Are we alt-righters still boycotting this? I'm going to the grocery soon and have to make a decision

Are we alt-righters still boycotting this? I'm going to the grocery soon and have to make a decision.

>drinking soda

Decide for yourself fag

It's garbage anyway

buy Lemonade

>drinking the sugary jew

The pepsi boycott is retarded, the CEO expressed a bit of butthurt on election night, breitbart or some shit wrote an article saying that effectively they were telling trump supporters to stop buying their products, even though she never said that, then the next day she put out a memo saying she looks forward to having trump as president or some shit.

You should drink bleach

>giving up mountain dew ever

yeaaaaaah right


drink water.. from a spring if you can

>trying to impress an anonymous forum

This isn't your fucking cool kids club, dummy.