Wow Bernie makes a good point there. Really makes you think.
Wow Bernie makes a good point there. Really makes you think
>bernie talking about fraud and hypocrisy
Can he just shut the fuck up for a while and let Trump go through with it before he changes his mind. Fucking hell
Trump is a front man for Fortress Americas. This is going to get worse before it gets better and Bernie is doing his part by keeping the focus exclusively on Wall Street and not the zionist motivations behind much of Wall Street's behavior.
Lol. I just saw his twitter page and he is only bitching about Trump. Like last 10 tweets are about Trump.
Also 0 tweets about Carrier and 1000 jobs. I didn't expect that he would start bitching about Trump this early.
Really though. There's probably a list of required experience and qualification for each cabinet position to even be considered. Then the picks have to pass house approval.
So as fun as it is to #RONPAULFORTREASURY no sane human being thinks Trump could actually do that even if he wanted to.
>Also 0 tweets about Carrier and 1000 jobs.
I don't know anyone would talk about it. Aside from the superficial optics, Carrier was provided some measure of financial inducement to stay in the state that the media has so far not detailed or investigated. Paying some corporation tax money taken from the people, or cutting them exclusive tax breaks, is a large part of why our people are so impoverished.
If the tariff isn't enough to keep them, ban their products period and nationalize their plant. The end.
Bernie is the personification of integrity. How dare you question him you toxic SHITLORD.
wow, this old fart still wants to be potus burger. Sanders is the american version of Lopez Obrador
>all these trumpfags still holding out that it isn't all a scam
If you think a Republican congress is going to do anything other than the only thing they know how to do aka beating up on the little guy for the next 2-4 years, you are a fucking retard.
>Unironically implying it would go any other way with a Hillary presidency and a democratic congress.
the chumps not wrong for once on this one though.
I'll enjoy watching this faggot rant and rave in his final years though.
I never said it wouldn't dumbass. Doesn't change that we still aren't in some golden age of not getting fucked over like what moron trumpfags are acting like
Tariffs should be enough, if you start stealing property nobody will want to manufacture in the US.
bernies a pretty smart guy desu. it was a good idea to steal money from leftists, i commend him on his newfound wealth and his new lakeside house
It's a real shame that only a short time ago this red bastard would have been running from a prison cell for his poisonous Marxist beliefs.
Thanks to him it's hip to be okay with Socialism now because it never actually means socialism, that's crazy talk.
Jeb lost. Get over it.
>nobody will want to manufacture in the US.
Just nationalize the plant and manufacture yourself. The workers don't need to go anywhere. And if you'd read what I wrote, you'd know that the tariff wasn't enough. They were given financial inducements to "only" ship half the jobs to Mexico.
Communism doesn't work user.