/left/ General

Greetings Comrades

This thread is for the discussion of any and all left-wing political ideology, including, but not limited to, Marxism/Socialism/Communism/etc.

>Socialism is an economic and social system defined by social ownership of the means of production. (Workers democratically own and operate the places in which they work, as opposed to private power aka capitalism)

>The means of production are non-human inputs the create economic value, such as factories, workplaces, industrial machinery, etc. Socialists refer to the means of production as capital, or private property. Private property in the socialist context shouldn't be confused with personal property, such as your home, car, computer, and other possessions.

>In a capitalist society the means of production are owned and controlled privately, by those that can afford them (the capitalist aka those with capital). Production is carried out to benefit the capitalist (production for profit). Workers are paid a wage, and receive that amount regardless of how much value they produce.

>Communism is the highest developed stage of socialism wherein there is no state, no money, no class system. The means of production are owned by all and provide for everyone's needs.


3 minute intro to Marxism: youtube.com/watch?v=Vz3eOb6Yl1s)

Introduction to Marxism by Professor Richard D. Wolff: youtube.com/watch?v=T9Whccunka4

Selections of Left-wing Literature:







Other urls found in this thread:


Nah fuck off cunt.

go back to redd1t leaf

Funny, this is LITERALLY what happens in every /left/ or /mlg/ general. Stormweenies fail to face reality and get BTFO by facts

You're the same




Marxism and Communism are complete fucking garbage failed systems and ideologies and have left ruins in their wake.

Socialism is practically leading the charge for modern day degeneracy.

Who would be proud to associate themselves with this shit?

this. bring us some actual arguments or fuck off stormfags




>wanting to deal with tankie liberal LARPers
wew lad
Get your anarcho-ass over here

You are in the wrong place cuck. You wont make a dent here by spamming the same shit like an autist


>worse than Nazis at abusing human rights and genocides
>hurrdurr 1850's economic model that has failed in every single implementation


Faggot commies never learn. Fuck you, OP.


Go drink some bleach


Remember to ask a question to the No.1 Marxist on Youtube.


If you do state capitalism it isn't communism

>DSG: Dick Sucking General

Sup Forums will always be a Far-Right board. Kill yourself, communist cuck.

>socialism has never truly been tried
>my perfect infallible imaginary version of it has never happened and every time I try it devolves into something else and fails miserably


Fuck off commie scum.
You dont want to play this game.
payback is a bitch.

Marx was a faggot whose been proven wrong 100 million times over by dead bodies.

I find it strange that only americans and canadians shill for this shit.

Reminder to Report for being a poltically correct topic

Get out of my country faggot. $50 says you're a manlet that lives in Toronto. You people are a joke.

only beta males follow this shit.

4 U


The man Yuri explains it.

Do you consider Identitarian politics as helpful to the cause?

I see anti racists going off about how irredeemable the poor whites in the middle of my country are when we all know that the same capitalist oppressing them are the ones keeping blacks down in the cities

Why do you stand in the wrong side of the history?

>dat gif

How many times do we have to say it until you stormweenies realize the truth?
If I want to have a communist state
It turns into state capitalist state instead
Therefore it was not a comunist state

Yes yes utopian world best world, Castro #1

So, where are all these facts you mention?
Surely you have some statistics?

> In a capitalist society ... workers are paid a wage, and receive that amount regardless of how much value they produce.

Maybe in theory but not in practice. In practice, in an effective company workers who provide more value than others will be awarded more responsibility and pay (promoted). Capitalism incentivizes merit-based pay.


post facts and move your discussion or shut up, have a bump

Fuck off bolshevik scum

>wherein there is no state
Then how do you regulate production, trade, and defense? How do you form social policy or make laws?
>no money
Then how do you incentivize production beyond the necessities?
>no class system
Without a state, how do you stop class systems from forming? What's to stop people from voluntarily starting small, local governments that gradually grow into one modern, recognizable state comparable to the ones we have today?

>Hey (historical figure) whatcha doing?


Arguing in circles with you commie faggots is so fruitless. I hope you have your skin removed while you still breath desu


Nope, IDpol exists to divide and alienate the working class from each other.

>post facts
>implying you have the capability of understanding them, given your stormweenieness

Reminder to sage and hide all faggot shill threads. Don't let them slide.

that doesnt mean anyone should pay more for a burger, and that doesnt mean people should be allowed to charge more for a burger. in that scenario, a burger "should" cost less than 5 or 3 dollars. just because someone is willing to pay up to 5 dollars for a burger doesnt mean they would if they did not cost that much.

the only thing that changes the above is scarcity, not increased interest like youre implying. so youre thinking of scarcity, which is what makes setting prices in communism difficult in the first place. this is the -actual- real reason communism is idealistic, because its very hard when scarcity is a thing. and this also isnt to say that varying interests among the populous doesnt make it more complicated; it does. but its not the main problem. if nothing was scarce, interest would not be a problem. and technology will see to it that things become less and less scarce, to the point where a new economy wouldnt just make sense, it will practically be necessary, lest you insist on paying ceos assloads of cash just for owning robots and software.

and im not arguing for or against any ideology, just pointing out flaws in your understanding. that pic would be silly to you, if you actually understood. hopefully i have helped.

rolling to decide new topic for the thread.

Is this the new /NatSoc/ general?

So you've successfully shielded your ideology from all the failures in history that encompass the attempts to implement them? Good to know you are a complete moron with zero self awareness, congrats

Your the main reason why our country isn't great


Arguing in circles with you nazi faggots is so fruitless. I hope you have your skin removed while you still breath desu


fuck off! Debate me!

well you got half of it correct

pic related
IDpol is cancer

>communism doesnt work? EXPLAIN THIS THEN!

Literally no one cares about your commie bullshit you shill reddit leaf. Fuck off.

Join me in my helo

>lets win over people
>by insulting them

Haze yourself

Get out with your pleb political views

not to mention Capital clearly addresses the difference between economic and subjective value in first section

is this guy a good read on the subject?

I'm very interested in progressive and IDpolitics any recommendations?

Please leaf

Are you literally retarded? That means implementing communism isn't feasible and therefore isn't a valid ideology. It's like advocating fixing a problem with magic but when your solution turns to shit and doesn't work you just deflect with "well they weren't using real magic."

And I'm not /stormfront/ you stupid faggot I'm just not utterly delusional like you are


wow, you hypocrite, now show me again how you guys make wonderful arguments and bring facts to discussions not ad hominems?


I bet you're below 6 feet tall, making you a manlet. And the only communists in Canada are all in Toronto and they pretty much do nothing but rant about how evil capitalism is on their macbooks. Fuck off faggot and never make one of these degenerate threads again.

You don't have a valid metric for why the burger should cost less other than it feels right.

Pinochet appreciation thread has commenced

Communists don't deal with facts, you lazy cunts deal w/ idealized fantasies. You are no better than weebs, except you kill more people. Fuck off to leftypol cunt.

>muh communism has never really worked

Yet Sup Forums continues to support ultranationalism, fascism, and white supremacy, which, guess what, has also never worked.


sage goes in all fields

thanks man if you have anything else related to ID politics please share

It's not strange at all. We've been fortunate to avoid having to live under this cancer. But sadly, most of the bread and circus morons are ignorant as to what has been going on in the rest of the world.

But yet you still do it?
Who is the real faggot?

Meant for

for a light, fun start check out "A Pervert's guide to Ideology"...Zizek is a great cultural critic, satirist, and psychoanalyst...he's criticized for just criticizing and not providing a solution

There are so many different ways to look at it, but public ownership of the MOP and abolition of social class are the core ideas.

check out the pastebin for more stuff

However, he isn't wrong. Yes, an idiot for believing in magic (a capitalist invention btw), but the statement that they weren't using real magic stands true.
For example, if I say use this stick to catch fish, and you use a net instead, I am perfectly correct in saying that you didn't use the stick

What's up /left/

Where's the fault in my reasoning here, comrade?





lel i sage u



Nazism didnt work?

If every fucking instance of attempting to use a stick ends up in using some "corrupted form of using a net" that results in the death of millions why the fuck would you keep attempting to use a stick?

>Sup Forums

Going to have to choose one, Sparky.

kill yourself, commie faggot



>leftypol raid
Communist faggots can't own up to the fact that they have killed more than any other ideology and that it's a failure everywhere.
>inb4 REAL communism has never been tried.

Loving all of these laughs