ITT: Stories about military women being useless, whores, and useless whores
ITT: Stories about military women being useless, whores, and useless whores
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Did your military gf just break up with you, faggot?
They're assigned to a platoon to provide pleasure, they have a use.
my buddy said that one of the females fell off whatever wall they had to climb in basic and wound up paralyzed
thats all I got for stories, he said they were just totally fucking useless and go in the way
Fun fact, your national guard units now spend more time attending "sensitivity training" than going to the range.
Glad I got out before we adopted the fearsome battlefield tactic of presenting our anuses to enemy bayonets.
There is a whole documentary on how diversity targets fucked up the Swedish Fire Departments.
No they don't. You're retarded. Integrated platoons are the worst thing ever, plus it turns into a shitshow because the platoon turns into the woman's treasure trove of dick
my ex joined army reserves and became a huge slut
literally never trust a woman who even thinks about going into military
>Stories about military women being useless, whores, and useless whores
>military women being useless whores
>women being useless whores
fixed that for you familia
>be soldier
>get deployed to warzone
>there's one hot female in your squad
>gang rape her until you get tired of it
>blow her up with a grenade
>make up a story about how she died
>get male replacement
>proceed to fight war
Sorry, meant for
Me and my friends ran a train on a girl who months later went into the military and got married
they are sick 24/7 and never do shit. they will always slow you down
I hate them
When I was in the military I used to answer these ads for gay sex on Craigslist. I didn't want anyone to know I was gay. So, I was stationed at 29 palms and decided to travel to Hollywood to meet this one bloke. It was a seedy motel. I get inside the room, and to my surprise my afternoon fuck turns out to be Jonah Hill! I spent the next few hours destroying his asshole, all while verbally degrading him. I left him in the bathroom covered in my piss. He was crying and asking me to help him stop his ass from bleeding. I called him a faggot and left.
I clicked on the thread to see if there was any military chic porn... Alas I was disappointed.
>nothing to see here carry on...
chick passed out during endurance hike, I had to carry her shit
sounds like you ate fresh
There was one of 4 girls playing around that ended with a lesbian 4-way
Cant find it though
Armyfag here. Fuck them. 99% of them do nothing besides bitching and moaning and getting in the way. It's because of them that we've been pussified and can't effectively do our jobs. PT tests are the biggest fucking rage for me. 19 push ups is passing for them when 35 is passing for me. 15mins is passing for me in a 2 mile run while 20mins is fine for them. ESAD
They gave the woman a SAW, and after 20 minutes she collapsed and two men had to carry her on a stretcher and I had to lug her equipment
women are so worthless in the army
Let me give you the REAL version...
>be soldier
>get deployed to fight for Israel
>there's one dumpy, mannish woman in your squad
>she's also your boss
>she's woefully under qualified, blames her subordinates for her fuck ups, and never wastes an opportunity to order those evil sexist racist white males around doing dumb bullshit, including but not limited to her personal chores
>the command structure is literally paralyzed with fear when it comes to deciding to discipline her, but functions like a well-oiled ass-fucking machine if you so much as sigh audibly in her presence
>she gets promoted to a cozy desk job where she accuses a Command Sergeant Major of sexual harassment, gets a fat payoff in disability payments, and leaves the Army
>BONUS: She writes a book about how she in particular and women in general are the REEEEAL heroes of all wars ever and becomes a celebrity.
t. Ex-soldier
My sister-in-law dated a guy for 10 years, joined the military for her citizenship, and married him as soon as she could to get him his citizenship as well.
Not 3 months later she was fucking some guy 10 years younger than her and posing on social media with all the guys in her squad. A month later she told her husband she wanted a divorce.
Shit was beyond shameful. I was very forward with my wife about how much of a bitch her sister is.
I have a good friend who served infantry in the Army
He basically said that women that can hold their own and aren't whores are very rare
The large majority of them go two routes,
1. Useless, complaining women who don't carry their weight and do minimum to get by and threaten the fuck out of eveyone with sexual harassment if criticized
2. Total and complete sluts who get dicked down by everyone who wants a ride assuming they aren't totally creepy. And once they fuck more than two guys its over. Even if they no longer want to be the squad cumdumpster they just get practically raped on an individual whim and/or gangbanged , and they almost always take it because they're both guilty and slutty
Getting pregnant just to skip a deployment happens constantly. It's so bad in my community that we have the phrase, "one is none, two is one" that applies to getting women for deployment.
T. Navy
>be a fat moaning fuck
>get your squad and your fellow ncos in trouble
>pretend to be sick every time we're supposed to train as a unit
>be absolutely incompetent
>the one time you join your unit for a week in the forest you refuse to eat half the time there's food available because it's not vegan or whatever
>get promoted because of quotas
sweden tier
That shit runs in families you know. Good luck bud.
I had two female commanders during my seven years in the Army.
My first commander in South Korea transferred out of the unit after getting pregnant and refusing to divulge who the father was. Most people though it was the First Sergeant.
The second commanders was relieved for cause in Kuwait after interfering with and investigation into her misconduct. We were three weeks from redeployment when she told the entire unit that cooperating with the investigation might cause the deployment to to be extended.
>PSG is female
>just got me slotted for a MOS school
Everything went just fine!
70%+ of the military is non-combat support. people who mop floors, handle paperwork, and spin wrenches.
if we didn't let women in, we'd be stupidly unmanned. symptom of industrialized warfare. do you know the magic number? i do. its $300. $300 a day is how much money the DoD saves by calling these people "soldiers" and not workers. workers have rights in our society.
I have a couple of friend in the US Military. One of them got cucked by his military girlfriend. And the others just use them as cum rags.
I don't believe the idea that all military women are whores, but their experience trumps my own.
>Chair Force fag
>Stationed in Fussa
>We're all hyped as fuck and bantering about how many Jap girls we're going to impregnate
>One girl who we sort of knew hung out with us
>She wasn't the stereotypical baton-passed whore, but she wasn't exactly classy either
>She starts talking about how she needs a strong Asian man to knock her up or something
>Ruins the whole evening
This thread is right up my ally
Everyone in the military is whores.
For every barracks rat willing to have a train ran on her, there's three equally as dumb joes willing to do the part.
>ITT: Stories about women being useless, whores, and useless whores
I got you covered there
I wouldn't mind if women had to serve, as long as they stayed away from the actual army
Sounds about right.
Is there such thing as an army or air force girl that is marriage material? Like, 1% of them?
Can confirm this is 150% true. Really makes you think, women would rather commit to 18 years of child rearing than an 18 month (tops) deployment, where they won't even be on the front lines and hence in any real danger. How can we trust women with any level of decision making when their rationalization skills are this poor?!
Here's a short one from a few years ago:
>be me, 18 in army ROTC
>literally filled to the brim with Mexicans, blacks who cry "racist!" At every given chance and women
>realize I've made a mistake, but hate quitting, decide to tough it out for a year
>join ranger challenge group for extra PT, as expected all women are vindictive, bitchy, and verbally abusive to those around them.
>talk back, but realize it's a waste of time
>I ignore them for the most part.
>day of competition happens at fort Hood
>go out on 12 mile ruck March
>all the women start crying while we keep running
>the black guys start getting pissed and complain
>the Mexican dude laughs at her and agitates them, making it worse
>cucked white dudes and white knights start helping them
>I'm leading the group, so ofcourse the women get vindictive and bitchy saying that I'm "fucking everything up" due to outperforming them
>ultimately end up finishing last
>endure the annoying 7 hour car ride back with passive aggressive bitches constantly talking shit about me "fucking up" while the blacks and Mexicans continue being retarded and racist
>finish the year out with best PT and grades, leave with a smirk on my face
Yep, I'm going marines or coast guard now. Don't need that shit in my life ever again.
most of them fuck higher ups to get fast tracked promotions and scream rape every few months to get someone that pissed them off demoted
the entire military budget should be cut 90% and we should only keep rangers/special forces/airforce and get rid of the rest
-redpilled conservative who wasted 6 years in the army and realizes its the biggest waste of tax payers money by a mile. its ultra welfare for the biggest shitbags in the country
its 2016. that "seperate but equal" shit doesn't work anymore.
The stupidity of Women and their demands will cause the last chapter to come up real soon
No. and if you weren't in as well you'll always be overshadowed that your other half was more manly than you because they humped a ruck for 3 years and you jerked off to furry porn at college
only if you are another woman.
>How can we trust women with any level of decision making when their rationalization skills are this poor?!
Oh lad, you'll find their rationalization skills to be TOP NOTCH.
Their REASONING ability, though...
>and becomes a celebrity.
What'd you say her name was again?
anyone in the US military is useless
not only do they fuck green band but red band too
>Female firefighters have to be able to carry less weight than the men to pass the training course
That will be your life when you join. no matter what branch. lol its not just ROTC
Army? Basically non existant
Airforce? They exist, but uncommon. Most of them are engaged/in committed relationship prior to serving
Navy? Don't know, but the two I know of IRL are untrustworthy
even the nice rangers i trained with?
As an Air Force fag I have to admit I've never personally seen the whores you hear a lot about. I think I heard an Army fag call them bunk babes once, essentially they wonder from bunk to bunk to be passed around and fucked like slop. While I never saw anything like that, I did see almost every woman was either the strong independent womyn type or a bossy cunt.
I don't want to hate them as much as I do. They're only good for one thing. Sucking and fucking.
If more women understood this instead of whining about trump on twitter the world would be a much better place
>be grunt inna 2010
>arrive at schofield
>during inprocesing they gave us a brief about the island
>"oh, and if you run into a woman named Rice from 2-35, avoid her at all costs"
>People look around like wtf
>"seriously she's a career ender. Don't go near her."
>this dude is talking to every new soldier, even ones not in different brigades
>I get assigned to 2-35 oh boy
>bitch looks like she got hit in the mouth with a meth bat
>bangs half the barracks, and gets most of them in trouble for sexual assault
>one weekend morning cq walking around
>see someone laying in the middle of the quad, go to investigate
>Rice is naked, passed out, covered in cum, shit, and piss from a late night orgy
>she finally gets the boot
We also had a woman officer in charge of the medics. Dipshit thought it would be a good idea to try and send a picture of her tits via SIPR.
I think in my entire time in, I've met one girl who wasn't completely useless, but she only really did desk work.
I'm fine with woman in the military as long as they stay the hell away from anything that's remotely a combat role. Just make the requirementsby the same for both men and women, "equality", right? That will keep women away from combat by and large and any that pass will be deserving at least
>he's a mad wage cuck because he pays for me to get off work at 11 am and travel around Europe for three years
>then he pays for my college
more importantly it breeds jealousies and rivalries and pointless gossip, which have no place on the battlefield
FUCK. lol
Welp. At least PT is more challenging in marines and coast is 100% dedicated to saving lives/security of America, so it'll be worth it.
I don't see what the problem is. She just performed the classic French army move of turning around and running away.
So you're a braindead faggot.
>ITT:fat slob civilans who couldn't even pass the women's requirements for PT dictating who should and shouldn't be in the military
I bet you also say muslim shouldn't join either but wouldn't to their face becuase they'd knock every single one of your teeth out
>Be at basic
>Sunny sunny Ft Leonard Wood
>Full of womyn
>Be at range for qual
>Female gets "rodded" onto range
>DS basically puts a fucking rod in the barrel to ensure no obstructions
>DS puts rod in
>Stops halfway into barrel
>Female has half her cleaning rod still in barrel
>DS loses mind
>Female is actually our assistant Platoon Guide
Another one
>Same place
>Going on 1mi ruck
>40lbs with ACH/Weapon
>Bout 105 degrees out
>Not too bad tho
>Ruck there and back
>Get back
>In formation marking time
>Stop marking time
> Female playing wobble game
>Night night
>Mfw 7 females collapsed as heat cats
>No males collapsed.
This is so true it makes me want to go to bed for the night. I hate being a mil fag sometimes
>cultivates culture of "studs" and "sluts"
>whines about "muh degeneracy"
>failing to see the karmic irony
we also have civil service that's "equal" with armed service, of course it would work if anyone would ever even consider changing the conscription laws.
i'd be more concerned about turbocucks and tranny shits demanding to be allowed to join women's service or something
>We were three weeks from redeployment when she told the entire unit that cooperating with the investigation might cause the deployment to to be extended.
And people believed that bullshit?
Told this story on here before but fuck it
>Be recon marine
>Doing a MEU in the pacific ocean
>Doing training in the ocean with the Zodiac boats
>Ready to re board our mothership
>There is a Navy Job responsible for physically mooring the Zodiacs back on deck
>See female as anchor on the mooring line
>Combat Camera is there taking pictures of her
>As our Zodiac is being pulled back on deck, which usually happens fast we get stuck
>Female at the top says something like "I can't" and lets go of the rope
>We starts sliding down the ramp
>This is bad because if they lose control our Zodiac will slide under the Ship and we will all drown in the undercurrent
>Crew cheifs and other sailors see what's happening and rush over to help moor us back on deck
>Squad leader of in our Zodiac starts going absolutely ballistic losing his shit and gets told to calm down
This happened in 2012, I cant imagine the SJW "Females can too" bullshit going on now that's why I got
this is why I wholeheartedly denounce women in the military
hell I'm not even in it, but seeing how much women fuck up other jobs, it doesn't surprise me that they'd do the same to military ones too
Pretty good desu, didnt knew this kind of documentary existed. This occurs in all parts of Swedish society.
Would you say the same about the USCG and National guard?
Nope, just hate easy PT. I'm sliding more towards CG tho, since I'm more interested in saving lives
>2 pull ups and hanging for a few minutes
>a workout let alone a challenge
Get the fuck out of here, AIDS skrillex
Muslim in military like 10^10 > woman
you know he would go out with a bang
whatever nigger. i spent 4 years getting paid to travel around the world chasing pussy and drinking beer.
I'm a faggot so I'm 09R. Wish I was a 13B but they had no AITs in my time frame (college fag)
what a fucking BEAST
so basically this exactly story
I use to work for USAA in tech support. It was sad listening to deployed members asking for their balance, and finding out there's zilch. The whores would clean out the joint checking accounts. Ex Army coworkers would tell us how their COs in boot camp would tell privates to never get joint accounts with gfs/wives. Some whores would even try to get into their spouses individual accounts when they contacted us..
Watching now, thanks.
Its terrible. This female trans ranger wana be at my BCT had like 35 PU, 70 SU, and a 16 min 2mi. She got a 255 I think. I did 71 PU, 70 SU, and a 14:45 2 mile and got a 246. This is retarded.
About month before going on terminal leave I was doing staff duty and in the middle of the night one of the female privates came down from her barracks room and sucked my dick.
I was in for 8 years and this was about the only good experience i had with army females.
what's the difference between a woman in the marines and a zebra?
a zebra doesn't have to lay on its back to get its stripes.
What's this from?
>1 mile ruck
Holy fuck what
that cover is actually pretty squared away tho.
Sounds like she successfully trolled everyone to me
can't tell if military or bearfag
if bearfag kek
bears still suck