20% of white men are virgins


Every study on earth says white men are the best looking. Yet 20% of us are virgins. The majority of us only fuck 5 or less women. We get cheated on more than any other race as well.

If we are the best looking why are these things true?

Im virgin i have never even kissed a girl im 23. Any other guys in my boat?

Because we have morals

how much of the cheating is encouraged or watched for personal enjoyment

So studies also show that BBC men are ulgy. Yet they get the most pussy. 46% have fucked 15 women. The majority have had sex with a woman outside their race. They are also the most likely to have a side chick and only 6% of them are virgins.

What does virginity have todo with morals. Im willing to bet most those men would die to even see a pussy. Myself included.

I have no problem with having mutiple women. I would if I could even get one girl. But im white and have a small cock so its really hard.

NIGGA getting pussy is easy as fuck bruh

Why the fuck YOU whitebois always saying you cant get shit.

Nigga i got top from a girl in the bathroom of a club last week. The little slut swallowed my jizz too.

Tell me why the bitch said we couldn't fuck because she had a bf lol

White girls bruh


Code word for i cant get laid lol

Nigga i lost my v card at 14

Nigga the bitch was shocked i had never had sex yet. The bitch was like let me take your v card was like ight ho

I whipped out my cock and she licked it and looked at me like a pornstar we fucked like crazy for 15 min

The bitch even let me fuck ger in the azzzzzz

Nasty white thots bruh