Just noticed all the posts baiting you with language implying "betrayal" or "infiltration". When I used to work is psychological warfare, we referred to this as "induced states". It's a basic tactic of any psywar officer's skillset. We look for cracks or divisions in a community, and craft media to amplify and exploit those divisions. If you came here thinking this was redpilling you, you're half right -- you're also being bluepilled at the same time.
Inducing purity spirals is a common psyop here
Other urls found in this thread:
They're just going to fail in the end and make us stronger in the process... unless that was their plan all along
There isn't just one "they", and they aren't all on the same side.
Same old same old. Even people not versed in this stuff can see it when it's so obvious and so overdone.
The vast majority are not versed in this stuff. I just lurk here and watch the majority of you falling victim to it. It's impressive. You've also developed a culture of doing this to each other, that's why it's not all one-sided. It must be very easy to target people new to this forum, but very difficult once they've been here for a while and grown inculturated to your subculture.
Sup Forums in general is great hands-on training in that regard.
Even more importantly, we don't really care anyway.
I am already "redpilled" I just come here for entertainment.
>I don't know who is jewing who amymore!
Nigga you have no idea how many of us lurk and don't take the bait
One thing I'd like to warn you all about, which some of you will have the good sense to consider: The people obsessed with conspiracies who think anyone who disagrees with an "accepted view" are "enemy agents" -- these people are either total victims of induced states, or managers defending a view they want you to have. This was the purpose of programs like Project Mockingbird, to form "counter paranoias" to the healthy distrust that tells us when we're being lied to.
Alex Jones' audience is a good example of a "conspiracy culture" that was deliberately cultivated to steer and control people who might be distrustful in "dangerous" ways. He offers grains of truth wrapped in poison. You bite at the truth, but there's a trap connected to it. Never take anything you discover with absolute faith. Your enemies aren't as incompetent and clumsy as it's tempting to believe.
>I just come here for entertainment.
then you aren't redpilled, you're snacking on bluepills. mass media isn't made to entertain you, it's meant to condition you.
There are no divisions among Sup Forums because the whole point of us is we are absolute chaos.
If you disorder us, you'll just be giving us more power.
Is this your first day on the internet gramps?
OP only wants us to tolerate faggotry.
>purity spirals
at least try not to use a term only you use next time you are trying this, faggot
0/10, apply more
Sup Forums isn't mass media you dumb nigger faggot
Niggers aren't even people, OP
Are you a reddit refugee?
The most obvious psyops being race, class and gender baiting, and of course, disinfo
Problem is, that now they have Turing-able bots to do it for them, ex "Knowledge Bombs" threads
One of my favorite "truth bombs" or red pills is slipping the words Central Bank into a discussion about race.
The Elite Bankers never wanted frequent discussion of their gravy train so any exposure scores a point towards awareness of the issue.
Because the Central Bank is at the heart of government power (whomever controls the currency control all users of that currency,) they are forced into a situation where they must either defend the Bank and confirm it's existence or ignore the information and risk a bunch of people gaining knowledge of it.
That is one of many reasons that they want to ban free speech.
Every thread that seems to be just demoralizing or mocking you for Trump betraying some campaign promise, for example. They aren't just designed to attack you for being a Trump supporter, if at all. They're designed to maintain a critical level of tension and disagreement on the board. While that tension level remains high, the majority of people are primed for other tricks. Even just looking at the catalog view, ignoring the content of the threads themselves, there is a deliberate pattern to the number of posts of a specific type. Open up the catalog view, sort by bump order or reply count, and the pattern of themes begin to jump out at you.
You can tell what the managers are up to, just by looking for patterns in type of post. Obviously, not all these are posted by someone with an agenda, since you also imitate each other. But as Bezmenov said, the point of demoralization and condition through propaganda is to train you to propagandize yourselves.
yeah we noticed the shills
you don't seem to realize we don't care if the redditfugees, cernovichfags and the like get demoralized
You don't need to LARP as a PsyOp agent to say concern-trolls exist.
>guys imma psyop vet of the great meme war I posted 10 pepes and edited one all by myself
>purity spirals
Let me explain what exactly I mean by this. Take the "calling out shills" phenomenon. Do you all honestly believe that anyone who doubts or criticizes Trump (or anything a majority of you agree on) is a paid shill? Do none of you wonder why your own urge is to reply to anyone doing this by calling them "a shill"? This a trained, pattern response, reinforced through operant conditioning.
>its their problem, I'm immune
Do you REALLY believe you're immune to propaganda and conditioning?
Notice any habit or phrases you've picked up since you first came here?
Any that make you sound odd around "normies"? If you thought you were changing voluntarily, then you don't understand your own nature. Part of being a good soldier is knowing what your vulnerabilities are, but most of you want to believe you're immune or invincible -- that's exactly what they want from you. It means your guard is down.
I never see anyone discussing it, and its important to discuss. You're now signalling against me for discussing it. Why does this thread threaten you so much?
i've been in kyokushin my whole left
do not fucking lecture me on self improvement
Would Mas Oyama approve of your disrespecting wisdom from a senpai?
Nobody cares
is it wisdom if I know it already?
If you know it already, what is gained from convincing strangers on mongolian wedding cake forums that you do?
If you posted, you care.
Are you kidding? We discuss this stuff to death unendingly. It's one of the legitimately annoying consequences, but that, too, goes with the territory.
Also they are all shills. They are JIDF shills. And we are going to gas them during the upcoming race war, and I mean very bigly.
This is low energy.
i'm telling you this because you're acting self-important by telling people what we already know
even if you showed up on election day it's pretty evident that we're being watched and toyed with
No shit sherlock. Look how well the JDIF did here. I came in screaming about Zionists and now don't really give a fuck what Israel does to Muslims as long as they leave me the fuck alone.
Just know there are counter Psyops running at all times. Half the posts are containment threads for shills. Not everything you see through the "Looking Glass" is what it is.
Traditional psyops do not work on anonymous image boards.
>purity spiral
Go the fuck back to your glory hole at TRS you pozzed faggot.
Yes and no. I see newfags falling for it. But those of us who were here for a while, and saw the initial advent of CTR, with their deeply bizarre formats and 1960s magazine advert style, pretty much laughed it off.
OP you are surprisingly heterosexual man. Yeah I've been here for years now. We've been bombarded by many different advertisement firms and hit-and-run trolls of all kinds since even before /new/.
One of the groups that used to (and I think still) incites shit/spams propaganda would be the JIDF.
I shit you not. Had several former JIDF dudes who quit or got laid off post here explaining why and what they were doing. The JIDF gets funded by (((certain investors))) to shill and spam on any soc media site that has 'anti-semitic' or 'anti-jewish' rhetoric. Just one example of the many orgs that fuck around on here.
There's also plenty of neocon and SJW companies that have interns shill here occasionally.
And not to mention the few autists who rent fucking bots to spam bait so they can collect the butthurt and enjoy reading through it (such as that British dude who set it to spam every thread it could with "GO BACK TO /x/")
>they are all shills
JIDF posts are usually pretty obvious if you actually read the posts you think are from shills.
They do one of two things generally:
1. They oppose another poster's claim or opinion
>The holocaust happened haven't you seen the pictures of emaciated typhu- I mean cyanide victims and shoes >:^(
2. They pull the "I AM SILLY" (not to be confused with fags from Stormfront or /leftypol/
Hell sometimes they do oddball shit like
>Israel is the most based national socialist state in existence we should all donate!! Heil Nethanyahu!!
Anyway shills aren't really that common, and when they happen it's usually a paid OP with maybe a couple supporting cubicle jockeys or the OP shill has a VPN.
Most of the bait/retarded posts are either retards or trolls. Or newfags. Newfags count as retards usually.
(including you)
Oh yeah there are also the unpaid shill organizations like that tripfag (((nathanbedfordforrest !iamgay69))) who got succeeded by (((NationalistView !talbertobarbossa))) (DO NOT BE FOOLED, despite his trip he is the opposite of a nationalist. Typical portumonkey) who have a posse of Skype friends who join in their threads.
Not sure whether they're trolls or really dedicated commies. Either way they're annoying and if they're serious they all have severe autism. Especially the Austrian one.
TWS is also such a group
how new are you?
>They're designed to maintain a critical level of tension and disagreement on the board
Nobody is tense on the board except people who fall for the memes.
interesting about the 'induced states'... From observation, the liberal left must be levels deep in hysteric induced states. So both sides get played obviously, but to what end? complete divide and melt down of society?
>2. They pull the "I AM SILLY" (not to be confused with fags from Stormfront or /leftypol/
This one is the same that guy Jordan Peterson is pulling.
However is really easy to spot those guys cause they don't understand what all of this is about, they think this is Sup Forums's version of the_donald and that Sup Forums is just a shitty reddit, so they can never fool you unless you are new yourself
That's the point though, they only ever want to convince impressionable newfags to support or be disconcerted with what they want them to be. Veterans are pretty damn immune to the shilling (We are all stubborn assholes) but newfags don't know what the deal is. Makes it harder to redpill people.
>purity spiral
Calling out newfags and elitism has always been a part of Sup Forums culture.
what do you think this website is?
Organized chaos in the form of an imageboard.
Like the thoughts of a madman.
Somehow less mad than every other "forum" out there.
well main point is it isnt true unless it makes you laugh
if you develop a laughable neurotic autistic defense mechanism against "Drumpf BTFO" you lose
Can't stand it when people seriously respond to low effort bait like that.
Or maybe those serious posters are just tricksters. Either way fuck that shit so much.
Don't care. I like it here.
its not as complicated as you think
this place was an OC powerhouse in the primaries with a healthy level of right wing raiding doxxing of retards.
As word of the power of the memes spread and it became problematic for SJWs to allow Sup Forums to exist in that state
>Purity spirals
Fucking liberal sjw buzzwords. You give your self away before you have even begun
Right? Sounds like some Jonas bros shit
if you want to change it post something else than a critique
what they failed to anticipate was that we'd win, and come out the other side as one of the most battle hardened communities on the internet
so in a way, thanks a lot for the resistance, these great meme war veterans will ensure a world wide shift to the far right :^)
Yeah brah OP is a faggot! Totally not bodacious
If I send you my bank routing number can I get in on the shekels too?
OP here, this is a great example:
>it has always been this way, therefore its fine
It almost seems as though you're confusing the intertubes with srs bsns.
duh. we know.
And it probably cant be done, because /pol isn't a 'community'. There's nothing to 'break' or infiltrate. Nobody to play against each other. Nobody to cast doubt on. No 'leaders'. No 'followers'.
We throw shit at each other all the time. But instead of breaking our opinions, countering them strengthens them. You can't shitpost a shitposter.
>and like someone said, we don't really care anyway. have at it.
In fact, you know what has given me the greatest joy lately? Seeing two different non-pol psyops going back and forth with each other. KEKKKKKKK
you also don't know how much keks it is for us to LARP a psyops ourselves
>wait, is that one of our team?
>no. wtf
>its always been this way
>its just entertainment, none of it is serious
In psychology, we call this "rationalizing", like what you see people doing in the stages of acceptance model. Your excuses keep you in a holding pattern at the top of the chart. You're probably prone to doing this in other areas of your life as well. I bet if you look for it, you'll be surprised just how often you deny reality in order to deal with it.
>duh. we know.
the amount of angry denials in this thread supports your claim.
>If you posted, you care.
no, that's just it. You aren't getting this board's culture at all. We like the bantz, but we would be equally content if this board fell because that would be "a happening" on its own.
We didn't get born on this phillipino bracelet rack, and we'll be around long after its gone.
>You aren't getting this board's culture at all
Or maybe you're projecting your own experience here onto everyone else. Just like the numerous posts here telling me "we already know duh" alongside the posts angrily telling me I'm wrong. No one seems to notice they're standing next to contradictions, they just rationalize them away. Rationaliation is a sign that indoctrination is already self-maintaining in the subject.
Uh huh. And you're "in psychology" now because you posted the same 7 stage thing we've all been seeing for most of our lives? I think you've misdiagnosed my level of acceptance. Or more accurately, I'm at hidden secret level stage 9.
8. every day until you like it
9. every day because you like it
As for my real life, yes, I actively deny reality all the time. Works great, especially when it's taken to the extent of replacing it with something better.
>no one using capslock
newfag here, but aware of race/sex differences, hate facts, etc.
What's the best way to prevent myself from becoming subverted by these psyops?
>or is that answer simply lurk moar
Buy a water filter.
Are you larping as a psychology major?
>pic related
>buy a water filter
I-i can get those from Alex Jones, right?
>we've heard this before, therefore you're wrong
That's an interesting possibility, maybe you're right.
>its only anger if it's all-caps
That's an interesting possibility, maybe you're right.
>What's the best way to prevent myself from becoming subverted by these psyops?
You can die, and stop all brain functions. But seriously, you can't stop it completely. Parts of your brain are responding to information automatically, and can't be modified. You can train yourself, through practiced awareness and study of how we are influenced by media, you realize when you are being affected by something faster than you otherwise would. But if you believe you can ever become immune, you're essentially submitting yourself to be the puppet of every shill out there, because you've abandoned your vigilance and self-analysis.
>everyone that makes me uncomfortable is a LARPer
That's an interesting possibility, maybe you're right.
lurk moar. You start recognizing patterns.
Take what you know right now. use that to establish a baseline.
When anyone calls that into question, go back to your baseline.
TRUMP IS THE GOD EMPORER and we are very very glad he won the election in this ultimate battle between good and evil, saving democracy for a little while longer.
That's your baseline. Your default.
So when someone posts:
"WOOO BOY TRUMPFAGS BTFO Trump just betrayed you all because he (insert something here). Then you look at it, read it, see if there's a habbening happening, post some bantz, troll the poster. AND THEN Reset to your default baseline. Every time.
Psyops tries to pull you farther and farther from your baseline default. So do Frankfurt marxists. They try to make you question what you know. Just consciously reset yourself at every time you think they are tugging at you.
Establish your default in advance. Reset to default every time, and as often as you need to.
>train yourself, through practiced awareness and study of how we are influenced by media
Recommendations, books, vidyas, websites?
Sounds similar to how I've trained myself to avoid and/or scrutinize the fuck out of click bait and Lugenpresse. Scanning for keywords like "sources say" or "might appoint", shit like that.
OP mentioned Bezmenov, which is one of many great introductions to how the game is played.
Lurk for a thread dedicated to exchange of learning materials. This thread isn't the right venue for a link dump, but they come up every so often these days.
The first episode of Century of the Self might be more to your point of interest, and is also an excellent primer for psychological warfare.
Is there any way where i can psych myself into being bluepilled to the point i become redpilled once again,so i can become redpilled at a later date, like a sleeper pill that is tinged red
yeah you gotta do it the way all sleeper agents are made
you have to take LSD and rape yourself
>When I used to work is psychological warfare
Go on.
You have to get amnesia and then regain your lost memories
I suggest electroshock therapy
I love Yuri. I used him to try to red pill my brother that the Commies were already here and well established, that his g/f is a useful idiot. Seems like I developed much of this on my own. Ok. I'll
>STFU and lurk moar
I work in psychological warfare right now son
The science and art of it all gets scholarly and intricate, but the basics can be surprisingly simplistic for those who have a natural inclination.
The thing that shocked me the most when I fell in with some fun and games types was how hard people who had fallen for whatever narrative you got them into would fight tooth and nail against the truth even when you took the time to explain that you'd been leading them into a false narrative and what the actual truth is, and why and how you'd done it. I mean it's one thing to notice that it's so effective that governments devote extensive resources and intellectual capital to applying it so therefore it must be effective. It's another to experience the giving end first hand.
how old are you OP?
Edward Bernays is a good place to start. Yuri Bezmenov is already popular here, so other anons will teach you about him. Sun Tzu and Machiavelli are also good sources of "psywar" thinking.
>Memetic warfare and psywar:
>Military memetics by Finkelstein
This bibliography has a number of titles that are free online if you look hard enough. Don't waste your money, just go find them via Google:
this. I came to the conclusion long ago that right/left paradigm was for faggots. It really doesn't matter in the grande scheme of things
hm, hadn't thought of that but yeah. Oldfag reference; growing up we all got schooled on the 5ws (who what when where how and why) for journalism/research/problem solving. Clickbait doesn't fill in those 5 necessary information strings- it usually just implies they have filled them in so if you don't look too close you think it contains information.
>COMPUTER SCIENTISTS = an implied 'who', but not good enough to fulfill the who requirement= no 'real people'
>MAY BE RIGGED = an implied 'what' but nothing happened for sure= no 'real event'
(how to lie without baldfaced lying)
Old enough not to have as much time to spend here as I'd like, unfortunately. This really is a brilliant tool, this imageboard format. I think it has great potential for creating communities that are less vulnerable to psywar, even if it works as a loudspeaker for psywar. It creates a kind of forced evolution in people's psychlogy, rushing them through stages of information awareness. It's a brilliant format, completely by accident as far as I can tell.
I read this entire thread.
OP is obvious and boring.
What you said can also be explained by shitposting. Drumpf BTFO is funny because it triggers newfags. It may be a psyop or it could just be me trolling newfags.
>i read the entire thread
>i therefore have an authoritative opinion
I started and guided the entire thread.
You are like a little baby.
>Edward Bernays
name sounds familiar. I've probably already encountered him. TY for the links
>how to lie without baldfaced lying
This is exactly what I'm on alert for when reading any news article
>I think it has great potential for creating communities
Well there you go, you went too far to the edge and walked yourself right over
Meant to tag
Edward Bernays is the nephew of Sigmund Freud, invented modern advertising (aka public relations), and was the inspiration for Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister.
OP also dropped a link to Century of the Self. When two different people drop the same links for you independently, that's the kind of corroboration you'd be looking for in trying to determine what is more likely to be true.
>because physical wounds heal
>Depiction of a physical wound that will never heal.
Or they are coordinating or proxy tagging. Regardless, Century of the Self is legit and required viewing for everyone.
I said "communities that are less vulnerable", like acquired immunity through inoculation.
>what are visual metaphors?
It doesn't matter because it's all for laughs.
Sup Forums is 100% satire so I guess they just got tricked. Pack it in spooks.
Fucking phone. Fagging. I specifically meant fagging and I meant fagging enough to reply.