What is the most credible news source you go to?
I watch fox from time to time and even though i agree with them a lot, i can see the bias.
How is Reuters or RT?
What is the most credible news source you go to?
I watch fox from time to time and even though i agree with them a lot, i can see the bias.
How is Reuters or RT?
Sup Forums
Real Clear Politics is a good hub to find news.
Wall Street Journal is probably the best single new source.
Morning Joe is probably the only good source TV wise.
I go in that a lot
>illiterate jiggaboo talking about racism
gee,this is new and exiciting.can that nigger read? somebody should put a map in front of him and point where africa is and say that you arent an american and thats your fucking country
but on the subject of news,nowhere.its all liberal biased horse shit and depressing anyway,you never hear anything positive in the news anymore
Reuters is good.
RT is okay when its not about Russia.
This. I started coming here for news simply because the MSM wasn't telling me shit.
Regardless of whatever bias Sup Forums might have put on it, it still told me more than if I never came here.
Drudge, fox and infowars
Ive always noticed that RT isn't afraid to show the aftermath when bad shit happens (plane shot down, paris attacks)
>Morning Joe is probably the only good source TV wise.
Anything MSNBC
Only good network station is One America news. Just good old fashioned information without bias commentators.
Meh Reuters has become more and more cucked.
If you share stories the story headlines will appear different on facebook if they dont make support the Leftist, particularly the disasters in Syria and Iraq
I do the same.
I've seen a LOT of bias in fox, but they at least gave airtime to Clinton-damning news, but they are owned by a Shit-Skin.
InfoWars gets crazy sometimes. Alex Jones tends to speculate a lot.
But you can say the same thing about European Americans.
Think before you post guy. Also can you.even into, grammer
There's bias in all of the media, fox news at least is open and obvious about their POV while CNN tries to claim they're unbiased and in the middle, I used to watch them everyday before this election. I will never watch CNN again. I'm so disappointed I watched them since the 90s. Also I can't stand hearing the liberal biases anymore, they're so god awful annoying and whiny. With infowars I take more of it with a grain of salt since a lot of it is hyped up stuff I just enjoy hearing Alex talk about things.
Business news (WSJ, MarketWatch, Bloomberg business, etc)
>in b4 ((Bloomberg))
Their business news is worth paying attention to.
trying too hard, pick your battles
Stupid drumpfkins
>fpbp yourself
how embarrassing and sad
You gotta have a real low iq there.
None of them are completely credible. At best you can look at many, and decide for yourself. I like pbs, bbc, rt, pol, and al jazeera.
Honestly... Sup Forums is the most credible news source...
Anons start threading happenings in their neighborhood hours before CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc
i autistically read multiple news sources on every story if you know what to disregard any respectable news outlet can be a good starting point i like the independant not that i agree with it but it gives me a variety of stories to spend a day researching
>Real Clear Politics is a good hub to find news.
>Wall Street Journal is probably the best single new source.
>Morning Joe is probably the only good source TV wise.
You are fucking CANCER, I know its a joke. But still
>What is the most credible news source you go to?
Al Jazeera
>Fake news
Pick one. CNN is the only answer.
Kill yourself.
shut it down.
Sup Forums and infowars.
Drudge for a general idea of what is going on, but he sometimes links to the dumbest of shit.
Came here to say this
Sup Forums is a good source even if you have to sort through all the shit. The salty liberal shills here who try so hard to blow the fuck out of Sup Forums are actually useful tools that help us see the world from other points of view.