why are jews pushing greek yogurt so much?
What do they gain from this?
why are jews pushing greek yogurt so much?
What do they gain from this?
But those are only repeating once
they make it on their shitty kibbutzim
A skinny no muscles over 17% body fat faggot like you wouldn't understand. Go on over to /fit/ and you'll learn that yogurt is holy water to anyone that actually lifts.
I love greek yogurt but I make it myself, 1/2 gal every two (2) weeks using pro-biotics I purchased from a Co. in Canada.
Greek yogurt is actually pretty healthy for you.
If anything it's not talked about enough. Most people just eat garbage sugary yogurts. Even activia really isn't the greatest unless you absolutely need probiotics, but it is mostly sugar.
nothing, its just the free market running its course.
>one company makes money from Greek yogurt
>every rival notices
>every company now makes a greek yogurt.
The real scams going are Vegans, Vegetarians, and the biggest scam of all...."gluten free"
Recipe pls.
Because everyone went from thinking milk was healthy to thinking it's unhealthy now and they need something to do with the enormous milk supply in the united states because there is only so much capacity to make cheese.
Also it is good for you.
It's a desperate gambit to keep Aussie quark off US shelves.
Their globalist free trade empire is crumbling around them as we speak.
Make yogurt. Hang in bag of cheesecloth in a cool dry place for 24 hours.
I hate sweet yaourt. But I need massive probiotics affordably.
>"""greek""" yoghurt
t*rks are gross
>the jews are now in charge of food marketing fads
Sup Forums, it's getting a little silly at this point.
>implying the Jews aren't in charge of marketing
(((Donald Rumsfeld))) not only executed war crimes in the ME, he also comes from a certain Nazi company known as IG Farben, then called Searle, which produced aspertame, and later rebranded as Monsanto.
Oh yes, it is the Jews. It's the Jews. You just can't handle the truth.
They gain money, but seriously the plain yogurt can cure some issues if you get the kind with several cultures. Your body needs those "good" bacteria to function properly.
>twig legs
>adding an unnecessary h into the word yogurt
good goy
Greek yogurt is strained of most of the whey, which they can dehydrate to protein powder and sell for 9000% profits.
But that's wrong. Greek yogurt has more protein and less fat (as well as little to no lactose if memory serves) when compared to regular yogurt.
t someone who eats yogurt and actually reads nutritional information on foods he buys
Not sure why he would spell it that way anyway since yoğurt is a Turkish word.
I used to stock Greek yogurt. Women really like that stuff
belongs on >>>fit/
>but I added the keyword jews