Sup Forums
Would you compromise your politics for your best friend? Be supportive of them in a political situation which you're actually on the other side of?
What's more important? Integrity or duty of friendship?
Pic unrelated.
Sup Forums
Would you compromise your politics for your best friend? Be supportive of them in a political situation which you're actually on the other side of?
What's more important? Integrity or duty of friendship?
Pic unrelated.
I don't have friends and probably never will. Checkmate.
if they don't agree with me on most things they sure as hell aren't my best friend
The only good Communist is a dead Communist.
The only compromise I make in politics is the 3/5's
i'd compromise my politics and abandon all my friends to berry my face in tay tay's butt
My best friends and I disagree on politics all the time.
It doesn't matter, and doesn't affect the relationship. If it did, we wouldn't be best friends.
>it'll be good
Goes without saying desu senpai
Only person I'm close to is my wife and she's redpilled too
Meant for
>My friend can't accept that we aren't a hivemind
Dump his fucking ass.
Depends, I'm pretty red but have a lot of blue friends from college and so on, they are good enough blokes to hang out with but are big irl shitposters.
On one hand, I have differing opinions on a lot of things (immigration, guns, freedom of speech, etc.) and can sometimes give them my point of view with offending, but many stuff I just don't care enough to constantly debate about.
BIG issues I will stand by my values, real dumb or disrespectful things I will, but small potatoes aren't worth a friendship. Sacrificing your friends for minor political discrepancies is why I don't like libs, standing by your friends and having loyalty to them is what separates us from them.
To a degree, yes, absolutely, I've done it.
"I don't agree that Jill Stein is the best candidate, I won't vote for her myself, but I congratulate you on making your own mind up on it instead of following the herd, and yes I'd have no problem signing your petition to put her on the ballot so your vote will be counted."
Just because someone's politics are wrong today doesn't mean they're just an evil person who will always be wrong. At least not always.
This is how I feel too.
I've lost most of my friends growing up due to their politics deviating from mine. Not on a matter of it being impossible to be friends with polar viewpoints, they just all could not reason effectively and lost my respect.
Just as long as your best friend respect facts and both of you recognize when you're entering the realm of opinion.
My best friend I are actually polar opposite when it comes to fundamental ethos underlying our politics. I have a tendency to lean towards optimism and believe in as much freedom for everyone as long as it doesn't harm other, while he thinks some people can't be trusted with their freedom.
We both have our evidence and facts, but ofc, none are so conclusive in that one opinion is right over the other. It's ironic that i browse Sup Forums but he'd actually be the one agreeing with a lot of traditionalist Sup Forums sentiment which rejects a lot of libertarian values. Without differences in persons, your relationship with anyone is a self-masturbatory narcissism fest... You need compatible differences to grow.
If it weren't for him and sites like Sup Forums, i'd be a unironic burning man-level hippie.
Just have a consensus of having respect for reality and facts.
no but i would suck a cock that's been inside of taytay.
They won't accidentally learn what's right in an echo chamber. So, I tolerate that one guy.
>Not on a matter of it being impossible to be friends with polar viewpoints.
> they just all could not reason effectively and lost my respect.
This. You can be friends with a very different underlying philosophy to life, as long as they could reason effectively and know when to draw the line between fact-based opinion and emotional wishful thinking, and even if it is emotional wishful thinking, just having the intellectual honesty to admit that is more than enough for mutual respect for one another.
I'm "adult" enough to be able to set aside my politics to be able to converse and interact with people who hold horrid beliefs, but if it's their politic that are bring them trouble it's the perfect time to shift them to the right path.
And I wouldn't have a best friend who was retarded, so it's not going to come up.
If they're your friends they should be the first people you engaged and persuaded with your arguments....
I wouldn't support a position I didn't agree with but I wouldn't go out of my way to be an asshole about it. Probably keep mum.
>What's more important? Integrity or duty of friendship?
My friends are my friends because I have integrity. They come to me to argue if our views are not the same, so that we might reach better understandings of our position.
I discarded all the friends I had who only wanted to echo-chamber, and some discarded me for being "a nazi" because i'm a classical liberal, and a race realist.
>Would you compromise your politics for your best friend? Be supportive of them in a political situation which you're actually on the other side of?