I might be moving to Newark New Jersey for a job

I might be moving to Newark New Jersey for a job.

How fucked am I?

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see you there my fellow nigger going to NJIT next semester

You're fucked if you don't post more of this semen demon

be ready to get pussy

Utterly fucked. Even the nice areas of new jersey are filled to the brim with stem pooniggers and jews.

make sure to pack an extra wallet so you are prepared to pay jizya on demand


Is 33 murders per 100,000 people a year a lot?

have fun

Kek, you're going to get blacked.

Have fun fucking chicks with drawn on eyebrows and way too much makeup who never shut up. You'll need several spare pillowcases handy.

Just had a coworker get murdered there

No money is worth it


They don't call it dirty jersey for nothing.

Fuck she got too old now.

Your digits do confirm, that NJ is a big fat mess
Barely 50% White now

t. Jerseyfag

Newark is a bad city. If you even try to walk around after dark, even just to the store, at all you will be hassled at the bare minimum or much worse.


What color are you

As somebody from Newark,

stay away. Stay far from away. That's why I moved to Canada, where the niggers are now asians and pakis.

Are you retarded?

muh dik

She could pass for like 23 now. How old is she? Like 15?

There was a time a few years ago where it seemed like Newark was having a murder a day. It was almost Chicongo-tier

I recently flew into Newark for a layover.
>look out window to see beautiful New York skyline
>suddenly miles and miles of shipping containers

Why do you say that?
Viable to rent outside? I am from New England and know nothing about the area.
Ghetto/trashy girls?
I actually think she has gotten more attractive with age.
I would be getting paid around 70k so no. I am doing it for money and experience.

she is 15 turning 16 in march but she is aging horribly now

Newark is a nigger containment area

you do not want to live there

>I'm white
May God have mercy on your soul

>Viable to rent outside?
no lmao. Enjoy living in the fucking ghetto.

Chloe best girl

HAHAHAHH Your'e so fucked


RIP user

Get a place in South Orange.

no job is worth your life


>Utterly fucked. Even the nice areas of new jersey are filled to the brim with stem pooniggers and jews.

total bullshit. it has some of the richest, whitest areas in the entire country

Irvington and Camden too

I agree, She was best girl back in like 2012 but there was a moment where she like hit a wall. Chloe keeps getting prettier as she ages though.

I bet you think jews are white.

You are a low test beta faggot
You are telling me there is nowhere safe to rent outside of Newark which is not a shithole or overpriced? Where I could just commute.

That is false.

You talking about Rumson or Alpine? Do you even live here or did you just read about it in the jewspaper? Damn near every decent middle class town in this state is full of niggers or asians.

make sure you move to camden

you're going to fail math and chem, gg no re

>You are a low test beta faggot
says the faggot who is moving to Newark, NJ

>Where I could just commute.
Elizabeth? Rutherford? Take your pick.

Newark sucks, don't go

fucking paedo faggots

I've been there before for IT going back for Biology I hope I don't get NYggered with heavy accent profesors

My dad goes to work in Newark, we live 30 min away from it though. Idk about living there

Why move to Newark? You are moving to the literal town of wall-to-wall niggers. There are low-crime suburbs all around Newark. Why move right into the belly of the beast?

stay out of north jersey unless you want to get robbed and or stabbed by a bix nood. go to like morristown its full of quakers and shit

That's where I started doing heroin.

You could live in NYC and commute to Newark.

>attracted to 15-16 sexually prime girls

Everywhere in NJ is overpriced and most of the area around Newark is an absolute nigger-filled wasteland. I'm not even sure where to tell you to move. Most of the cities and towns that have a train station have been enriched.


you could rent in bloomfield which is sorta nicer and right next to newark

Just nuke us already

You're gay

Ignore the autists saying there are no good neighborhoods/towns around Newark
Just stay as far away from the river as possible unless you like the smell of sewage

Morristown has fucking niggers, too.

It depends on the neighborhood, I guess. African, legal immigrant here. I loved NJ. It's my first state and I wanted to stay there forever. I'm far away from it now.

When I used to intercept secure conference call access codes for profit I would commonly intercept Newark blacks talking about how hardcore cocked up and violent Paterson was...so there is that on the positive side for OP. South Orange is nice and you can train right into Newark.

You're why NJ sucks. Stay far, far, far away, nigger. Don't ever come back.

Are you going to be working for a business that provides dead nigger storage?

If not, you're fucked.

Sussex county is cheap as fuck, but you gotta deal with the fact its fucking empty

Ignore this slant telling you that South Orange is nice. It isn't.

Hunterdon county here
NO niggers at all

All white and Republican

Hebephile, FTFY.

the math department is the worst because all the teachers are pushing 40 at youngest and chemistry has this HUGE curve because everyone gets a 40 in it.

luckily didn't have to take chem cuz Construction ET so look out but that's what i hear from everyone i know that took it

Pick a nicer part of Jersey City or Hoboken if you can afford it and take the Path to Newark

much better social scenes in those towns, Hoboken is for gay jock sportsfags and jersey city is more normal

973 NJ user.


Don't listen to anyone who says there are good parts of Newark. What was once New Jersey's equivalent of New York City, where people went to shop and have christmas pictures taken, and had the cleanest water in the world, is full of niggers and illegals. It is entirely dysfunctional. If you drive around Tuesday morning at 10 am, the sidewalks are full of people just standing about because no one works. If you're willing to drive, live in the surrounding area of Montclair. Even Bloomfield if you live on the Glen Ridge side. Not far, much safer/nicer/whiter. Be safe

Numbers confirm
But the state, in general, sucks
It's literally a mini-California (50% non-White, expensive, and One-Party rules it)

Hoboken was destroyed by hipsters
It'd be a miracle if he found a closet for less than $2k/mo

North west is fine, closer to NYC and farther from Pennsylvania is bad

i'm from bloomfield but if you really dont want to be around immigrants live near broad street in Bloomfield

The people standing around is one of my more vivid Newark moments. Just a massive sea of niggers bunched up in front of fucking Modell's. Remember Modell's? I don't even know if that kike operation is still in business. I also remember having some random niglets hurl bottles at me while I was getting into the subway.

South Orange is decent. You are confused.

have lived in new jersey my entire life

my city had about 15,000 people when i was a kid. i knew of two jewish families and three black families. obviously there would be more that i wasn't aware of but even so, that is fucking nothing

huge parts of new jersey are nothing but farmland with hidden mansions. totally white areas

just use your common sense. you think a state wouldn't have areas that are extremely white and wealthy? also, remember that the jewish and black populations just are not that high in general

No to both of those. They are traffic and inclement weather nightmares.

Move to around where I live; Morristown or Montclair. The towns are absolutely amazing, just buy an apartment. Tons of commuters live here too so you wouldn't be alone in that respect.

>i knew of two jewish families
You obviously haven't been to Ocean or Monmouth counties in the last 25 years.

NJ is done.

These towns are also mostly white (except Monclair, but there's a "bad side of the tracks" so you know where you are). Seriously if you want a good quality of life this area is for you.

Stay strong Toms River!

I used to buy drugs in Newark. That's about all there is to do down there other than getting robbed or shot. Don't live in Newark, just work there. It's an awful, awful city.

No it's not. Some areas are becoming extremely wealthy because of every rich NYC hotshot commuting from here. My family bought our house for around 200k around 20 years ago and sold it for just short of a million, and yes that's adjusted with inflation

the only good thing about new jersey is the slutty women

Projects near pool?

Clearly somebody has only been to the coast

I'm in Jackson. Same shit, though. Feels like I'm living in the West Bank. I completely understand why the ragheads bomb these kikes at every opportunity.

Every viable part of the state is being turned into a concrete extension of Jew York, with all the shitskin immigrants that come along with that.

I lived in Burning Hollow and Rio Vista. NJ = shot. Crumbling apart and overrun with illegals and runaway taxes and Marxist education faggotry.

>You obviously haven't been to Ocean or Monmouth counties in the last 25 years.

i have been. that's not where i grew up so it's not what i was talking about. follow the conversation, people are trying to claim that every single part of new jersey is like that so i simply pointed out that i know that to be wrong

this weird brazilian guy i knew invited me to come to a party in tom's river because "there's a ton of easy young pussy who party there" so i guess i take your poin

That's just not true at all. The only places with blacks are the parts hat have been primarily black since the race riots and white flight. I can only speak for northern NJ but it is absolutely not getting worse. Where are you even from?

hipsters can no longer afford to live in hoboken, they rent small rooms in bushwick now, but yeah you're right about the price

if you are worried about traffic and inclement weather then don't move to new jersey you fucking idiot, that's literally all we do

Stay in West Orange you'll be fine

What do you know about Newark, Taiwan? I don't anything about a pool, but I used to go to Bradley Court and Baxter Terrace sometimes. I didn't go to the projects often though

Avoid nigger parts like the black plague because its the same, hispanics ar ok thy wont do sht to u unless provoke n can be reason(source:hispanic)

However stay away from nigger parts, ive seen literally niggers robing cars in front of police without them noticing there in front of police, avoid niggers thy cant be reasoned with

I sold out a long time ago. Own a place in KY (love it) and NH (love it).

>people are trying to claim that every single part of new jersey is like that
The state is small enough that it may as well be every part of the state.

Suck my long cock. This ain't your land, you fucking deluded moron.

You been to Middlesex or Somerset counties lately, you dumb faggot?

motherfuckers get robbed all the time at the rutgers newark campus.
some kid got shot outside a frat house on MLK boulevard last semester.

fucking niggers - scum of the earth