u/spez censoring r/the_donald atm
U/spez censoring r/the_donald atm
This means they're coming. They're coming...
Proof and why should we care?
No one is coming. This is their last stand versus what's about to come January
wat he doin
How can't you understand?
This means refugees en masse.
thank you
They allow r/pedofriends pedo101 ans pedochat, but the_donald is the problem?
r/the_donald is almost as corrupt as Sup Forums, but reddit's cuck admin went full SJW and censored the subreddit from ever reaching the front page
Redditors belong on reddit, you estonian faggot.
>Not liking The_Donald
Kys fgts!
And tell me how we are going to send them back. There will be thousands of newfags pouring in soon since they heard Sup Forums is also a cool place where everyone loves Milo and gay cock.
I thought you guys were all nazis?
Estonia user is right, if The Donald goes down Sup Forums will be flooded by turbocancer. As if it wasn't bad enough already with the shills.
They won't want to stay. They took the memes they didn't care what went in to it. when the arrive and see the autism, the sperging out they won't want it boys.It's like meat you don't want to know how it got there you just like that its there.
Who Cares about Plebbit?
That Shit should go bankrupt
only newfags is scared of the immigration wave.
we turn them, like we turned you.
When the r/the_donald faggots come pouring across the border like a horde of dirty migrants, just remember to educate them about the eternal juden.
Slack Jawed Yokels BTFO!!!! Seriously though, fuck you assholes.
They are just like us XD
fucking this
Good luck with that. They literally spend their time worshipping one of the biggest kikes of them all. Who do you think were in all the Trump generals? Who do you think keeps spouting this kek bullshit? It's them. Oldfags know Trump for what he is. If you see someone unironically supporting Trump then you know he's a fucking summerfaggot from r/thedonald.
Sites like reddit are shit but we need to do our duty, infiltrate them and throw out redpills. You faggots won't make a difference sitting on here stroking each others egos.
How can you stupid fucks ever say anything. The_Donald literally helped get Donald Trump elected. They fear it so much that they've tried censoring it at least three times. And it's worked and it's slowed their growth. It's the market place of ideas and the idea in politics is to have your fucking ideas spread.
You either change the system - what SJW's are doing. Get into controlling parts of the system and force your ideology on people.
This isn't fucking rocket science. If you don't want to live in a marxist multicultural utopia (aka hundreds of millions are going to suffer, and we're going to lose a lot of clay when America balkanizes) maybe you should start fucking caring about shitty places like reddit - facebook - twitter. You need to be alpha and convince everyone around you your way is the right way by leading.
Sitting here, 'lol reddit why should we care' is fucking retard levels you mouth breathing shit bag.
This. Do your duty for the white race, stop circlejerking, and redpill normalfags
>theyre coming
we know. you're already here
No they didn't they just stopped them from abusing stickies to do it. Stickies are not for propping up posts to spam /r/all with, they are for making announcements or provide important/useful information/links.
They can still reach frontpage, but they have to do it without abusing the system. They still won't be doing it organically, but this at least makes their voting a bit more organic.
Its called babysteps
But he still took additional measures and added filters to r/all, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what he's implying
Kek, you think your thought has any logical legitimacy?
You are just crying and screaming in the playground sandbox.
You have kikes on both sides, you either pick trump or soros and no soros doesn't control trump.
>at least makes their voting a bit more organic
Holy shit, you need to go back. We don't want their voting to be organic, we want to trigger liberals into quitting the site and send it to a much deserved grave. It's a mass bluepill factory and it NEEDS to die. We were killing it while mopping up what few could be converted. That was the whole point of the sub. Go back to R*ddit and fucking kill yourself.
>implying The_Donald didnt turn normies off by spamming "KEKSHILLNIGGER" everywhere
>Sup Forums literally has threads about creating reddit colony before creation of r/the_donald
>Sup Forums users haze redditors as it has always been
>redditors confused and upset
stay plebeian plebs
Oh no.
Fuck. I can't edit comments after posting here can I?
Long overdue. Reddit has been overrun with nationalist trolls and the site administration is disenfranchising their userbase by allowing r/the_donald to run amok.
For fuck sake on election night, they had an all-caps post directed towards the LOSER SJWS OF REDDIT asked the site’s diverse users HOW DOES OUR DICK TASTE on the front page.
the_donald is tearing reddit apart and it's about time something is done about it.
>Kek, you think your thought has any logical legitimacy?
Back to >You have kikes on both sides, you either pick trump or soros and no soros doesn't control trump.
What's your point? I never said that Clinton isn't a kike puppet as well. But you see the difference is that Clinton has to be paid off. She's been caught with saying things like "fucking jew bastard". Trump is willingly employing kikes. He let all his children marry kikes. He's BFF with the prime minister of Israel. Hell, he's even got askhenazi ancestry on his grandmother's side. Hillary is nowhere near as connected to the jews as Trump is.
Trump's sympathy for the Jews is not a secret, just something we have to deal with. (((They))) will always be in control somehow, we just have to navigate as best we can. Like said, it's either Trump or Soros, or some other (((politician))), there was never another option.
>he actually thinks plebbit does anything influential
get out, go back
>Implying r/The_Donald wasn't a Sup Forumsony
They'll just be coming back home, nothing to worry about.
>banned for concern trolling
>muh free speech
why should I care, Trump is president elect now, they served their purpose
>complaining about this
>on Sup Forums of all places
fuck off leaf
It started off that way, then normies swarmed in and gave it terminal cancer. They supported Trump, so it was tolerated, but I don't want those faggots here permanently.
Fuck off to your cuckshed, plebbit.
>preventing vote manipulation from hijacking their front page is censorship
Go back
>there was never another option.
Yes there was. You always rant about your 2nd amendment and how it's there to protect the people from government tyranny. Well, the tyranny has been going on for a good while now.
Le Actually taking Reddit seriously. Faggit.
Have you seen the reddit faggots buttlicking uspaz in the comments? I keep thinking the userbase can't become more pathetic, but those liberal shitstains stoop lower and lower
>reddit drama
Who cares. That board was never Sup Forums relevant.
>The_Donald literally helped get Donald Trump elected.
this right here
see redditt links on Sup Forums from time to time, seems there is a lot of content (reddits ?)
some of those reddits are furfags or pedos or lbgt or BLM or ghey man circle jerk, yea ?
those are all ok, but a reddit about god emperor TRUMP is a bad look ?
wait wut ?
(cue 'the moment you realized lefties and liberalism were a problem' music)
You have to go back.
Thry are already light-red pilled, won't be hard to convert them.
Hugh Mungus
The campaign ended man. Trump won. What more do you want?
i'm new to this reddit stuff
i don't have an account. what is the difference between reddit.com and reddit.com/r/all
trump tops /all, but not the frontpage.
A Bloodbath
>what is the difference between reddit.com and reddit.com/r/all
when you register on reddit you're automatically subscribed to aids subs like /aww /2xchromosones /lgbtq or whatever and posts from those show up on reddit.com /r/all is top posts from all subreddits regardless of wheter you subscribe to them or not.
But, why?
I only want what is best in life. To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women(men? honestly not sure at this point).
and thus the mask slips
>when you register on reddit
but i haven't. i have no subscriptions or anything. why is there still a difference? is the front page basically a list of handpicked subs like those you mentioned anyway?
For shits n giggles
yeah. front page = sjw agenda
pretty flames
Let them wallow in self-pity man.
It's not enough there's a counter-sub of butthurts trying to outjerk; they gotta censor the opinions of people who don't agree with them because nobody ever taught them about adversity
>nobody ever taught them about adversity
You know, until now.
>How does are dick taste
The only redditor who qualifies for a work visa in the country of Sup Forums .
No one else, shoot them all.
Sup Forums is how I found the_Donald and I really like that sub.
I imagine the feeling I get from going there and putting on my normie facade is what (((they))) feel like when they pretend to be white. Like the man behind the curtain, pulling the levers.
"Don't worry, I'm one of you."
Then suddenly DEUS VULT.
Lemme tell you a little story about colonization.
We might as well be the freaking commies if we're gonna repeat the same failed policy over and over and over. The relationship is 1-way, and nobody gets to know your country exists if you can help it.
Right. It's not perfect, but damn is it effective.
- Redpill random people
- Offer sizable political support
- And my favorite, fuck with plebbitors constantly
you have to go back
> implying the entire world wouldn't burn if America had a civil war.
Trump was the last non violent chance for change of the West. Now we wait to see if that hope was misplaced. If so, I think the day approaches quickly.
>Trump was the last non violent chance for change of the West. Now we wait to see if that hope was misplaced.
That was obvious from the get-go. You just won't see it because you're too comfortable watching TV whilst chugging down a big mac.
>All of Trump's children are either married to or are dating Jews. Including zionist banker Jared Kushner.
>He is a big time israel supporter.
>We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100%, 1,000%. It will be there forever.
>He personally know Prime minister BB and wants to suck his schlomo.
>Trump has received money from Rockefellers, Rothschild, Koch brothers, Soros, Sheldon Adelson. >
>He has a Ashkenazi Jewish great grandmother, two great aunts married to kikes and one sister married to a kike.
>He also employs many kikes. He met people like the Kushners through his father's Jewish business connections that helped him to get into (((the industry)))
Hell, he's even got ashkenazi ancestry on his grandmother's side.
This is a good point. I like going to the_Donald but I never mention this place there.
Sup Forums having influence there should be an open secret. Something nobody actively hides but that isn't really spoken about either.
Let this place be the secret base where the memes are produced and t_d be the battleground where the meme war is fought.
Then after the collapse of reddit we move on to other bastions of degeneracy.
>big time Israel supporter
Boy, can't wait for this meme to end.
http ://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-says-hell-make-israel-pay-for-defense-aid/
They're already here like a plague you dumb fuck.
who cares about leddit
Now take into account how much Trump has backtracked. He'll do the same with this.
this is a good thing.
the liberal echochamber was why they lost in the first place
by reacting to their loss by attacking and hiding everything they disagree with, they will only lose even harder.
this will also cause them to polarize even harder and be easier to trigger. this is a good thing, we dont want unity, we dont want understanding, we want this wound to remain open and we want to rub that salt we mined into it.
Hillary is Jewish, you know-nothing.
Radomski, that's her family name. They changed it to Rodham to appear gentile.
Baby steps. We can't jump straight to a candidate with 14/88 carved into his forehead.
First we have to secure our demographics. That means closing the southern border, limiting Non-white immigration, increasing white immigration and increasing the white birth rate.
Trump has supported two if not three of those points indirectly with his policies.
That is why he got my support. This was literally the last election white people alone could've won. Now we turn back the tide.