anyone have any rare Hitlers?
Third Reich pics
Bu mp
What was he playing pol
Have a cheeky Goebbels for making me laugh
He looks a bit like Prince Charles.
I wonder what game he was playing. That's awesome! I didn't know they had game consoles back then
not of Hitler but about Hitler
>that flag
>who has it today?
Here's back when he was in high school.
Everyone loved him.
true mastermind behind the third reich?
sleep tight hitler
rock concert
OH OH OH I've been there.
Marine-Ehrenmal in Laboe.
Taking those poorly secured steps up made me dizzy af, kek. One wrong step and you literally fall down 100 metres.
The submarines doing submarine stuff right next to that in the ocean were pretty neat, too.
Post rares you faggots.
This is a good thread.
Going to add Hitler being nice to kids.
Aryan ladies
Best day ever!
Nice, the only WWII location of significance I've been to is Pearl Harbor
My Reich Madel folder is the biggest I've got, hell, biggest on Sup Forums.
But this is Hitler thread.
what are they doing?
Was that his security rushing from the left as the woman/child approach Hitler?
look at these oppressed citizens
Photographers, maybe one or two security.
I suppose they didn't suspect a mother and child.
Unlike today.
Hitler was amazing.
You got any other cool gifs? Need some cool reactionary ones. I lack those.
One of my personal favorites.
I imagine she's saying something well known as if it's a new discovery, like kids do, and he is just enjoying the spirit and imagination of the German Children that he is protecting and fought for.
man of the people?
Of course, some may not involve Hitler.
A worker for the people, everyone needs to pitch in if we're to succeed
let's see a filibuster happen here
goddamn, thats the best res pic i've ever seen
Best thing is there was a WW2 submarine right next to it which you can go into.
Felt like i was in the movie "Das Boot". Not good if your claustrophobic.
i got a couple, im pretty busy atm though so just have this
i do that exact same thing with my pinky finger and people laugh at me all the time
White Privilege
>You're literally Hitler.