Why are republicans against this? They go on about how evil outsourcing jobs are but have no problem with importing skilled foregin workers, replacing Americans
Why are republicans against this...
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Shouldnt we invest in the American people? That sounds like a Social Program that eventually pays for itself through economic activity and people buying more taxed shit with more money
Stop subsidizing loans and prices will drop
Because our universities have too many shit humanities degrees and the taxpayer and society will not see a return on the investment.
Trump wants to give all college loans back to the bankers and have them write the rules. Sad day
We should only be loaning money where there is a skill deficit in the market. This would ensure the government is more likely to be repaid while cutting the stupid shit out.
People with shit degrees can still buy shit with their money.
High School is a useless degree and we still pay for it
>People with shit degrees can still buy shit with their money.
with what money? you can't get a job with a woman's studies degree
They have those because any retard can get hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans for useless degrees. Colleges make millions, retards are in debt until they commit suicide and the government guarantees the loan.
Who wins? The federal reserve who owns the government's debt. More specifically the owners of the federal reserve private bank.
>cutting the stupid shit out.
Whats stupid shit exactly? Degrees that dont make a boatload of money like Teachers and Social Workers?
Dangerous slope pal, dont judge people for picking degrees they have a passion for. Might be shit but everyone needs them to be apart of the USA
yes, exactly.
This, being able to take a loan with nothing to offer in return leads to courses about African studies and lesbian dance therapy
So then banks can compete by offering better interest rates and colleges can compete by offering cheaper courses or high quality degrees.
why do you want a libtard in charge of education? they have already proven that a sack of shit has a bigger brain then they do
>education is a right
It is, that's why k-12 is free and funded by your tax dollars.
>compete for better interest rates
LOL Good Joke. Hook nosed jews will not compete into a race to the bottom. Intrest rates will hover around 9 percent
teachers teach what their field was, there isn't a "teacher" degree
As far as social work is concerned, I think the demand can be filled without government loans. Higher education is an investment, and the taxpayer shouldn't pay if we're not selecting the field of study (like we do in primary school)
Bot to mention these useless brqin dead tier "degrees" only exist so every retard can be qualified to get into college as to suck up all the sweet government guaranteed loans. The effect of all the mindless leftist Tumblrites begging for a mlre powrful government is just a pleasant side effect for the government
Same shit happened with the housing bubble.
White collar workers never cared that dumb factory jobs were outsourced. All they sais was , well they should have went to college.
I have zero qualms about importing some russian to do a job here that some hipster once did. They dont care about us, why the fuck do i care about them?
Honestly, if we set up a program that incentivized trade schools and apprenticeships I'd be for it, but taking my tax dollars so some SJWs can get degrees in Gender Studies and become indoctrinated to become good Goys? Fuck that.
K-12 doesnt get you a job thats any better than someone that was a dropout.
Maybe we should invest in free trades? Lets get this country working again. Low Skilled jobs arent going to be here for long
Then people will just not go to college unless the degree is for a field that pays well and has a lot of jobs to offer.
OP, you're an idiot. Even in Jewrope where education in (((free))), books, lab costs and other costs, Which are PAID by student, are in excess of 1k for even basic 101 type classes. Nothings free and I notice people spend my money more frivolously than their own. Plus you stupid progresstards that have govt. backed student loans are just paying taxes...How you like that bigger gooberment now?
K-12 Students can select their classes and that was free, why should that be any different?
Students should be able to choose what major they want. You can always go back to school and get another major if the 1st one doesnt work out
>why the fuck do i care about them
Because, society failed them user.
Somewhere along the way, we started telling everyone they were winners when they didn't win. We stopped mocking people for not fitting in. We encouraged behavior that is degenerate.
The leftists don't believe what they believe solely to piss us off, they genuinely think they are right. We (as a society) failed them by treating them so softly.
>Dangerous slope pal, dont judge people for picking degrees they have a passion for
You'd only be right if they were spending their own money and making such stupid decisions. But since college loans are backed by the government leading to loans being issued that would never ever have been given out otherwise which has created absolutely shit tier incentives and another bubble almost identical to the one which lead to the 08 crash he has every right to call these people faggots
I don't want that. I'd rather more people wake up and not waste the rest of their days paying off some shit degrees.
Know plenty, yes plenty of people that worked their way up without a degree and make a good living. So many of these people I meet complaining about no jobs and not making lots of money and wishing for a better life, then I observe them and they have 0 ambition, they don't want to go anywhere, just buying lottery tickets and hoping something drops in their lap.
Even though i think the student has the right to learn whatever he or she wants Im willing to settle with this arrangement with republicans.
>K-12 Students can select their classes and that was free, why should that be any different?
Because unlike college everything in K-12 are basic education of various type that is most all beneficial to some degree for later in life that and the choices mostly are "do basic work to get by or choose harder classes in the swme field.
The same can't be said about many college degrees.
>positive rights
I want off this ride
>K-12 Students can select their classes and that was free,
Not really, save a fluff class here or there
>Students should be able to choose what major they want. You can always go back to school and get another major if the 1st one doesnt work out
Sure, with a private loan.. we're talking about government funds, there is absolutely no reason the public should be funding degrees that don't teach an employable skillset.
if done properly, sure
the reason college is so expensive is we invested in the whole system in a retarded way that incentivized higher tuition and bigger loans
classic example of breaking something so you have an excuse to nationalize it
Because I don't want to pay for the hundreds of thousands of useless degrees retards indebt themselves to pursue.
>Honestly, if we set up a program that incentivized trade schools and apprenticeships I'd be for it,
We dint need to set up a system we just need to make it not illegal anymore as the government has made apprenticeships through various regulations essentially illegal.
The vest thing the government can do here is fuck off and people will figure it out like they always had
Heres some "free" courses at my local college if youre on EBT. Im taking up CNC Manufacturing and i wouldnt be able to afford it otherwise.
Something like this would be useful across the country
We're not against education, in fact, a lot of us are very educated. So very educated that we understand the government's intrusion into the education system ruined it, and that it is not the government's job to pay for everyone who wants to attend university. The majority of people attending university do so on government pell grants and direct sub/unsub loans anyway, and there is an extremely high default rate on those loans. It is not a right to get higher education. Why should those of us who are already footing the bill for the loans, have to pay outright for other individuals education, when statistics show that a large percentage of those individuals go for worthless degrees that they will never have the slightest hope of getting a high paying job and will make no difference at all in stimulating the economy?
America cant afford to send everyone to college. When you look at countries that do, look at their tax rates, look at the 180% car tax, and that will tell you all you need to know.
>The vest thing the government can do here is fuck off and people will figure it out like they always had
I'll disagree slightly here. Subsidizing education can be enormously beneficial to society IF we only subsidize when we are predicting a hole in the job market. This allows the government to fill labor gaps without the need to import skilled workers, and aides a homogenous society.
If we're going to have subsidized loans, they should be good only at public institutions. Public institutions should not operate on a for profit model. Public institutions should only offer courses with a reasonable employability outlook.
Private institutions would only be able to have students who could get private loans, which should lower the cost of private colleges indirectly.
>classic example of breaking something so you have an excuse to nationalize it
Same thing has been happening for decades regarding healthcare and I'd argue most all of the work the EPA is doing is to eventually reach this goal in energy feilds as well.
The worst part is that because younger generations are simply to young to remember before the government fucked shit up they foolishly dive head first into the "we need to fix this broken system" they've been lead to believe is capitalism and has alqays been that way to play right into governments hands
Government breaks your leg and hands you a half broken crutch all the while telling you if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be able walk.
The problem with higher education in the US is that what you major in doesn't matter. To even qualify for an above minimum wage job that doesn't involve going to vocation school, you need a bachelor's or higher.
With 100K in debt and a feminist dance theory masters, you too can enjoy being a hygiene technician at McDonald's.
That's naive, we've told people for generations that the way to success is through college. All that will happen is they will fall prey to predatory lending practices.
They deserve to if they are that stupid, that's freedom. It is outright wrong to rob people of their freedom because of idiots.
Everyone should've voted Bernie, the only one who was going to make real change
What kind of fucking scam is this.
Why is it that you can take ANYTHING in American colleges?
Here we have 3-4 years for a bachelour 5-6 for a masters and 7-10 for a doctorate.
That's right after you graduate HS.
All ultra focused and no time to fuck around for 5 years doing jack shit.
Fuck Free University.
I was talking about State and Community college
>I'll disagree slightly here. Subsidizing education can be enormously beneficial to society IF we only subsidize when we are predicting a hole in the job market. This allows the government to fill labor gaps without the need to import skilled workers, and aides a homogenous society.
I'll largely disagree in that government both has no incentive to do that as what they're doing now is significantly more beneficial to them and even if they did have good intentions government simply doesn't have the capacity to figure this out ala Hayek knowledge problem.
Hell even if you dont want to believe government is shit and doing this on purpose for their and special interest benefit at the expense of the population it would mean that they are failing due to the knowledge problem.
Also it isn't governments job to help society this is a completely collectivist point of view where society and government are linked even one in the same.
Society is just the people in a nation interacting. Government's legitimate role in a free society is simply to protect the individual's rights and military defense abroad.
I also believe that students wishing to attend university having to get loans to receive that education is a good thing. Paying back debts teaches one responsibility. Lets face it, at least half, if not more, of students attending college today have no concept of personal responsibility or accountability. Why is this not a good lesson on paying back debts and creating a good credit rating?
Read John Taylor Gatto's history of public education and get back to us.
Well, a lot of State Universities are government funded as well. If you make higher education free, it certainly goes for those institutions too. You also have to factor in that community college is only good if you're only setting your sights on an Associates degree. If you're seeking a Bachelors degree, those community colleges send you to a University to complete the program.
You are aware that I just described the set up that gave us the '08 recession right? Which affected EVERYONE.
I don't want a toxic student loan recession in 2024 thanks.
Well fuck you
That's like saying, ' oh all that propeganda on TV and people that say you need to have a house and a car to be an American and you need debt and credit' that it's the consumers fault and not the Marketers/Exploiters
Hur dur, everyone who is influenced by culture is le dumb, I r smart because I exploit people.
Fuck you. Your the reason the Earth is dying
>Free Education
>Free Healthcare
>Spawns a bunch of doctors
>gives the poor a way out
One of the few things this guy got right on the money
Lol bernie was entirely in favor of continuing the policy in Syria as it was no different than Hillary and he voted for every war except the iraq war(which Trump also opposed and went further than Bernie ever did telling jeb bush during a debate that the media and neocons lied) and even then Sanders voted to fund the war.
Trump actually supports not funding Isis and co like bernie did and wants to warm relations with Russia.
Trump is also fully in favor of States rights on weed while Hillary was status quo
Trump was against the bail outs
This is just all I feel like going into because I'm nkt spending a half hour plus picking apart such a poorly researched image
>Why are Republicans against this?
I'm not going to pay for your fucking gender studies degree, faggot.
Not everyone is exploiting you. When you allow yourself to fall into the victim mentality you will never be anything but a parasite.
>problem with importing skilled foregin workers, replacing Americans
The reason these foreigners are imported in not because the are more skilled than Americans. It's because they are willing to work for less.
>Americans unqualified for American jobs
>imports French, Germans, indians scandaviana and Russian workers to get the jobs instead
Great job, youre now stuck on daddys corn farm forever
Absolutely right, on every point. If people actually took the time to educate themselves on policy they wouldn't be so quick to "muhh Drumpf republican warmonger" they probably would have voted for him. It's so much easier for these retarded faggots to just have mob mentality group think and never actually learn anything.
>>Free Education
>>Free Healthcare
>>Spawns a bunch of doctors
>>gives the poor a way out
You're a special kind of dumb shit.
About the only thing he did right was throw the Mafia out but even then the Mafia ran industries in Cuba were providing more upwards mobility than ever seen under Castro and Cuba would have a quality of living as much of Florida due to tourism and thr like if Castro didn't ever take hold.
It's a fucking testament that the god damn mafia can provide better living for a nation than socialism
But user politicians and their lobbyist friends are the exploiters. So why trust them with your money?
Fair enough. But I think it's helpful to consider that not everyone starts out with the same balanced family unit and balance economic conditions.
For instance I'm an alcoholic. I know it's too generous and I know it's not good for me in the long run but I do self medicate with alcohol because of the stress in my life.
If someone is told over and over and over again and they see happy people when they have houses and cars, is that person supposed to think 'well golly gosh it's almost like I shouldn't get my own car and my own house because I would be in debt nah this is how everyone else does it'.
So I think there's degrees of victimization and degrees of exploitation and yes I do personally think that most of life is exploitation.
Explain the Earth for its resources to exploit employees for their money and when you're eating food you're exploiting with that tree or plant is giving out.
What do they do with all the spare Americans left over after being replaced?
>It's because they are willing to work for less
Wrong. These workers are paying taxes why would they work for less? They obtain College education for free in their country then come here to take the jobs.
Im not talking about illegal mexicans
Let's not forget to mention killing a shitload of people for the horrible crime of disagreeing with him.
It's not like sucking money out of the system will hurt. All of the price inflation just went to administration and lawn care anyway.
Most bachelors earned are useless
About a third of classes that people earning real degrees take, are irrelevant to their degree
If standard 4 year degree programs were training oriented, then this would be a much more reasonable proposal, but as it stands, it would be an enormous waste of public funds.
But most importantly, education, even BASIC education, is not a right. No one has the right to another person's labor, that's slavery. Public education or publicly funded education are a PRIVILEGE. Even if it's a good idea for a state to provide something to citizens, that doesn't make it a right.
Tons of people already go to college. Then they become hippie drum circle majors. Why magnify the issue with millions of new SJW majors?
>Killing SJW's
I thought this was a republicans fantasy?
I'll be on board with that once education stops being idealistic propaganda.
>some one is clearly living off the system
ya your totally right we need dance therapy majors, women studies and many more social bullshit. your failed attempt to cherry pick the best of the best of social related degrees to justify the rest is just sad
Trump is a slightly right leaning big government moderate. He's just as a personality a bombastic cliche New Yorker which basically means loudmouthed dick
His foreign policy specifically is why Trump was so damn demonized as that is where the President has real unilateral power and the nedia which is just an extension of the Military industrial complex was terrified of this.
This being said Trump is mostly bad especially on key Constitutional issues and in other fields just stupid such as the wall albeit parts of his actual immigration policy is solid such as visa workers must be paid the same as comparable American workers. Bernie is absolutely better than Trump on the 4th amendment but every other amendment including even the first Trump manages to be better tho the only part of the BoR he's genuinely good on in rhetoric is the second otherwise he's not as bad as Hillary tier
How come no one ever gets on the college's ass for their insane prices?
>No no goyim don't look at us its the governments fault for not giving it to you!!!
>mfw my professor tries demonizing my states freeze on tuition increases
I agree with you that not everyone starts out the same. I don't down you for alcoholism, I hope you were able to get help. I've mentioned this before in other threads, I'm an ex-con druggie, who got help and turned her life around. I have a master's degree and work at a private substance abuse program.
What I can tell you, is that if you change your way of thinking, give yourself a mantra and tell yourself that there are no limits to your abilities you can and will succeed. Alcoholism doesn't make you a bad person, it doesn't make you worthless, in fact, getting past it will make you stronger. People who have survived addictions are some of the strongest and best people I know.
You do have some terrible negative thinking. I hope you're able to get over it.
I dont care about any of those majors. I care about a major bigly job
Walls work.
Thanks basedanon. I'll keep trying. Desu. Have a pepe.
Fuck colleges
they take so much of our youths [spoiler]and ore importantly our tax payers[/spoiler] time and money for absolute bullshit classes for they can get their degree
I'm all for expanding one's horizons but gen eds are a crock a shit
And don't even get me started on colleges dorms, meal plans, forced freshman dorm stay(well some do), tenure/union protected shit teachers, and the fucking various institutions (like coffee shops) that upcharge like Im in the fucking artic
Oh yes, he's terrible, with vocally opposing war and wanting to work with Russia rather than starting nuclear war with them. What horrible foreign policy.
Protecting our second amendment, what an asshole.
Bernie is nothing but a radical leftwing socialist. He would have killed our economy. He would have destroyed us completely, he was 10X worse than Obama. But, I guess because he seemed so likeable that's all okay, right? He appealed to the gibme datz and told you that you deserved the world, you bought into it hook, line, and sinker.
Define education as a meaningful policy. Congratulations, you're now a fascist.
I was more concerned with implication that people are entitled to stolen money.
And in some cases are forced to teach against their interest or will.
I agree it's a right (but not the way he means it) and I agree we need a revolution (but not the one he's talking about.)
In fact this apparently well-meaning idiot is advocating more of the same problem that destroyed our education system in the first place.
Education is a right - the right to seek instruction and to provide it without unnecessary hindrance.
Right now we have nothing like that. We pay for a state-run miseducation system whether we use it or not. If we want another system, we not only have to pay for it on top of the 'public' system, PLUS it has to comply with a ton of regulations to make sure it can't be very different from the public cesspools anyway.
We need a revolution - separation of School and State.
Not to break down the last residual elements of independence and convert all education fully into a state run cesspool, please.
Won't you please think of the children?
trump wanted to legalize Marijuana so your pic is
>exploit employees
Mutually beneficial transactions aren't exploitative. Marxism is eating at your soul.
The prices are so high because the government is messing with student loans.
I truly do wish you the best and hope you succeed.
>m-muh education
Productivity in the US has been decreasing ever since everyone and their 70 year old moms decided that they need to get college degrees. College only works when the only people attending are those who actually want to learn about advanced topics and contribute to those fields. It's not just "something you do after high school". These people should get jobs or go to a trade school, they'll be happier and the US's supply of skilled works would dramatically increase.
At what point does education simply become indoctrination?
They are mainly just importing Indian H1bs, and not because they are more qualified, its because they are cheaper.
They are willing to work for less because even though they are making less than their American counterparts, they are still making more than they would make in their home country. Free college would not change this.
Point! An excess of degrees makes it hard for these people to get jobs. If you look into what markets need workers before going, it would help chances of finding post-education employment. People don't do that. They go for lesbian dance therapy and gender studies, then work as a barista and scream about having to pay their loans back. It's a fucked up situation.
Yeah because im sure the educated russian is taking a paycut to take away a hippys Silicon Valley type of job. Lets be real
Again quads preaching the truth.
Your local producers would probably suck a cock for a skilled tradesman but people need "muh college" to feel better.
Alright that makes sense a mutually agreed-upon deal can be fair and minimize or have no exploitation on either side.
I did not realize that Marxism meant that you thought everything was exploitive.
If you're still there I'd like to know if you believe that sucking the Earth dry of resources is a form of exploitation?
No. Higher education should be for the elites.
You shouldn't have to degrade your institutions by letting in proles.
Also, checked and kek'd
>Oh yes, he's terrible, with vocally opposing war and wanting to work with Russia rather than starting nuclear war with them. What horrible foreign policy.
>Protecting our second amendment, what an asshole.
Did you not read my post that exactly what I said he's specifically good on?
He's absolutely shit on the 4th amendment which Sanders(about the only good thing on his platform alongside against bailouts which Trump is against as well) was better on but Sanders and Hillary are shit on the first amendment with Trump being slightly bad.
Walls work where they're geographically effective and there's already walls in almost all the areas where a wall is effective. In the vast expanses og the various States deserts drones and boarder patrols are much more cost effective than a wall.
A wall along the entirety of the border is stupid and ineffective compared to other methods
Seriously though! Who can I sell my starter home to when all the potential buyers are drowning in college debt?!!!!!
A lot of resources are naturally occurring m8. There are oil reserves in places not drilled, you'll find that what you're believing is a false narrative designed to make you feel scared and gain a vote. The IPCC funds a significant amount of those studies.
>Why are republicans against this?
Because an educated voter is a Hillary voter.
>If you're still there I'd like to know if you believe that sucking the Earth dry of resources is a form of exploitation?
I'm just going to refer to to Mr zubrin for repeating such a shit tier antihumanist fallacy
There is no such thing as "natural resources" and these ideas are already proven false and have been for well over a century. Uranium oil and natural gas etc etc etc were not resources until the human mind figured out how to use them otherwise they were just useless and even toxic rocks and liquids. Hell even the ground itself wasn't a resource until we figured out agriculture.
If these assumptions were true we would be becoming poorer and poorer as these raw materials are used but the exact opposite is true.