Choose another lingua franca

We all know English is the default lingua franca for all humans. If you were to pick another, what would it be and state your reasons.

* Sounds pretty as fuck
* Relatively pure (retains conservatism)
* Too flamboyant sounding
* Pain in the ass to spell
* Fuck noun, pronoun genders, changing past participles and auxiliaries

* When written, all other Chinese dialects can be understood
since it is logographic
* Prettiest written language period
* Have fun literally learning thousands of characters
* Keyboards? What are those?

Simplified English

Nobody on Sup Forums is going to consider a noneuropean language.

We should use German or Latin ( for the lulz).

first of all
I choose Latin cause fuck all non romance languages

Japanese, because no one likes those dirty chinks, also anime


French, because I can already understand it

Nigger please, English is ugly enough as it is

Let's switch to arabic, it'll be easier for German and Swedish posters.

lol no

Hahahahaha lolololol funneh

the fuck? I don't remember Bolivia's flag looking like that?

Nobody remembers your flag either

How did you remember it?

I studied mandarin. It's nice because the syntax is very liberal in it's rules. However; it is a tonal language which makes it very hard to speak properly. It is easy to say something and have it misinterpreted.

Spanish is the easiest to learn, and so many people already speak it so my that's where my vote goes.

Dutch is a good replacement for English speakers.
Japanese if you want a non Indo-European language for relative ease in pronounciations

Latin is my vote.

I think sometimes I think Bolivia and Peru's flag are the same

Mandarin is a shit tier language. Tonal so it sound disgusting and turns the speakers into emotionless fucking freaks because it becomes impossible to integrate emotion into speech. ONLY mindless gooks like chinese

Italian, easiest European language to learn and it sounds beautiful

Fuck you, finnish will be language of the world

Probably Spanish, everything else is useless. Well, Mandarin isn't, but it's impossible to learn.

>t. Paco

Catalan, because it is the based final form of Franch+Italian+Spanish all in one.

brazilian portuguese


off topic but do you use proxy?

LotR Elvish sounds cool as fuck.

Newspeak. Pros: doubleplus good. Cons: none.


>t. subhuman

I'm not hispanic

Japanese, because it is the noblest and most harmonious langauge

Els SWJ i comunistes independentistes es reprodueixen com paneroles.

Mira a la meva bandera i veu del que són capaços.

No. I'm on holiday in Papua New Guinea, catching a flight outta here tomorrow morning

Catalan is a meme language.

Castellano es la única respuesta.

Port Moresby? Visited there once, what a shithole

If Spanish shall be the next Lingua Franca of the world, please burgers, don't turn Mexican into the standard version. Our language is not respected thanks to them. Pick European Castilian

The language out here the locals have is crazy. Very easy to gear the Spanish influences in some of their words. The other parts of Chomoro language aren't really difficult to pronounce but their "English" spelling defies all logic.

Yona = jzona
Ritiadian =riteejuhn

Don't be retarded. The language needs to be a.) widely used b.) have marketable value (ie every spic who jumped the fence can't speak it)

The best language if you're looking for economic growth and earning potential as a white man would be Portuguese desu.

Are you a cannibal?


>frog using proxy

kek no one gives a fuck about French apart from a bunch of niggers in Africa