Is smoking weed or hypnosis a viable alternative?
Sup Forums how do I stop being a degenerate alcoholic?
why would you stop? beer is great :D
Yeah, it's awesome, until you start habitually drinking 12 or more a night.
Also a miserable alcoholic. Someone please answer OP.
>weed and hyponisis
>not simple shit like AA or addiction breaker
Just enjoy a beer once in a while lad, not need to go crazy over it
Stop living a lie. Jesus lives. And he is the one true God. If you deny this, you'll live a lie, which can be torturesome
weed can help a little. Hypnosis might work, depends on the individual, but it won't stop the withdrawals.
What you're looking for is LSD. The founder of AA attributes much of his success in going sober to LSD.
Stop putting alcohol into your mouth and swallowing it.
This approach is inspired by the way i stopped smoking cigarettes. I called it: Stop putting cigarettes into your mouth and inhaling the smoke.
I find it to be 100% effective. You may need to stop being a faggot.
Try cocaine, it's much better than alcohol :D
Just put it down.
You can try AA, works for some people but I felt like I was surrounded by chucks at those meetings. Knowing I was better than that was enough for me to stop. 7 years sober now and doesn't bother me to be around people drinking anymore.
Just like stop dude it's easy if you're not a gay retard
Think of the money you're wasting.
Think of how you're destroying your testosterone every time you drink.
My alcoholism reached rather extreme proportions. I voluntarily went to in-patient rehabilitation for thirty days and have been regularly attending AA since then. I am 9 months sober and my life has improved dramatically.
Weed is no better
Instead of habitually drinking every night, you will end up smoking weed every night
The crazy thing is, I am a Christian, at least by faith. I just happen to be addicted to alcohol.
cheaper too!
I think he's already doing that quite well, Muhammad.
sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom.
sometimes it's a matter of replacing your addiction with something positive.
it changes from person to person.
wish you all the best anons
cold turkey is not a realistic opportunity for most people, dont look down on your fellow man for being weaker than you
>The founder of AA attributes much of his success in going sober to LSD.
Can anyone else second this? What about shrooms? Could it truly give me a paradigm shift to the point of not needing alcohol anymore?
Tips fedora
That's your life being shit in general. Weed will get you off that routine but it's not gonna be any better for your mental health. Sort out the underlying problems m88.
Earl Grey brother. Literally got me off of weed and booze.
AA is for fags.
>Is smoking weed
alcohol consumption went down in colorado after weed became legal.
This. And eventually you wont be able to get high enough on weed and start drinking on top of it. Go to aa or detox if its real bad.
talk to a pastor about your addiction, start praying regularly m8
Try kava
I wish I could a Alcholic.
How do you cope with your hangovers?
the Reddit alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous
Most people at AA are ass-end alcoholics. Like people who can't ever legally drive a car again due to DUIs. There are functional alcoholics (i.e. those that still eat food) that would feel totally out of place around such hopeless shitheads.
Get some self discipline. No excuse.
I was a 12 beers or more a night guy for several years until it eventually got so bad that I was starting to go on binges where I would do nothing but get drunk, sober up, and get drunk again for days at a time. I know it's going to sound patronizing, but the truth is you just have to want to stop badly enough to actually stop. Join a program if that helps you, enlist the support of family and friends if that helps you, but fundamentally you just have to muster the willpower to stop getting drunk every night until eventually you don't anymore. Fundamentally it's one of those problems where you just have to realize that nobody can help you except you.
Also depending on how physically dependent you are you may need to ween off. Take the number of drinks you have a day then then tommow drone 90% that amount. The next day 80% then 70% and space it out through out the day so your body adjusts. If your drinking like a liter or more a day stopping strait up can lead to seizures stroke even death.
Depends on the meeting. Go to a lunch meeting in a business district for the high bottom drunks.
This. Cold turkey is the quickest and least painful approach to most addictions. 12 a night doesn't even sound like alchism. This approach will work fine.
Stop drinking alcohol
>12 a night doesn't sound like alcoholism
Anything more than 20 units of alcohol in a week (a unit being a bottle of beer, glass of wine or shot of liqour) is considered alcoholism.
>Cold turkey
Yeah if you want DT and a horrible death. You have to limit your intake over a period of time.
Hypnosis is a complete load of shot user.
No scientific evidence proves its existence at all.
Its literally a Jew scam
After you drink for so long, you won't get them. I can get a whole 12+ plus some or a whole a 18 pack a night and I'll have slight shakes when I wake up. They go away in like 10 mins.
it is over exaggerated how bad going cold turkey is
its actually pretty rare to have delerium tremens and end up dying
Seek Jesus. All I can say buddy. Ask him to forgive you, and try to stare into his eyes, and beg for him to be with you.
Or take benzos. Don't take them outside of rehab they are BAD to get hooked on.
>How do you cope with your hangovers?
electrolytes from things like coconut water, and plenty of cysteine (found in eggs and meat products) before bed, as well as vitamin b.
You religion is a crutch to get the feeble minded and weak willed through life and sure it could very well help user with his drinking but you're, in fact, living the lie leaf. Funny how the church always recruits the directionless and destitute from the pulpit and never the other way around.
>Is smoking weed or hypnosis a viable alternative?
There's nothing more degenerate that potheads. Alcohol is fine in moderation. If you can't handle it, don't drink.
Med student here.
It depends on how much of an alcoholic you are. Most will require a benzo weening and a banana bag.
Alcohol is not like tobacco it is physically addicting like methadone and it attaches to your gaba receptors. When you quit it slowly floods your brain and makes you prone to seizures and hallucinations [DT's] that can actually kill you.
So go to your local ER and tell them you ar an alcoholic that is going cold turkey. They should prescribe you baby benzos that you will take for a week or so that taper into nothing. This will help you avoid DT's and not dying.
Quitting alcohol as a sever alcoholic is serious business do not do it cold turkey please seek medical help.
Both my parents are alcoholics and it ruined / is actively ruining their lives.
I have zero sympathy for people with alcohol substance abuse.
Just stop putting it in your fucking mouth or kill yourself you pathetic piece of shit.
>Take the number of drinks you have a day then then tommow drone 90% that amount. The next day 80% then 70%
Not sure I agree with this approach, as oftentimes 70% can turn into 130% etc. - poor decision making skills whilst drunk.
I mean, how long do you have to be an alcoholic for that shit to happen
find a sport. i took up skateboarding again and I could feel the beer making me sluggish and keeping me from performing my best, so I gradually kept away from beer and alcohol. now i dont have cravings for alcohol, at least the cravings arent as bad as they used to be
Not to get through life. But to end the death and lies attached to your soul. Though we are forgiven, When we die, we're thrown in a lake of fire until all our lies and sins burn off. When it is only our true life that remains, which survives fire, you go to heaven to walk with Jesus.
the second coming of christ is here, and Kek will judge all sinners
Cold turkey I guess. I wouldn't really know I haven't had a drop of alcohol in my life
do pushups and squats
>12 a night doesn't even sound like alchism.
I don't actually even drink beer anymore, as its too expensive. I buy handles (half gallons) that I mix with water and chocolate syrup (to be economical) and I finish two of those per week, so about a half gallon of rum or w/e every three days.
It's the only thing that makes me feel content, at least for the moment.
That is some Australian level shitposting
Can confirm this. Stopped drinking to smoking weed every day. Then quit weed to smoke cigarettes all the time. Oy vey
Depends on how much you drink user.
We had a guy that did a pack of beer a week that came in with DT's and had to be admitted due to severe potassium and B12 deficiency next to his DT's.
If you have been drinking heavily, at least 4 drinks a day for more than 1 year you can be prone to DT's.
Do not quit cold turkey you could die and it's not a risk worth taking. The ER will give you Benzos that also bind to the GABA receptor, but they are much much easier to taper due to known exact dose.
Seriously no need for AA, just a need for willpower and a trip to ER to taper you off until you are safe and sober.
Do coke
I wouldn't take benzos outside of residential detox. Too addictive.
I went from heavy alcoholism to only drinking a few times a month and I just don't know what happened. I do get a lot of cravings and shit, but mostly I think I did it too pass the time and help me sleep.
I've been hypnotised before. p sure it has validity, just not sure for quitting drinking.
I've been an "alcoholic" for probably about 7 years, and I still get gnarly hangovers. I think different people just process alcohol differently, and different people's livers are better or worse at metabolizing it. Personally, I'm more prone to acetaldehyde build up (a toxic product of alcohol metabolization).
ER only prescribes you enough to taper off. If you don't eat the whole bottle in one sitting and follow the script you are fine.
I am a med student in the ER for clinicals and shit, have seen a few heavy alcoholics go clean from doing just that.
Also for got we don't give the good shit like Xanax or Valium we usually give the lesser abused shit like chlordiazepoxide.
If they are in for alcohol withdraws they clearly have a problem with substances so we do not give them the more addictive ones.
Switch to smoking weed for a while my friend. Also start lifting. Stay away from coke and other hard drugs
You just need to stop. Go full straight edge dude. If you're already at a point where you're experiencing withdrawals then you might need even more help than you realize, like a stay at a sobriety camp or something. If you haven't yet reached withdrawals then you might not yet be too far gone, but you need to cut it completely from your life.
You need to never touch it again, I know addiction because my friend died from alcohol and I've struggled with nicotine. One touch of your addiction and you might very well slide back into your old habits as if you never quit. A very small number of people manage to go back to a life of moderation but if you've even struggled with alcohol I wouldn't mess around and I'd just quit it completely. And don't worry about going out, just get cola or coffee or water and be sure to still tip the waitress and they'll be fine with you not drinking alcohol.
My friend died of alcohol poisoning after a few years of fighting addiction and having serious withdrawals, so don't mess around user. I genuinely wish you the best and I hope you have the courage to get and stay sober if that's what you want.
Everyone have their strengths and weaknesses. Stop being a condescending cunt
nice cuck mark
I'm one of the few meds that will say cannabis can help.
But an alcoholic needs to do the Benzo taper to get their GABA's back to normal before the cannabis. Cannabis will help with the cravings that soon follow and after a month or so of cannabis use they can quit and be back to normal.
Mostly because cannabis has no physical addicting properties and only mental, no worse than quitting caffeine.
Is benzo necessary for quelling the addiction or more just for combating withdrawls? I don't have a problem with withdrawls, as far as I can tell.
You'll probably get pretty bad withdrawals after 12 a day, probably not enough to get a fatal seizure though.
>12 pack a night
Yup that's me.
Ethanol binds to the GABA receptor sites of the brain. When you stop drinking the ethanol releases and it can cause headaches and other problems.
Well if you are a heavy alcoholic that flood from those sites can cause hallucination and sever seizures that can kill you.
Well since an alcoholic has problems tapering how much they drink, another easier to dose drug is introduced; benzos. The bind to the exact same sites that alcohol does, but they are easier to dose and control how much you take in.
So after a week or two of tapering with benzos your risk of seizures is nearly null. That's when i would suggest cannabis use to help control cravings. The point is to not drink again, as an alcoholic you clearly have a problem with that substance and you must avoid it or it's back to ground zero.
I have watched people die in the ER from this shit, please seek actual medical help and stay strong.
I grew up in a family of alcoholics and was one myself, 1.5L of vodka every 2 days for 7 years.
I want the best for people that are struggling and AA is fucking scam that most people fall back into same old same old.
I did what I am telling you and I have not touched a drop in 5 years. It can be done my friend and it can be beat with what i am telling you.
If cravings kick in grab a gram of cannabis a mental addiction is much easier to kick than a physical one.
I was a habitual drug user and alcoholic for years, how I kicked it stop associating with people or businesses that promote drugs.
i traded weed for beer and was just as much of a degenerate, maybe moreso. And I got a chronic cough and was more paranoid about being in public.
just stick to beer and find some more hobbies where you literally cant be drunk, like volunteering or working out
Why don't you just drink vodka or something instead of beer to get drunk quicker?
It's nearly impossible to drink yourself to death on beer or wine [alcohol poisoning].
Vodka can send you into alcohol poisoning pretty quickly.
As someone who just quit drinking a week ago (I was drinking about ten beers a night for three years straight), what happened for me to quit was a drastic change in my routine life.
I'm very high-functioning, I don't drink before or at work, only after. Only after getting out of my toxic house and living on my own was I able to break the cycle.
Try doing something very different and uncomfortable in your life and roll with it.
I'm really proud of you for admitting you have a problem, you should treat yourself to a beer for that good choice.
Cocaine and adderall
Smoking weed is not good for you, plain and simple
But alcohol kills millions every year and has far more serious health risks
You will probably end up smoking weed habitually but you'll also save a lot of money in addition to not obliterating your liver
At 12 drinks per day you might want to go to a hospital for the first couple nights. Alcohol withdrawal can kill you
Seriously go to an ER or doctor visit and they will tell you everything i have told you minus the cannabis use to control cravings. They will ship you to some piss poor excuse like AA.
Also take vitamins you probably have a b12 and potassium deficiency, at the hospital they will probably give you a bag in a IV that looks like lemon lime Gatorade.
This. I stopped smoking the same way. Tried a few other ways previously but just deciding not to do it and sticking to it worked.
Helped to have my wife as a pressure valve to call and say "I would fucking kill for a ciggie" to though. Just hearing myself talking like that was enough to reinforce the resolve
Tobacco is mental addiction alcohol is physical.
physical addictions like methadone and Xanax can kill you if you just up and quit
I don't understand how people drink. Alcohol tastes disgusting (all forms of it) Makes you buzzed, tired and then you wake up with a headache the next morning. At least Weed peps you up a little bit and makes you go to sleep and you feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning. Beer is a cancer causing, liver failure causing, hormone changing poison that ought to be banned. Yes, I am well aware Prohibition didn't work but it's seriously the dumbest way to get fucked up next to coke and heroine. Yes, it's a drug and should be treated as such. Nothing like slamming 12 beers and slamming into somebody after spending 46.00 dollars at the bar just to drive home and get a DUI and your license taken away for 1 year. If you want a buzz go exercise intensively for 2 hours and come home and smoke a tad bit of weed out of a bowl and a cigarette or two. But Beer and all other forms of Alcohol are not fun. Fuck a depressant.
This. I moved. Wasn't perfect but my life & body aren't shit like they were.
these trips!
> Tobacco is mental addicition
Um... no. Nicotine is insanely physically addictive.
It's legal most everywhere and is pretty much socially acceptable.
Most have no idea the affects it actually has on the brain and body, so they do it because drugs are by nature enjoyable.
Odd thing is most of the people that heavily abuse a substance are ones that need escape from reality and are the ones that need help the most, but it's out of their reach.
alcohol has legit medical uses like if you get poisoned by methanol it is the antidote
Physical addiction can lead to death when you quit. Your body "needs" it to function.
You might want to research that before you jump to defend yourself.
Also works in case you accidentally drank antifreeze.