Are Southern Europeans genetically inferior to Northern Europeans?

Are Southern Europeans genetically inferior to Northern Europeans?

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Well considering the Greeks founded Western civilization, I think not. Then again, times change.

Were Ancient Greeks the swarthy wog creatures that live in Greece today?

>Greeks (founders of Western Civilization)
>Romans (first major European empire, influences still present to this day/every Euro empire has claimed being the next "Rome")
>Italians (Didn't include it due to G*rman admixture, but high IQ, great inventors, scientists, Renaissance, great artists, etc)
>Portuguese (one of the world's largest empires, betrayed by beady Anglo)
>Spanish (at one point, world's largest empire with many territories in New World, Europe, and Asia).

Yes, last 100 years of Northern Euros doing well =/= superior to Southern Euros

No. Italians are one of the most accomplished people of Europe and this doesn't even get into their ancient accomplishments.

pure nordic phenotype, it really gets those synapses working

>first major european empire

It wasn't an european empire, richest parts were in africa and middle east.
Western europe minus italy was destitute and italy itself imported huge amounts of grains from africa.

all da inventaz wuz blond an shieeet

Looks 110% aryan to me, look, that's Sweden now

No, considering northern europeans were living in huts and hurling sharp sticks at eachother for a good portion of their time while greeks and romans has begun to expand across the seas and take up colonies in Africa and the Middle East.



It still was the first major European empire, just because Egypt and Carthage were far more developed than the shithole that was Gaul doesn't make it less of a European empire.

I know you joke, but people such as the aspie that is Varg, will claim this.

butt mad southern europeans lol

face it you guys were raped and pillaged by middle easterners and north africans for 1500 years, it's no surprise you resemble a mix between them and northern europeans, you've been our buffer zone. and east europe was our buffer zone from the mongoloid nomads of the steppes (see slavs).

Modern day Greeks have nothing to do with Ancient Greeks

They were conquered by Persians, raped by Slavs and subjugated by Turks for more than 1,000 years.

And you have to remember, Hellenic wealthy men like Aristotele were minority in Greece. 3 of every 5 people in Athenes were Slaves, probably dark complexion.

It was so majoritly not european that eastern side eventually ragequitted around the third century.
Just admit you're wrong.

I have been enlightened

>South Europeans defended Europe from the mudslimes
>Nordcucks willingly invite them into their countries now

really makes you think

I'm not saying it was solely European as it owned a good chunk of North Africa and the Levant, but Roman Empire, at it's peak under Trajan
>Owned England
>Owned Hispania (Spain/Portugal)
>Owned Gaul and Belgica (France, Belgium, some of Netherlands)
>Owned Dalmatia and surrounding tribes of Illyrian provinces (Balkans)

Again, Egypt was probably one of it's richest (second to Italian penninsula), but a good chunk of the Empire was in Europe.

Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Crete and Anatolia prior to Turkish invasion.

Also Europa was a Phoenician goddess, hence Phoenicians are European :^)


You mean the guys who used to sacrifice babies to the moloch?

That was Carthaginians, a Phoenician colony.

>They were conquered by Persians,
Nice gymnastics

>raped by Slavs
In what multiverse?

>subjugated by Turks
You must provide proof that this had any real impact on their gene pool.

>3 of every 5 people in Athenes were Slaves, probably dark complexion.
Greeks enslaved other conquered Greeks. They were treated as different people because they were from a competing polis.

>Europa was a Phoenician goddess, hence Phoenicians are European :^)

>the DNA of the man, who they call 'Young Man of Byrsa' or 'Archie', closely matches that of a particular modern day individual from Portugal.
We were monarchs twice

All european countries are good/god tier. We should have been united instead of going to war against each other. We are all white. Hail kek hail victory.

>we are all white

Im a french citizen. I just happen to live in this 3rd world country

War made us strong, the competition was extreme eugenics. For example, Castile blocking Portugal from the rest of Europe made us want to explore the seas.

Why don't you leave crybaby?
Go get raped by the real third world people currently taking over Paris.

Competion is good yeah but big conflicts like ww1/2 just makes us all weaker.

Different admixture, different traits. Worse mathematicians, better artists.

I just have a hard time imagining modern southern Europeans having anything to do with western civilization.
I've been to southern Europe, and the only thing separating them from swarthy jungle monkeys is the title "European".


Same could be said of you asiatic bastards.

>A white country

I don't believe you. Where did you go?

Spain and southern italy

While on vacations my cousin got all his shit stolen from a parked car in Portugal... his window was smashed.

Nothing ever was stolen from him in over 27 years living here.

What are you measuring this with? Intelligence? Physical prowess? Social skills? Creativity?

There are many metrics that hold their own unique value. For instance, the sub-Saharan african has a mean IQ of 70. No one (other than some leftist that denies science) would state that they are very smart. However, sub-Saharan africans are naturally evolved to a hostile environment that requires that they be physically more capable than any other group of humans. They have the best runners in both sprint and endurance as well as having a natural inclination to major feats of strength.

They are inferior intellectually but superior physically. Southern Europeans are some of the original inventors of many social systems that are still being used to this day. The Romans, for instance, upheld the longest lasting empire in human history. They were southern european, as were the greeks who are responsible for liberal democracy.

Southern Europeans were once obviously the master race in regards to social ability. However modern southern europeans are not of the same ilk as those who were the progenitors of culture today. They've been bred with the filthy animals that inhabit the southern levant.

lol, we germans are the master race, already forgot?

That's too vague. Well, every single friend of mine who went to visit Spain came back calling it a shithole (but they went to the South/East coast cities). Full of gypsies and moors, garbage food (nothing traditional was sold anywhere) plus the weather is a complete furnace.

Let me guess: Lisbon (periphery) or Algarve. Lisbon is full of nigs and gypsies, the Algarve has some gypsies too and it's a tourist hotspot. We get british chavs who come here just to steal shit. Makes my blood boil desu

Did you have anything to actually say besides "I don't believe you" and "That's too vague"?
This is what I mean by swarthy jungle monkeys; can't even put a half-decent argument together when they try to challenge you.

Actually Egypt founded Western civilization.
Everything the Greeks had was stolen from us black people.

This is something I've often seen in finnish posters, they have a burning hatred for southern europeans, he actually gave you a decent argument (tourist hotspots are usually shitholes because they receive millions of visitors every summer and only care about making money, they are hardly representative of any country).

I don't know much about Southern Italy, but Spain is a big place full of very different people in case you didn't notice, mate. I deal with spaniards frequently, and I never had any problems.

Does being an abrasive moron get you off?

Actually Babylon founded Western civilization.
Everything the Egyptians had was stolen from us white people.

>Does being an abrasive moron get you off?

That's german humour.

>I deal with spaniards frequently, and I never had any problems.
Ofcourse you wouldn't when you come from the same damn stock.
It's all relative. If someone is as dumb as you, they will seem "normal". When they are dumber than you, they seem like swarthy jungle monkeys.

>Doesn't know shit about history or genetics.
>just pulls everything out his ass and acts smart

Hows that working out for you?


Actually Nubians founded Western civilization before albino white devils stole it

No it wasn't an argument, it was an explanation to clear up the thing you tried to present as an argument.

Why must you be this retarded?

And yes, they are.

I know what you mean, it's like they dont even let musluims rape thier woman while giving them benfits. How that shithole be considered western civilization.

>white aesthetics minus the nerdic traits

You're thinking of eastern Europe now.
Southern Europeans let them do it and don't even acknowledge it's happening, because they see a middle-easterner and think "Hello fellow south-european"

Literally the most handsome men on earth. White traits minus the autism of the nerdics... the ultimate aesthetic latin lovers (no homo).
North european girls want this so bad.

Wow poor muslims don't they know the superior nordics will give them thousands moor euros a month then the poverty stricken southern countries?

Kek is this a joke?

>white traits

He looks like a Bedouin.

>meanwhile northern europeans basically painted themselves in pig blood and ate raw meat for nearly all their history before managing to to do something thanks to jewish scientists and overtaking the world thanks to jewish banking system and nigger slaves they imported in mass and still do today
Really makes you think.

>it's all relative, proceeds to try to argue why it is


a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory.

>it wasn't an argument
this really made me think

Also it's not an argument because it hinges on false assumptions about my character. You're throwing centuries of western thought and americanization (read: standardization of ideas, ideals, language, concepts and behavioral archetypes) straight into the trash can. If I could not properly recognize patterns both local and foreign, I would not be assimilated here in the first place.

>ASouthern Europeans
You mean the Swiss?

kek socrates didn't exist fag.

>"Not an argument"-meme
>"Yeah, it wasn't."
Just fucking kill yourself, you swarthy jungle monkey.


>curly mediterranean hair
>most of pol autists think that way

Coming next, how the great Chinese empire was actually founded by vikings who got lost after a hangover.

south europeans are not white thus superior to north european cucks.


Come home, moorish man

You shouldn't be so hard on swarthy jungle monkey. That is what your descendants are going to look like.

>Coming next, how the great Chinese empire was actually founded by vikings who got lost after a hangover.

Say no more.

Aristotles wasn't even of greek origins. He was from the northern barbarian tribes, probably thracian, illyrian or macedonian whatever the fuck they were. He studied in Dodona first, who wasn't greek.
Plato would have been a better example.
And still about the slaves, they were mostly phrygians, libournians or other shit like that, still white, even whiter then greeks.

They still are. Like 50% of them are italians, 40 % spaniards and the rest negroes and forest negroes.

>A failed campaign from 2014 that lasted 9 days before it was shut down cause noone gave a shit.
Ok mate. How are your demographic outlooks?

>grandpa from rom
>grandma from greek isles
>other part of family is german
>best of both worlds

This must be the famed finnish intelligence I keep hearing about

Do you think these northerners feel inadequate about their past? This is where the snownigger meme comes in

It's the mongorian self loathing complex. Similar to anti semitic jews.
Finns never really accomplished anything besides being close enough to sweden to take credit as being part of the nordics and resisting a zerging of commies.

Tall, dark, handsome. Blonde blue eyed men look too femenine.

> How are your demographic outlooks?

Looking pretty good on the not giving handout to rapfuges front, How are you "superior" nordics doing with that?

>This must be the famed finnish intelligence I keep hearing about
Oh my god, please tell me there's a white person in this thread who understands how fucking un-self-aware this jungle monkey is?

I'm starting to hate northerners, the more I learn about nordicists shenanigans, it's getting hard to care about them going extinct, maybe they deserve it and it'll be a wake-up call for us meds and a redpill to the normie majority

>Portuguese (cod stealers)
Gib cod

Are you an albanigger? Go back.

>Looking pretty good
So when will America be 70% white? A lot of work to get up from being 60% white, but if outlook is good, I'm sure you can accomplish it.

>divide and conquer

must be why they beat you at every single thing

Dude, maybe portuguese economy is shit today but they are fucking more relevant than finnland, historically speaking, culturally speaking, scientifically speaking, politically speaking, sportsmanship speaking, etc,..
The only field you might beat them is by having a F1 pilot and in rally cross tournaments.

and why would you care for them in the first place?
France literally invaded you
England cucked your country out of all its achievments
the americans stole what little remained of your overseas empire
The ruskies took all your gold
The nords opposed your religion and destroyed your imperial finances
every single one of those nations has made a point to separate spain from europe both cutluraly and even racialy, even Primo de Rivera warned you not to fall to the racial mysticism meme
and still you go along like good little goys to defend european interests
really makes u think huh

>jewish economics
>jewish puppets doing better at it
No, Hoxha has just great meme potential. Look at his fucking face dude.
And speaking of albanians, I never saw one around here in Spain but I would be glad to welcome a superior white person of the based mediterranean race. A lot better than your beanie niggers.

>W-w-we have a much more relevant history
>That explains why today we are sub-humans
Sorry mate, I don't give a shit what either of your countries were in the past. Today you are barely better than niggers

Id rather be a brown mexican then let mudshit rape my country.

Actually I understand the gobineau guy, he was from a former aristocratic family in 19th century france and wanted to claim power over the commoners because of his birthright.
That kind of racial theories / supremacism was a very conservative behaviour through I think he was more of a political pundit rather than a true believer.

The first two paragraphs of the wiki article really say it all.

Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau (14 July 1816 – 13 October 1882) was a French aristocrat who was best known by his contemporaries as a novelist, diplomat and travel writer but is today most remembered for developing the theory of the Aryan master race and helping to legitimise racism by scientific racist theory and racial demography. Gobineau was an elitist who, in the immediate aftermath of the Revolutions of 1848, wrote a 1400-page book, An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, in which he claimed that aristocrats were superior to commoners and that they possessed more Aryan genetic traits because of less inbreeding with inferior races (Alpines and Mediterraneans).

Gobineau's writings were quickly praised by white supremacist, pro-slavery Americans like Josiah C. Nott and Henry Hotze, who translated his book into English but omitted around 1000 pages of the original book, including those parts that negatively described Americans as a racially mixed population. Gobineau's writings were also influential on prominent anti-Semites such as Richard Wagner, the Romanian far-right politician professor A. C. Cuza and leaders of the Nazi Party, who later edited and re-published his work.

>be northern european
>look like a southern european
Best of both worlds basically.

Why are southern Euros almost post-commie tier?

Only north Italians are western tier

>I'd rather be a brown mexican than not take memes seriously
Well that explains a shit-ton, ese

>70 years
>current times

The scale isn't important enough to draw conclusions. We were doing better for almost all european history and you are doing better just since after the 1940's. It probably won't last after the muslim invasion and your low beta males fertility rates and high suicide ones.

Onko pakko riehua

Why can't we just learn to appreciate European culture as a whole, and drive out the external forces trying to divide us, jews, arabs, orientals and blacks?

>just memes

sure thing kiddo

>Same fucking pictures circulated for literally 2 years every time you gotta attack Finland
>Not a meme
Alright kiddo.
Hey, didn't your people just get slaughtered by a Muslim the other day?

I'm sure Finland is doing great. Northerners should learn not to throw bricks from a glass house.

Why do finland woman want to be raped by muslims so bad? Is it because men in finland are beta cucks?