First big media site to cover PizzaGate !
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Its RT. Russians dun did it.
Translate it for us leafbro!
More fake news from the official propaganda outlet of a state that has been trying to influence our government and our population.
This, they told me on SVT today that consuming fake news is actually highly illegal.
>not knowing French
i dnt speak frog
"A tweet from 2011 encourages theories on the existence of a pedophile network in Washington."
Stop using RT. It's putin's bitch.
>Russia Today
Sorry, but unless its CNN I don't believe it, since its probably just fake news or propaganda.
Sure is..
CNN won't cover it, even if it does turn out to be true though
what did he mean by this?
It's the french branch of Russia Today. Devilized af. Doesn't count as big media. And Egalité & Réconciliation already covered it 3 times.
>Fake News
>not fake news
> First major news site
> RT
Quit being retarded.
>unless its CNN
delete this because the bottom left tweet is fake. pushing fake info discredits the whole enterprise
It's nothing! Stay away from my pizzeria ring! It's all just a confirmation bias. Pathetic little brats really think you'll find any evidence? It's all in the air; from pleasure to ashes, in rolls the cash.
Jesus man.
The jew is afraid.
I hope Putin comments on this.
Who's that hotard?
Unless it's CNN I trust it.
True. And more audience than RT.
>Thinks Russians in Ukraine is dubious
>Believes Sup Forums pedo pizza meme
Seigneur Dieu pourquoi ce meme refuse-t-il de crever ?
What's that word mean frogs
What other news sites do you want then? Faggots. Some of you are worse than women.
West coast and prairies don't frog.
>>did you know HANDS UP DON"T SHOOT was a lie.
Pick any news from that website, and prove its wrong then
Wasn't that an open and shut case?
Project Veritas Dave Creamer admitting they were paying protestors, and john podesta's email trail?
These will feed me for a week. Thanks lads
RT is like Russian CNN. They report on stuff, but you have to keep in mind where their allegiances lie.
Throw out your TV already.
Was it on the nightly propaganda? I mean news?
>In a tweet, Andrew Breitbart an American political journalist had written that John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign director, was covering a network of minor sex slaves. The tweet has resurfaced thanks to the efforts of Internet users.
>The Pizzagate, a scandal over alleged pedophile networks that has been stirring up internet for several weeks, experienced an unexpected rebound on Tuesday (November 29th). The founder of the news site Breitbart News seems to bring water to the mill of the Internet "conspiracy". A user of the social network Reddit, found a tweet journalist dating from 2011 that revived the controversy. He was already questioning the proximity of John Podesta with pedophile networks.
Care of google translate
Wouldn't exposing International government pedophile rings imply that Putin is at least clean?
Who knows if this shit blows up he could purge more of the Government and consolidate even more power.
It's just a joke bro
Nice try CTR shill, #Pizzagate isn't an Anti-Semitic conspiracy theory and you can't make it one.
It is and it isn't.
Clinton isn't Jewish but Jews are far more likely than whites to be pedophiles.
soon russia only have 1 employee
dat KURU
Makes you wonder why ostracising and going to war with Russia was such a important idea. Hmmmm.
so they admitted the emails were real? not fake?
>We are a family pizzeria
>I dropped out of school cause I could only Chef
>“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault,” Alefantis Said
No Mr Alefantis, You are insane, check out this fucking band he had playing called the Sex Stains, frozen at this time.
Hmmm Alefantis. Time to pack your fucking pedo bag and fly before your house of pedo imagery and cards comes crashing the fuck down on you.
We will crush you, we will not let up. You don't get to pass go, and you do not get to collect 200 fucking babies to rape.
Jimmy Rustling is one of the best journalists out there my man
I think it's a Mediterranean thing which explains Podesta and Alefantis but anyway, Pizzagate isn't about "Alt-Right Nazis". The pizza people would actually be relieved if it was since they could just use that to dismiss the whole thing in papers.
Pizzagate investigators are good people from all races and political ideologies who want to stop the systematic abuse that police aren't allowed to investigate.
>Jimmy Rustling
A true journalistic hero
>drops out of high school
>makes pizzeria
>becomes 49th most influential person in Washington DC (according to GQ)
Nothing strange here.
Just good at making pizza :^)
>Seigneur Dieu pourquoi ce meme refuse-t-il de crever ?
I think the same about your country mate.
No offense.
Hip hip hooray, guys. Stop going down this path of destroying countless innocent people's lives and businesses, making everyone from Kim Noble to Podesta's look like complete schizos.
Delete This, regain sanity, and why doesn't anyone call Hannity?
Now let good ole Obama get back to his China Ping Pong in Ding Dang
Of course it's RT. RT hates us. I have no problem with this but it sort of falls in line with their... agenda, if you will.
>RT hates (((us)))
fixed that for you
I thought the Pizzagate were pretty mainstream in america.
No single channel or newspapers talked about it ?
Even in conspiracy theorists bashing approach ?
Nixon was a fan of ping pong diplomacy too. Do you think Nixon would have eaten at CPP?
Appreciate it.
>big media
Pic related. RT is shit. Just go back to the Summer of 2014 in regards to Ukraine. They lied their asses off.
It may be but if they are covering im sure they know something we don't
I bet CNN at this point is just trolling everyone. They are essentially just like the onion only everyone KNOWS the onion is fake news.
CNN is just satire at this point.
They aren't lying about shit. That tweet exists faggot.
You are attacking on a news provider which is reporting on established facts, fucking shill begone
>By Jimmy Rustling
This is basically all that RT does any more. It devotes its airtime to make the US look like shit by cherry picking stuff.
I agree, Jimmy Rustles earned 3 Pulitzer prizes and a Peabody award for an expose into inner city Twitter trends
>not propaganda
pick one
>we need foreign countries to report on pizza gate because our own country refuses too
The footage is from the UN mission in Africa and they said it was in the Donbas. I can keep going on if you want.
Ahahaha fucking anglocuck
Just like with WikiLeaks.
and here was me thinking this wasn't good b8
Wikileaks verifies everything before uploading supposedly.
But on top of that they re-uploaded 8000 emails with the DKIM verification, which proves they are authentic and have not been changed or altered from their original state. It's not something that can be faked, at least to my knowledge.
Hey idiot, refute this tweet exists:
Link from rt article.
I like DW
I mean you guys can say whatever you want but the fact that a semi major news organization is picking this story up is kind of a big deal.
Nuke the pedos
>>we need foreign countries to report on pizza gate because our own country refuses too
Believe the word is Lügenpresse
Hence, a nice pedophilia scandal dovetails right into their general narrative quite nicely, don't it?
this should be a meme
DAILY REMINDER THAT If #Pizzagate is not real, then we have to believe that:
>John Podesta is just a foodie, he loves pizza and pasta and talk about it all the time
>Podesta loves pizza so much that he draws "pizza-related" maps so he doesn't forget where are his favourite pizzerias.
>Podesta also loves hot dogs, and he dreams about opening a hotdog stand in Hawaii.
>People play dominoes on pizza and pasta, but it's difficult to decide which one is better
>People love pasta with walnut sauce.
Marina Abramovic was just inviting Tony Podesta to a normal dinner at her place. She called Spirit Cooking like an inside joke, because of the strange and satanic shit she's been doing all her life.
>Marina Abramovic is not a satanist, she's a lovely lady in real life, the bizarre shit she does is just her artistic self.
>Tony Podesta is a lovely guy who happens to have a strange taste for art. He likes some disturbing pieces of art, and that's all.
James Alefantis is just a family restaurant owner who happens to have a very dark sense of humor and also a strange taste for art, based on the artists he invite to his family restaurant. He just like to post photos of lovely kids and babies, and make very dark comments. His followers also have that dark sense of humor and they just have a good time.
>but unless its CNN I don't believe it
thanks belgy bro, you guys know like 4 languages
Come on guys dont give yous for redit-tier bait
Knowing 4 languages is kind of common here, too.
Come on Slovakk, those aren't exactly smoking guns. It'd be clumsy for someone to willingly accept all of those premises, but it's not too unreasonable to think someone would, or even that most people wouldn't.
hello slovenia! can i be slovene even if im white/mexican mixed? i just want to be white for God pls
Here's your fucking (You).
>inb4 RT is fake news.