the real white blonde Americans are actually Mexicans

when did mexico get the internet?

Is this because of last night user?

>When will Sup Forums realise we aren't the enemy??
When you pay for the god damn wall.

The common Anglo and Aryan does not see the Criollo white supremacy program in Latin America, the american deep state does. Latin America will have to be further bleached (50%?) before they realize what is going on.


Ok good, just keep getting that number higher and try to kill off the cartel scum and maybe we can put a nice door in the wall

Literally none of the cutie mexican bitches are coming over. Only the fat brown and ugly ones are coming. And more men than women. If you sent only those women over then we could rethink the wall.

>it's a wetback who tries to prove he's white episode

why dont you fuck off you dirty indio

i'm mexican and although i have brown hair my arm hair is half blonde and i have some red and blonde in my beard and mustache.

just thought i'd share

Mexico why don't you fix your corruption. Why don't you give those illegals jobs? Why don't you take care of your people?

I love Mexihoes and Mexibros too, just come here legally and make a life for yourselves.

this is true. if you go to mexico, the girls that have families that own shit are fucking hot, they are like half white some even look like their pure spanish. brown blonde does not matter we are getting the shit end of the stick

Just because some people in your nation are white, or have white features, does not mean you are white. How is this hard to understand? Are Mexicans the new Argentinians?


just watch Univision

No one cares whether they have blonde hair or not.

>p-please accept us
Have some dignity ffs.

when you stop sending the ones with out blonde hair

you know what they do. its not the color its the way they look. hot chicks are not treated the same bro. many hot chicks are treated great by the whole society thus better lives. they get married to wealth and even get accepted in the united states no problem

Because that 21% stays in mexico.

When you stop sending us your worst and start sending us some of those educated, obedient, bilingual, blonde honeys.

dude just go to mexico you can get one. they love people who speak english. but the only thing that sucks is they tend to side with illegals here in the states

But you don't send blondes so fuck you

Come on over :3

Let me guess
You're from the North and your girlfriend is from a white religious community, has blond hair, and you're with her only because you wanna feel white ?

when mexico sends their people their not sending their best

No you are not the enemy. You are the Fucking cancer of América.

When you fags stop sending every single Indio and Honduran on the planet across our border

Corruption in USA has much to with it.

actually my whole family is white mexican, all of the girls got married to white guys here in the states. the ones who were fuck ups joined the navy and were able to get top men. being hot makes a huge difference. my whole family is white mexican with green eyes. none of them married with other mexicans. if your hot your accepted everywherere like cash

Get used to.
Brazilian South was colonized by germans, italian, polish and ukranians. Fuck, 3 million people in Brazil speak german fluently (a lot as first language in smaller communities). Biggest oktoberfest outside Munich.
Still called Junglemonkeys, huemonkeys...
So get used to

white hispanics are responsible for the drug cartels. thanks mexico

The blondes aren't the ones jumping the border

wtf i'm moving to mexico

no they just launder the money and own the buissness. they use the fucking retards to do the dirty work

you call that blonde?

can mexicans do anything right?

....and some, I assume, are good people.

Well as sorry as I feel for white Brazilians, you also have a million worthless mixed-raced degenerates.

When you stop invading our country.

Mexico tends to send us their shit

>murrica made me corrupt

Mexicans are just genetically polluted Spaniards.
Stay on your side of the boarder.

Most of the crap coming across our border aren't Mexican nationals they're people from Central America, Haiti and other parts. These people are either criminal or zero skilled labor.

honestly im mexican american and i know very little abought mexican culture, i get hit on like crazy by these hot girls if i go. but i cant really communicate all that good with them

Some are even redhead.

Southern from my country it's 90% European gen.

Not our fault!!!!

Im calling bullshit

dude go to puebla go mexico city this shit is real

Once you're done with the native genocide and have a population that can think past tomorrow. Also after you eradicate the edgelords that worship "evil saints" by indiscriminately killing people and selling drugs.



all of Sup Forums wants to fuck your women...no1 in Sup Forums wants to deal with the murderous 4 foot 1 inch men with napoleon complex you seem to breed

Absolutely real, MSM portray our illegals as Mexicans which is total bull shit. Many Mexicans look European. What we are getting are mestizos and other undesirables.

I honestly love how you honestly think it's about skin and hair color. You are like a negress, getting beaten up by your drug dealer boyfriend, who takes some money away from that money going to kids and food, in order to prioritize "good hair."

even crazier if you visit the towns by the beach in the south. all of the people are black and mexican, know these fucks are crazy and you lucky none have come herer. these fucks are the ones in veracruz chopping of heads

This is why nobody wants illegals here. They bring drugs and crime.

Ive been to Mexico many times and never seen a blonde. They must all hide in Mexico city alcoves

mexicans are dirty spics and not white
maybe some hve white ancestry but living in spicland makes them spics as well

>Many Mexicans look European.

salvadorians again

They don't have any.

Just asked my friend in Monterrey, only blonde is fake blonde

no you have to go to the nice areas, you have exposed to the lower class. people in mexico city are well educated


Maybe 8% of Mexicans have European blood, the rest are various savages

Often referred to as "Mexican"

i know one, she has blue eyes as well, looks good, but is somewhat potatofaced in spite of being slim

This shit isn't worth caring about. The enemy is the people saying immigration shouldn't be controlled and anyone who disagrees is a bad person.

I have brown hair and mexicans always call me blonde.

Bullshit. Our native americans are whiter than the average mexifat

You're not our enemy, no more than Frenchmen or Brits or Japanese. We only believe that WE should determine how many people we allow to come here from your country. EVERY nation sets quotas, and the US should be no different. And I don't care what color their hair is.


here is a vid of an educated mexican in mexico city speaking a couple of languages


Mexifat AKA The Mexican Timebomb

The problem isn't mexicans the problem is those shitskin mestizos that live in plywood trash homes and work for the cartels all along the border.

That's what the wall is for keeping out.

>21% of Mexicans have blonde hair
I don't believe it.
Post a pic your ''''''''''''blonde''''''''''''''' hair.


Because the only Mexicans that come to America are the short, ugly, stupid brown ones

people here call it blond to light brown too

Latin americans call any hair color that isnt pitch black ""blonde""

>When will Sup Forums realise we aren't the enemy??

When the blonde-haired, white-skinned Mexicans are in charge of everything.

Fine. The US should only let blonde Mexicans cross the border from now on. You would support that right Juan?

>21% of Mexicans have blonde hair
some kind of racism study but nothing about blonde hair in there

Their definition of blonde is different from ours.

The girl on the right in OP's pic would be described as "blonde" in Mexico, whereas we would just call that brown hair.

how much does a blonde cost in mexico?

not for nothing, mexifags, but i would be a lot more sympathetic to your cause if you didn't speak the wrong language.
learn and use English and then we can talk about you guys maybe having rights.

this is the shitty illegals bro some have been here since the fucking 1920s

Is our fault that their migration authorities turn a blind eye and don't deport illegals?


Nice Try Juan
But you need to go back

Don't forget they should wave an American flag when they get here. It freaks me out seeing some fucker in my country illegally talking shit and waving a Mexican flag.

Not bad for some bleaching

like i said these are the 1st 2nd generation mexicans theyve been here maybe 20 years. their are some that have been here since fucking eisenhower


That's a Backpage sheboon acting like she's something she clearly is not.

then those are Americans.
speak English, work for honest wages, don't fly the Mexican flag outside of your house, and tone it down with the quiencenera shit and you're fine with me.

>mexico is whitter than us

Okay Jose

yes but you asswholes cant distiguish you lump them altogether. my dad came in the fucking 70s all my brothers sound like fucking surfers. i went to a white school and dont know shit abought mexico

When you guys stop flooding North America with drugs, violence and hordes of undesirables.

21% of Mexicans have blond hair but 100% of Mexicans need to go back