Any questions?
The consent is implied by your continuation in living here.
public goods?
If you don't like getting stuff stolen from you then leave
Call me a cuck but I personally don't mind it in small increments if it continues to allow me to live my /comfy/ life
theft that I can vote on is better than theft that i cannot
>i don't want to pay taxes
>donate to the government? hell no
>muh government never does anything
I think the concept of taxing is alright, the problem is that it doesnt work as advertised, in theory the quality of the services you use should even out the price of the services you dont need
Also, the concept of charity enters in conflict with the ideals of taxation, if they are giving charity with the money that is supposed to be an inversion they are effectively syphoning it away from the community to support parasites
There's implied consent. Fucking live in Antarctica if you don't want society and civilization, you ungrateful shit.
Why do cuckolds always complain about taxes when there is a much bigger problem:
Taxes can be useful, usury is applied degeneracy
Because usury is essential for businesses. Hell, even Trump had to pay back his small loan of 1 million dollars with interest. Without interest there is no incentive for someone to lend money to an entrepreneur.
>complaining about usury before fiat currency and fractional reserve banking
You can always just move to the amazonas rainforest and live a nomadic life if you want. Oh sorry, did you want other people to provide you with infrastructure for free?
Somalia is your paradise, then.
There's this super epic rad libertarian paradise known as Somalia that you should check out. Or pretty much any of the southern states which have low HDI, BUT NOT BECAUSE OF LOW TAXES! The low HDI is because of libruls and gay marriage causing earthquakes and shit. I read about this on my uncle's facebook!
if you dont like it then leave
Let me explain to you
why edgy teenage boys shouldn't have an opinion on the internet
Look how cool is OP
>10 years later
>OP can't find a job
>not even at McDonalds
>full automation and shit on there
but hey, you looked to cool flipping your middle finger at that one guard who was just doing his job
what's next?
grafity is not a crime?
eating meat should be forbidden?
gosh... what a patethic losers
>1 post by this ID
Bait threads are fun and enlightening.
carving my dick on your face is not a crime
is art
enjoy it OP
a dick
my dick
on your face
> Quints
Idk if I hate you or I hate you
>If you don't like it just get out.
>Implying border patrol will let you out.
>Implying foreign government agents will let you stay if they find you.
then shoot yourself in the head
no more taxes
art is not a crime,
vandalism is, however
Why should I have to run from this tax farm to another? I was born here.
What about them? The free market does everything more efficiently.
>Trading freedom for security
You'll end up with neither.
False dilemma.
Nice statist propaganda. I suppose I should be grateful to have my money and property taken from me by force.
You can pay for private sector infrastructure. My private community has it's own roads/stormwater and we have an electric coop.
Holy shit so many non-arguments, I'm going to have to stop here. The commie invasion is actually real.
Noice digits man.
>You'll end up with neither
Actually, in the right amounts, you'll end up with more of both. Read up on contractarianism, it works well, even if you have to make sacrifices you don't find advantageous for ever facet of your daily life.
You seem super entitled go to a third world country and they won't mind paying taxes to avoid all that bullshit
You choose to pay taxes.
Don't like it?
Don't pay.
Kek confirms libertarians are retarded
>without permission
except you gave permission
It's rent you pay to the system that gives you things like property rights.
And why is the location of your birth relevant? You're no more and no less American than the guy that allahu snackbared a bunch of people in Ohio.
The entire argument is reducto
"X = Y!
Therefore X = Y!"
fuckoff. X = X, Y = Y.
Lets explore this one a little, for my benefit, and the collective viewers. Are you willing to unpack it?
Can we argue WHY usury is ESSENTIAL for businesses?
Yeah, op it probably is. Now go do something about it and let us know how it turns out.
nevada may be a bunch of illiterate landwhales, but ill take the "no state income tax" perk
OP, you do realize that logic is retarded, right? the EXACT same argumetn could be made about the government putting anyone in jail; "HURR DURR, if someone is restraining my liberty they are crimminals".
Sorry Brazil, frequently we're throwing e-poop at each other, but in this thread we are brothers: theres nothing of worth here, lets SAGE and move on.