I'm 12.5% Polish, 25% English 50% Dutch 12.5% German, am I mixed race since I'm Anglo Slavic and German?
Am I mixed race?
Yes, your race is white as fuck.
no retard
No you are white.
I'm half-Slav, half-Aryan. Being a mongrel sucks.
Absolutely nobody will know or care unless you tell them.
Nah, sounds like a normal Seppo background to me. You're all usually a bit of everything European.
ikdf. I'm a quarter Irish.
All European = white.
Completely untrue. I have had people tell me they could tell I had Slav blood from my physiognomy. I actually look like a cross between a Slav and an Aryan.
Wait, even me? It doesn't make sense, I mean I'm 50% portuguese, 25% andalucian and 25% calabrian.
All those peoples came from Europe.
You're fucking retarded. Get this kid to bed
You're american, of course you're mixed.
Its not race mixing if you use your butt...
They're all the same race you fucking retard.
Ethnicity =/= Race.
No just a retarded gene counting cuck.
Quite, nigger.
Yo soy Mejicano.
In America you aren't mixed because anyone with pale skin and a European last name is white. I'm 87.5% European and 12.5% Filipino but I'm still considered white. No one would know you're any of those things unless you told them and still I doubt people would considered you mixed.
Even if you were Iberian-Persian-Indian-Anglo you'd still be racially caucasian. You're just an ethnic mutt, not a racial one.
Anyone who suspects they might not be a superhuman above the rest of mankind is subhuman and must gas themselves.
>It's another American says he's .125 percent indian 2 percent german (maybe) 13 percent Irish %20 luck %50 skill %15 concentrated power of will also I think my great grandpa had an Asian cousin, NIGGA
>tfw 100% saxon
>sister lives in germany married to a nigger
>never visit because I don't like niggers
>family line is tainted
Hopefully there's a terrorist attack that kills her and her nigger partner.
I am part Czechoslovakian , French , Irish Welsh , German , Pennsylvania Dutch , Huron Indian , Algonquin indian , Mongolian beat that pro tip you cant !
>sister married to a nigger
Jesus Christ. That's a true nightmare scenario. Makes me glad I only have male siblings. I feel sick and angry just thinking about something like that.
Only true white races.
> Germanic.
> Nordic.
> Anglo/Celtic.