>2 hours after saying they hate trump
>this happen
>2 hours after saying they hate trump
>this happen
Source on them saying they hate Trump?
Im going to have to completely restock my bunker.
Praise kek!
>If you serve Kellogg’s products to your family, you are serving up bigotry at your breakfast table.
Jesus Chist now even conservative journals are pushing this fearmongering bigotry shit?
I don't eat cereal, and I can count the amount of times I bought Rice Crispies, GoldFish are better than cheeze its. Kelloggs is shit.
what kind of faggot doesn't solely eat CT Crunch
>tfw just went out to do the shopping and ditched "kelloggs just right" in favour of "uncle tobys plus"
Who else /mischief/ here?
Uncle Toby's owns Kellogs
loll lets kill the economony and stock market because people didnt like someone, we would be fighting off putin right now if that cunt got elected and everyone is retarded not to do the research, its like wahhhhhh hes racist he doesnt know anything wahhhh muslim blew me up let more in. I say let the cunts do it they will just harm themselves and not care about anyone and go into isolation and be little dark edgelords when the food runs out and people are in the woods fending off animals and shit for food
If a company does something to piss of millions of people, it should have repercussions.
It's called Capitalism you communist faggot
i am not a commie im a child when it comes to these things.
>demand wouldn't shift to other companies
KEK wills Kelloggs and their shitty non-frog mascots into oblivion! Long live General Mills!
Considering what's happened to every other company that's opposed Trump, there's probably a massive sell-off of stocks that's going to spiral until Kellog's value drops to half of what it was.
>boycott golden grahams
>destroy the economy
>buying a product from one person instead of the other will crash the economy
I would boycott kelloggs but I don't want to give up pringles and miniwheats
they just want rebuy their shares. oldest trick. move along
Experiment until you find something better.
Off-brand miniwheats are cheaper and just as good.
bye bye kellogs :)
never buying again in my life.
kellogs products are something people buy every time they go shopping. meaning, one person gives a huge amount of money to the kellogs company over 30 years.
meaning, alienating your customers, even losing a few million customers, will cost your company trillions if you are like kellogs.
Who even eats cereal / kellogs products? families. Who has families of this sort? Right wing wholesome individuals who like voted trump.
On top of this, the political pendulum is swinging back, right is right now, for another 30 years. And seeding hate for the future social super majority this early is suicide.
those shares won't go back up for a while. the company just signed it's warrant.
fuck kellogs. you should'nt be eating sugar coated garbage anyway
i've never found offbrand miniwheats anywhere near as good, they're always those little puffy shredded wheat things that are fucking terrible
>I cant eat pop tarts anymore
I-Ill do it for you trump
Isn't Kellogg's funder responsible for the widespread belief that penis mutilation aka circumcision is healthier for your dick in the US?
They are just playing the game.
shit son nows the time to buy
No way Breibart has 45,000,000 unique readers???
hahahah fucking death of kellogs as a company incoming
>Starting a political shitshow when theres like a million cereal brands to choose from.
>They literally sell diabetes to children.
Their CEO must be brain dead.
Emu gets it but you need to wait till Friday when it'll close at 69.50USD.
Trust me and my digits on this one
Of brand mini wheats are teh shit.
Besides I'm brightybart personal army
At least you have the awareness to say that, millions of commies would just plug their ears and bow to their print out of Marx
I bet stockholders are fucking pissed.
>tfw economic warfare has begun
YES! your stock price decends into the depths of hades if you fuck with god/king
look at that fucking sell volume, I think there's an opportunity to make some money
By the way, prepare for more of this shit. People bitch all the time about how much money CEOs make, yet turn right around and support them financially. If we can follow through on these type of boycotts, we could actually damage any company that does not politically align with Trump.
Not giving up pop tarts, fuck that.
I think they're going by monthly traffic. Sup Forums gets like 22 million unique IPs a month. And this is worldwide.
>the company founded by the dude who pushed infant mutilation when it hardly existed because hardcore Christian
>moral high ground
toaster strudels are better
rsi is dipping, currently at 38
this is why youre a poor fag.
maybe ill try, thx
They're both 90% sugar. Eat one a day and you're begging for diabetes.
>be business
>start a bunch off political shit that will just piss off a bunch of people
For what fucking purpose?
>kellogs products are something people buy every time they go shopping.
Apparenlty I'm not people.
Yeah, go kill yourself
Oh, ok. Then it must be true. Breitbart would never post anything that isn't true.
Already way ahead of you.
you're an idiot. read. they're crashing right now because of breitbart.
Can you refute the points? No? Then shut the fuck up.
This wasn't a spontaneous or independent decision by Kelloggs, they've been advertising on Breitbart for months and given not one solitary fuck about the site's content. What's been happening is anti-Trump cucks have been running their own campaign of contacting advertisers, Kellogg's, Allstate, and others, and threatening boycotts if they support 'muh alt-right' websites. They got organized faster than we did because they were outraged and we were complacent with winning the election.
If we'd stepped our game up we could have headed this off at the pass, and right now we could be having advertisers withdraw support from HuffPo, Salon, and ThinkProgress right now for their publishing of anti-American content and incitements to violence.